Tools for opening medication packets?

Nurses Stress 101


Hello, all! I'm new to forum, and very excited to be part of it! I've come across this forum many times (usually googling things), but never thought to join until today. I have a very specific question for you all: Do any of you use any specific tools/items to open medication packets? My mother and I are both nurses, so we have a lot in common, and talk frequently about or jobs :) Recently she's been mentioning that she has been getting quite a lot of hand/wrist pain, mainly when opening medication packages. Both of our facilities dispense medications in individual plastic baggies which must be torn open to release the tablet. Years ago I worked with a nurse who had arthritis who showed me a scissor-thing that she used to open these packets: square, flat, with a small V-shaped blade to open the packets, no moving parts: Think open scissors to cut wrapping paper.

For the life of me I cannot remember this woman's name, so I can't contact her to figure out what this thing was.

Scissors are an okay option, but they're bulky, and dangerous to leave lying around on a med cart for patients to steal. Any ideas out there? I'm very open to suggestions. I'd like to give her something to help with the pain she's been having.

I realize that the pain is a symptom of something larger that should be addressed, but in the meantime I'd like her to be comfortable (or as comfortable as one can be at work).

Thanks in advance! Again, I'm very happy to be a part of this forum. I was (unpleasantly) surprised by the number of threads regarding compassion fatigue and stress. I've been feeling very worn out these days (newish job; adjusting to FT 12 hr shifts, and the switches from day-night constantly), and it's just really nice to not feel so alone :) Doesn't immediately fix the problem, but I'll take what I can get!

Specializes in pediatrics; PICU; NICU.
We use bubble packs for our meds.

I pulverize those horrible things with a sledgehammer, then run them over with my truck, back and forth 4 at least times. I then go to the omnicell and waste it with the note "contaminated".

I then curse at the machine, screaming, "EFF YOU AND THE BULL ESS HORSE YOU RODE IN ON. AND YOUR LITTLE EFFIN DOG, TOO. How DARE you think you can punk me like that?! I OWN YOU, B!!!!!!" (Obviously, I use the profanity.)

And then I quietly pull another bubble pack and start over again.

And we all live happily ever after. But with the fear of my wrath.

Feel my hate, b's.

You get to bring your truck in your workplace?!

Specializes in critical care.
You get to bring your truck in your workplace?!

No, for this I take the back stairs that lead to the ED, which is the closest way to a door going outside. As I make my lengthy journey, I hurl a long stream of profanity toward no one specific, and stomp my feet like I'm Sasquatch. (For future reference, this is an effective method for clearing a path.) When I reach the outside, I kick cars and trucks in fury. When the police arrive, I tell them, "if you can open this effing piece of ess, I will calmly allow you to cuff me and take me to the drunk tank. Otherwise, out of my way, a hole." It usually works out well.

Specializes in Allergy/ENT, Occ Health, LTC/Skilled.

I am in LTC (each patient gets 20 meds I swear) and every single med is in a blister pack. By the third resident, my fingers are sore. I use my pen. I make sure the med is to the side of it then poke a hole in it.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

I just use scissors. I'm in ICU, so I can lock them in the top drawer of the nurse server in each room, but I used to carry them around with me.

I use bandage scissors and keep them in my pocket. Too many sticky fingers in a hospital.

A small letter opener would work. You can also use a multi-tool, which you can get at the local hardware, big-box store, or WalMart.

An Exacto knife works wonders, but you need a cutting surface, like a small cutting board or rubber mat. That can get dangerous, though, now that I think about it. Never mind.

Usually I keep hand sanitizer and a nail file on me. I keep my thumb nail sharp and use it to slit the packages. I sanitize before and after opening meds.

My teeth.

I thought I was the only one that did this. It is good to educate fellow Nurses that while very helpful as toe nail clippers, teeth offer a variety of options. They are better than a Swiss Army knife ;)

(Now I too will clarify that I am teasing for fear that someone will actually take that seriously)

Specializes in Aged care, disability, community.

I used to use a thing called a pillbob when I was handing out meds. I used to wipe it over between each person with an alcowipe.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Pill bob for blister packs:


Snipit for single pill package opening or Trauma sccissors



I had no idea what a milk bag was so I had to google it. I'm from the US and have only been to Canada as a tourist and never saw them. Interesting!

Specializes in critical care.
NRSKarenRN said:

Pill bob for blister packs:

Snipit for single pill package opening or Trauma sccissors

OMG where can I get this beautiful bob?!

Specializes in Cardio-Pulmonary; Med-Surg; Private Duty.
OMG where can I get this beautiful bob?!

It appears to be available in Canada, Australia, and Europe.

No love for the USA with this adorable little contraption!

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