took LPN Nclex today


Specializes in,med surg,longtermcare.

I took my Nclex early this morning and I feel awful. It was very hard for me. I kept begging the computer for dosage questions or even IV drip rate questions. Could anyone respond and let me know how it went for them. Maybe I'm just an idiot but, I am very discouraged after the way things went. :bluecry1:

I took mine today too and I feel exactly the same way. The only thing we can do now is wait. What kind of questions did you have-sata, pharm? I had a lot of pharm that I did not have a clue about and a lot of sata and priority. The hard part is behind us--so just try to relax and wait for the results. GOODLUCK!!! My thoughts about the test are the same too. Mine shut off at 85 questions-so, 50/50 chance of passing! Keep us posted!!!

Specializes in cardiology.

I took my nclex pn on fri the 29th. I felt awful about mine also. My computer cut off at 85 questions and I honestly can't think of one question that I got right. My state has fast results so I found out on sunday that I passed. I'm sure both of you did well. Try to find something to occupy your time until you find out. Best Wishes.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Everyone feels as if they did bad on this exam or at least most feel like this. Hang in there and good luck

Specializes in,med surg,longtermcare.
I took mine today too and I feel exactly the same way. The only thing we can do now is wait. What kind of questions did you have-sata, pharm? I had a lot of pharm that I did not have a clue about and a lot of sata and priority. The hard part is behind us--so just try to relax and wait for the results. GOODLUCK!!! My thoughts about the test are the same too. Mine shut off at 85 questions-so, 50/50 chance of passing! Keep us posted!!!

My computer cut off at 85. I was praying for dosage questions and I only got one out of 85. I had a lot of pharmacology and check all that apply. I estimated about 15 check all that apply :( I hate those. Good luck to you and thanks for replying to my post.

I took my Nclex early this morning and I feel awful. It was very hard for me. I kept begging the computer for dosage questions or even IV drip rate questions. Could anyone respond and let me know how it went for them. Maybe I'm just an idiot but, I am very discouraged after the way things went. :bluecry1:

Don't be discouraged keep the faith. Best of luck

Specializes in,med surg,longtermcare.

Great News !!!!!!!!! I just found out 21 minutes ago I passed my nclex exam and I am officially a nurse. I am so excited. Thanks everyone for the encouraging and optimistic words. It is so easy to get down in the dumps when you feel like an idiot and you take that huge test that your whole life seems to be revolving around.

zoomnurse,LPN :loveya:

Great News !!!!!!!!! I just found out 21 minutes ago I passed my nclex exam and I am officially a nurse. I am so excited. Thanks everyone for the encouraging and optimistic words. It is so easy to get down in the dumps when you feel like an idiot and you take that huge test that your whole life seems to be revolving around.

zoomnurse,LPN :loveya:


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
Great News !!!!!!!!! I just found out 21 minutes ago I passed my nclex exam and I am officially a nurse. I am so excited. Thanks everyone for the encouraging and optimistic words. It is so easy to get down in the dumps when you feel like an idiot and you take that huge test that your whole life seems to be revolving around.

zoomnurse,LPN :loveya:

Congrats, now a name change :)

Great News !!!!!!!!! I just found out 21 minutes ago I passed my nclex exam and I am officially a nurse. I am so excited. Thanks everyone for the encouraging and optimistic words. It is so easy to get down in the dumps when you feel like an idiot and you take that huge test that your whole life seems to be revolving around.

zoomnurse,LPN :loveya:


Specializes in,med surg,longtermcare.

Congratulations to you also! This is the best feeling in the world, a feeling of true accomplishment. I wish you well in your career as a nurse. Woo Hoo ! Go US !

OMG! I just took my LPN NCLEX this morning.

I know I did horrible. Didn't have a clue for the most part, seemed like there could have been more than 1 answer that is right.

I almost started crying when I left.

It shut off at 85 for me as well, but I think it's because I keep getting everything wrong. I'll find out for sure on Friday.

Anyone else feel like that and passed?

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