
Okay if you just took the nclex and are freaking out, about to puke your guts up, can't eat, sleep, think, going to the bathroom a lot more often, maybe telling yourself you are an idiot and you can't believe you just blew it?! Well that was me 48 hours ago all the way up until 1:30 yesterday. We have quick result here in Ohio and I finished my test at 11:30 on the 8th and my "licensed" results were posted to the board around 1:30 on the 9th. I SERIOUSLY thought I blew it and I am normally an optimist. I wanted to quit the test or start guessing or yell at somebody b/c I thought it was ridiculous. I had like three med questions of drugs I had NEVER heard of. Then total I think I had like 10 new format questions. Three fill in the blank and 7 check all that apply which were harder than heck. Then my math problems were confusing and I figured they would be easy! Every question seemed to have 2 right answer and it was like a 50/50 evertyime! It was pure torcher. I was pretty sure I got maybe 10 right for sure. When the computer shut off at 82 questions I thought yup that's it, it thinks I'm really stupid and there goes my dreams :scrying: I couldn't even look at the administrators when I was leaving, I was shaking so bad I couldn't put the key in the locker, dropped my purse, and held my breath while trying not to cry all the way out to the parking lot. I could see my heart pounding through my shirt. MAJOR anxiety. When I got onto the main highway I put my sunglasses on and allowed the tears to flow and flow and flow! Then I felt relieved but sick at my stomach just b/c I KNEW I flunked. I seriously don't know how I passed. They say the minimum number of ?'s you get the better off you are. Well yea as long as you got the harder ones right or at least quite a few of them. Then I figured I just got them wrong so it shut off so soon. Turns out I must have done pretty okay b/c it took me about 2 hours and I had 82 questions. So I guess the # of ?'s does determine in a sense pass or fail b/c the computer can make its mind up on your few answered b/c you are doing well or you are "iffy" so it keeps going. Either way it works with you which is a good thing. So if you get a lot of ?'s don't freak out it's probably just waiting for you to get to a passing poing b/c it wants you to be a nurse :wink2: So if you are getting ready or just took the nclex, calm down, breathe, do something nice for yourself. If you made it through nursing school and have the desire to be a nurse then you will be fine. If by chance you are too, too nervous (I was) or maybe just not a good test taker, give it another shot if you truly want to be a nurse DONT give up and you will be there. So good luck to all of you and be sure to be the best nurse that you can be and don't take your license for granted :wink2: Bye

Specializes in Med/Surg, Tele, Peds, LDRP.

hey we have the same name! when I first saw the post I was like....I didnt write that! lol....

oh well Ill soon be in that hot seat bc I just graduated last week and will take boards hopefully in about a month (takes 3 or more weeks to get a seating pass)

so did you pas or fail

Did anyone forget to put leading zeros on the calculations? I did!!!

Specializes in pediatrics.

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I really needed to read something positive. I took the nclex 9/21 and I still do not know if I passed or failed. I guess that is the beauty of being in Cali. I am afraid that I did not do so hot but, I do have Faith. Once again I say Thanks for the words of encouragement:rolleyes:

How on earth did you get 82 questions? Minimum is 85...

Congrats anyhoo.

I sure as heck hope I get mine back that quick. Please Please Please!!!

Specializes in pediatrics.
:crying2: I did not pass the nclex and I am really hurting right now. On top of having to study even harder this time I have to pay $275 dollars for re-examinaation and testing. I just don't know what to do. I studied just about everyday for at least an hour and a half. I just don't know guys........... I just know that I really ned to pass this exam. Any study suggestions or tips that may have helped someone else I am willing to try:o
:crying2: I did not pass the nclex and I am really hurting right now. On top of having to study even harder this time I have to pay $275 dollars for re-examinaation and testing. I just don't know what to do. I studied just about everyday for at least an hour and a half. I just don't know guys........... I just know that I really ned to pass this exam. Any study suggestions or tips that may have helped someone else I am willing to try:o

I don't know if I have any advice or not, because I am not sure I passed since I just took it today. But I know how I will feel if I fail. I almost think it will be worse to tell my family I failed then it would be to actually fail. Failure is not my cup of tea.

Someone told me to do atleast 100 questions a day and make sure you do 3000-5000 before you test. I think I got in about 3000 questions using all different types of books. I used alot of different CD's so I would get the computer practice. I also gave myself a couple days break before I took the test, so my mind wouldn't be so bogged down. But I was still a freakin wreck going into it this morning.

This is your dream right? If so, it is worth it. Take a few days off and then get back to it. I am so sorry, I wished I was there for you to hug your neck. :crying2:

Specializes in pediatrics.
:crying2: Thank you so much nurseinthemaking. My mom told me to just try again if I failed and that was in general conversation but, now I have to tell her that I actually did fail:crying2:
Specializes in Assisted Living Nurse Manager.
:crying2: Thank you so much nurseinthemaking. My mom told me to just try again if I failed and that was in general conversation but, now I have to tell her that I actually did fail:crying2:

I am so sorry Idyrie, but don't give up. You can do it. Now you know what to expect the next time. I wont give any advice since I am still a nursing student. I graduate next may. But I just wanted to say that you made it through nursing school and that was the tough part. Have faith in yourself and remember "If at first you dont succeed try and try again". Best of luck to you and hold your head high, you will make your dreams come true!

:crying2: Thank you so much nurseinthemaking. My mom told me to just try again if I failed and that was in general conversation but, now I have to tell her that I actually did fail:crying2:

Oh gosh how awful, she will be there for you and she is right, you just have to take it again, there is no doubt about it. It is going to take you some time to get inspired to do that I am sure. Give yourself some time to deal with the shock and let yourself "grieve", your self esteem has just been blown. You know you know this stuff. Do you know of anyone else in your program tha has had problems? How did you do in school?

Our school made us buy a membership to a website called medspub dot com It had a gazillion questions on it.

Also you may want to try to get some nclex study guides off of ebay that is where I got mine and I got them for way cheaper then in a regular book store.

Specializes in Critical care, Hospice.

I took boards on Friday the 7th. I am about to go nuts!!!!!!!!! Waiting is the worst part! I had 77 questions. I assume I did awesome or really bad and I feel I did bad. I felt like the questions were NOTHING I had learned in school. Thanks for the encouragement from all the posts. In TN we have to get results by mail in 4 weeks. There is a number we can call to get them faster and I am calling like 10 times a day. It's crazy! Good luck to all

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