Published May 22, 2016
Raven Sierra, BSN, RN
187 Posts
So, what are some things you'd say to your fellow students, if you could?
I'll start:
(1) Whining that the tests are too hard probably won't get them changed. NCLEX is tough, too.
(2) It's nursing school; it's supposed to be hard.
(3) You scare me.
71 Posts
The reason you don't do well on tests is because you barely study...
1 Article; 942 Posts
I mean, I know they say there is no such thing as stupid questions..... But that was a really effing stupid question. Were you sitting in the same room as I was?
No sorry, if you have been averaging 70's I don't particularly think getting an 85 or 90 on the final is feasible if you don't want to do the work.
Lauraingalls, BSN, RN
169 Posts
It's not always about you.
Do your part of the project so I don't have to!
Yes I have 15 years on you and those life lessons I have learned in those 15 years will help me as a nurse. So please stop looking at me like I don't know what I am talking about.
direw0lf, BSN
1,069 Posts
Haha this is going to be seen as a witchy comment, and I 100% admit it is but "dwelling on what other students are doing and saying and making a discussion post about it" because really....if a student says it's hard what's the harm that they vent? You don't need to stand there and listen!
There's always least you acknowledge it's witchy. Forgive me if I seem equally witchy but...
The same could be said of the popular threads of "Things you wish you could say to coworkers" and "Things you wish you could say to your patients." It's just venting here, for us. You can always move to the next thread if you think it's stupid...
And, BTW, when they burn class time to whine, yeah, I do have to stand (or sit) there and listen. The harm is they're wasting my time and the instructor's time; I pay good money to learn nursing, not hear them gripe. Carry on.
490 Posts
I'd love to yell "SHUT UP". The side conversations are really distracting.
I'm not stupid, stop treating me like I am.
Stop arguing over question answers. If it's really bugging you, go see the instructor firing office hours.
1,761 Posts
This is too true. When learning about reproductive cancers and treatments we learned about the difference between the hysterectomies and how sometimes the cervix is left and sometimes it is removed with the uterus.
Anyway, the instructor posts a diagragm showing that in either scenario the uterus is gone and the "opening" is sewn shut in a sense.
A WOMAN asked if the patient would still have a period after the surgery.
111 Posts
Love this post! Very cathartic to hear all these vents so similar to mine :) l think all of these on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis.
Something that I actually DO say often, but doesn't seem to be heard, is "No, I am not lucky, or super smart, or have some magical way of knowing the answers. I study!"
I get it, it's hard to make time, there are kids, work, awesome parties to go to, but my life isn't free of these, I just prioritize nursing school.
...and No, I won't give you my study guide for the finals because you need to pull out a 98% on the final to keep your B...
671 Posts
When someone is asking a question, please open your ears. Some moments later someone asks that question..
174 Posts
Shut up. No one wants to hear about what you made for dinner last night. Especially since I had cereal!!! If you could teach this class, you wouldn't be sitting in the seat next to me.
Woop, well I was a little grouchy that day I see..
I think I was just kind of fed up with in my own life how people talk about each other behind their backs and this post triggered a nerve after my 4 hour sleep and 10 hour work day. Sorry my B.
For what I wish to say.. I speak my mind a lot to others.. hey we need communication skills so might as well "practice" on our fellow nursing students.