The wait for your acceptance into nursing school

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Anyone else finding the wait to see if you are accepted into nursing school excrutiating. Right now I am waiting to find out if I am accepted, and it has totally got me freakd out. It's like everything is riding on this one thing that I am waiting for.

Right now, the school I applied to is going through the applications making sure that everything that needs to be done is, so I have been in close contact with my advisor. I am waiting to see if the english class I am taking will be accepted by the nursing school. I am so nervous, I just want everything to work out.

Just wanted to know if anyone else out there is sitting anxiously for their acceptance letter.


You guys are lucky! All y'all have to wait is for your acceptance letter I have 1.5 more years to finish all prerequisite considering some of my prerequisites are nursing class. I'll be there soon! Good luck to y'all!


You guys are lucky! All y'all have to wait is for your acceptance letter I have 1.5 more years to finish all prerequisite considering some of my prerequisites are nursing class. I'll be there soon! Good luck to y'all!


I'm on the same boat. One more year of pre-reqs, what are the nursing classes that are pre-reqs? I only have one " Intro to Nursing" The rest are anatomy, microbio, survery of chem ect.

Good luck!

Specializes in OB.

To the two of you finishing up pre-reqs... You will be here soon! It took me 2 years to do my pre-reqs so I have been in your boat, braved the unruly waters and now finally am seeing the rainbow after the storm. And from reading some other threads, getting into nursing school is just the beginning!

Regarding nursing classes as pre-reqs, I only had one and that was pharmacology which was by far the toughest of all my classes. I am a biology nerd so I was pretty good in Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology which were all seperate 4 credit classes but pharm was hard! I managed to get a 90% in it but since at my school 4.0's are 91% and better I ended up with a 3.5.

Anyway now that I totally got off subject I will end my silly post :p


I'm on the same boat. One more year of pre-reqs, what are the nursing classes that are pre-reqs? I only have one " Intro to Nursing" The rest are anatomy, microbio, survery of chem ect.

Good luck!

Oh your 19! Same as me! Woot! Only gender difference :o

But anywho, I have to take Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2, Microbiology, Chemistry Intro, Life-Span Human Development, Statistics, Intro to Nursing, Pathophysiology, Professional Nursing and Health Assessment. I will finish all of them in 1.5 years of 3 semesters.

Minimum GPA is 3.0!

I've finished psychology, sociology, nutrition already. Flying colors! =D

What school are you attending? I attend a christian university in arkansas! Awesome school!



To the two of you finishing up pre-reqs... You will be here soon! It took me 2 years to do my pre-reqs so I have been in your boat, braved the unruly waters and now finally am seeing the rainbow after the storm. And from reading some other threads, getting into nursing school is just the beginning!

Regarding nursing classes as pre-reqs, I only had one and that was pharmacology which was by far the toughest of all my classes. I am a biology nerd so I was pretty good in Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology which were all seperate 4 credit classes but pharm was hard! I managed to get a 90% in it but since at my school 4.0's are 91% and better I ended up with a 3.5.

Anyway now that I totally got off subject I will end my silly post :p


Boo! No smarty allowed! Joke! =D

Haha! I know! Time flies fast. I was a high school student 1.5 years ago and now I'm in college! Sigh....!

I'm planning to get my msn after bsn..! you should too..! i think it would be nice to have an MSN.. =D

Good luck to us all!


Oh your 19! Same as me! Woot! Only gender difference :o

But anywho, I have to take Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2, Microbiology, Chemistry Intro, Life-Span Human Development, Statistics, Intro to Nursing, Pathophysiology, Professional Nursing and Health Assessment. I will finish all of them in 1.5 years of 3 semesters.

Minimum GPA is 3.0!

I've finished psychology, sociology, nutrition already. Flying colors! =D

What school are you attending? I attend a christian university in arkansas! Awesome school!



Hi :)

I'm at Florida International University, the pre-reqs for nursing are:

A&P 1 and 2 ( with lab)

Survey of Chem


Principles of Nutrition

Intro to Nursing

Intro to Ethics

Intercultural Communications

Intro to Stats


Right now i have a 3.7 GPA :) and Should be done with all the pre-reqs this year.

What nursing program are you going for?

Good luck :D

Right now i'm taking A&P 1, Micriobio, Intro to Stats and Intercultural COmmucations. A&P seems like its going to be tough! But also very interesting.:yeah:

Boo! No smarty allowed! Joke! =D

Haha! I know! Time flies fast. I was a high school student 1.5 years ago and now I'm in college! Sigh....!

I'm planning to get my msn after bsn..! you should too..! i think it would be nice to have an MSN.. =D

Good luck to us all!


This is really random but, How did you get our flag next to your gender? I've been trying to put it and can't figure out how :p

Specializes in Hospice & Palliative Care, Oncology, M/S.

I received my e-mail and phone call yesterday! I'm so excited! :)

All the best to you ... don't ever give up!

Specializes in Peds OR as RN, Peds ENT as NP.

Yes, I also feel everyone's pain. Im applying to two accelerated BSN programs, one being the University of Florida. Im so scared! I will not know until March whether Im in. The other school I will not find out later, which is worse.

Specializes in Critical Care, Clinical Documentation Specialist.

Good for you Coriander!! That's fantastic news!!! :anpom:

I applied in August, after finishing my pre-reqs. But when I put my name on the list, it was at about 1000 students. They give first priority to students who have completed all of their core classes, so I doubt I'll get in for Fall as I won't finish my core classes until summer. They accept 200 per semester into the nursing program. The pre-reqs are a 2.5 and Basic Algebra (although they have altered them some since I applied, but I'm grandfathered in!). I think that they use the core classes to weed people out - A&P, Micro, Statistics, etc otherwise, it would take years to move up that list! Right now, most students have to wait one semester when they finish with core classes, hoping it's that or less once I'm done with mine!


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