The wait for your acceptance into nursing school

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Anyone else finding the wait to see if you are accepted into nursing school excrutiating. Right now I am waiting to find out if I am accepted, and it has totally got me freakd out. It's like everything is riding on this one thing that I am waiting for.

Right now, the school I applied to is going through the applications making sure that everything that needs to be done is, so I have been in close contact with my advisor. I am waiting to see if the english class I am taking will be accepted by the nursing school. I am so nervous, I just want everything to work out.

Just wanted to know if anyone else out there is sitting anxiously for their acceptance letter.


Congrats to everyone who have already been accepted! :yeah:

I was told it would be about a 2 to 4 week wait until I find out, and that was 2 weeks ago! I thought I was a fairly patient person but I find myself running to my mailbox every day now. It almost seems like time has begun to stand still… these next few weeks will probably feel like a month!

I don't remember being this anxious when going through the application process for my first degree. I'm thinking that maybe it was a sign that I was headed down the wrong track. Any other career changers experience this?

Good luck to everyone who is still waiting. I have my fingers crossed for all of you!

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