The wait for your acceptance into nursing school

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Anyone else finding the wait to see if you are accepted into nursing school excrutiating. Right now I am waiting to find out if I am accepted, and it has totally got me freakd out. It's like everything is riding on this one thing that I am waiting for.

Right now, the school I applied to is going through the applications making sure that everything that needs to be done is, so I have been in close contact with my advisor. I am waiting to see if the english class I am taking will be accepted by the nursing school. I am so nervous, I just want everything to work out.

Just wanted to know if anyone else out there is sitting anxiously for their acceptance letter.


I'm nervous. I will find out in April!!!!

I'm like in between the most of you! Some schools I can apply now and only have to worry about passing the entrance exam and others I still have 2 more semesters of pre req's! Hopefully I get into the school I am applying to now so that I won't have to fret about this anymore!

Yes, waiting is difficult. Hopefully, I will get notice of an interview soon. I've applied for a Spring '10 start, so I won't have to wait TOO long to find out.

I am in the paranoid waiting box too! I should hear in March for my first choice school, and April/May for my other. Both Accelerated BSN programs. I am dying to know! I am moving across country for either and the whole planning process has me in a stress coma! I have a 3.3 gpa BS Computer Science, and have finished half of my pre reqs. I have taken Chem, Stats, AP I, and finishing up AP II, Micro, and Patho. I am awaiting an interview on one and just notification on the other!!! I hope that I can focus on my spring classes and just let the process happen.

Just going to work on breathing for now!

waiting as well!!! My application isnt due until Feb 1st but I am walking it into the school instead of mailing it because I am afraid it will get lost (the school is down the street)! Once I hand it in I wont find out until mid March whether I am in for a May 1 start for prereqs.. I am applying to an accelerated MSN program and want to get into this school! Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone!

Good luck to everyone waiting! I know thr process is horrible but it will be worth it in the end!!

Specializes in Radiation Oncology.

I submitted my application right after I took my HESI on December 18th! We don't find out until May! Ughhhh! Those with a certain ranking get a petition to go ahead and register for a Nursing Skills class which is 10 weeks. I was one of the few chosen, so I guess that will keep my busy and make the months go by faster. I am done with all my pre and co-reqs so it is just a waiting game now. *sigh*

Im sure that you will get in! you seen to have all of your things together and I think it looks even better on an application when you have all the pre and co req's done already. Thats what I was trying to do in order to look appealing to all of the schools I want to apply for. I figure I am going to apply for all the programs around me and then just play the waiting game. I already know that some have a waiting list so I think that its better to get on the waiting list and see when your name comes up at more than one school so your options are open!

Specializes in 1 day..International Public Health FNP.

Some good news were delivered today....

I have an interview scheduled!!! :lol2:

I still have a few more application responses to await though and the FINAL post-interview decision. eeeks!

YEAH!!! I have an interview next week! Are you nervous what do you think they will ask besides the obvious "Why do you want to be a nurse?"

The wait is killing me!!!! I am apply to the Wright State Accelerated program. They have until the end of Feb to notify us for a March 29 start date. I am so nervous. This is a huge life change for me and I am ready to get started! Good luck everyone!

I took the teas on Jan 6 2010, and was informed of my acceptance 2 days later!!!!!!

I know that I am lucky and I thank God for this blessing. Good luck to us all...we are the BEST!

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