The US is Officially Nuts: Judges now telling hospitals how to treat COVID patients

Nurses COVID

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Judges are now telling hospitals how to treat covid patients.

TLDR; A man was in the ICU for COVID.  The wife asked the physicians to prescribe Ivermectin.  They refused saying it wouldn't help and could interfere with treatment that does work.  Wife went to a Dr associated with Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance who gave her a prescription for her husband.  Hospital refused to administer it.  She went to court and got a judge to force the hospital to administer it.


Butler County Common Pleas Judge Gregory Howard ordered West Chester Hospital, part of the University of Cincinnati network, to treat Jeffrey Smith, 51, with Ivermectin. The order, filed Aug. 23, compels the hospital to provide Smith with 30mg of Ivermectin daily for three weeks.

Read in entirety: Judge orders Cinci hospital to treat COVID-19 patient with Ivermectin, despite CDC warnings

It was her doctor who prescribed the treatment and the hospital refused to give it to her. Dr.  This is from her complaint. 

“With absolutely nothing to lose, with little to no risk, and with the defendant likely to begin palliative care, there is no basis for it to refuse Dr. Wagshul’s order and prescription to administer ivermectin. It is respectfully submitted that this court give my husband a fighting chance,” 

Dr. Wasghul is part of FLCCC Alliance and they even have a post on the side about the treatment, which I agree with. 

FDA Misleads over Use of Ivermectin for COVID

Due to the recent misleading content from the U.S. FDA and several media outlets that attempted to tie ingestion of animal formulated ivermectin with responsible use of human grade ivermectin, we feel it is necessary to repost our statement from March 7 regarding the use of ivermectin. The FLCCC has a long-held position that people should never use medications formulated for animals. Moreover, you should never self-dose or use a prescription medication without the guidance of a healthcare professional. You can read our full statement here.

August 2, 2021

3 hours ago, RKM2021 said:

The FDA did not say the one from the hospital was dangerous, they said the one over the counter meant for horses is, as I read the FDA release on it. While I don't think the one in the hospital, meant for humans will help him, I can't blame her for wanting to try everything to save her husband. Any of us would do the same. 

It's up to the actual medical professionals caring for the patient to make the call, not the patient's wife. Sure, no foul on her wanting it, but she is not the treating physician and doesn't have the background to know what she doesn't know. The outside prescribing MD should not be prescribing medications for a patient he has never seen/examined/treated. I have never faulted Michael Jackson for begging for and pressuring his physician to give him IV propofol in his home. It wasn't HIS place to know the danger in that, it was his doctor's place to know the danger and refuse. Same here. 

From the manufacturer of Ivermectin:


KENILWORTH, N.J., Feb. 4, 2021 – Merck (NYSE: MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, today affirmed its position regarding use of ivermectin during the COVID-19 pandemic. Company scientists continue to carefully examine the findings of all available and emerging studies of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 for evidence of efficacy and safety. It is important to note that, to-date, our analysis has identified:

No scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies; 

No meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and; 

A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.

We do not believe that the data available support the safety and efficacy of ivermectin beyond the doses and populations indicated in the regulatory agency-approved prescribing information.


7 hours ago, OUxPhys said:

This really opens a can of worms. Can courts force doctors to do procedures because the family wants it? Can the courts force doctors to prescribe medicine even if the doctor advises against it (besides IVM)? I'm ashamed that this happened in my state of Ohio but then again once outside of the urban areas this type of behavior really isn't surprising.

His doctor prescribed it, so there is no force,  which is why she went to court, every news article about it let that part out. 

1 minute ago, RKM2021 said:

His doctor prescribed it, so there is no force,  which is why she went to court, every news article about it let that part out. 

She found the doctor online. The doctor has never seen/examined/treated the patient and does not have privileges at that hospital. The fact that the admitting hospital could not find one doctor with privileges to agree to order this medication is telling.

Specializes in Critical Care.
3 hours ago, RKM2021 said:

The FDA did not say the one from the hospital was dangerous, they said the one over the counter meant for horses is, as I read the FDA release on it. While I don't think the one in the hospital, meant for humans will help him, I can't blame her for wanting to try everything to save her husband. Any of us would do the same. 

The FDA has been warning that formulation meant for horses is even more dangerous than others, not there is a safe alternative to give to Covid patients.

There is no evidence that Ivermectin is beneficial to Covid patients, there is however evidence it poses a risk of harm.

The study that was supposed to show that it was an effective treatment for Covid was withdrawn because it consisted of fabricated 'data'. 

4 minutes ago, MunoRN said:

The FDA has been warning that formulation meant for horses is even more dangerous than others, not there is a safe alternative to give to Covid patients.

There is no evidence that Ivermectin is beneficial to Covid patients, there is however evidence it poses a risk of harm.

The study that was supposed to show that it was an effective treatment for Covid was withdrawn because it consisted of fabricated 'data'. 

I agree with that I was only stating that there were two types of that drug and while the FDA the human one is not recommended for COVID, the horse one is the only one with the severe harm warnings from the FDA that I saw. 

The problem is not the Dr or the medication or the wife. The problem is the judge! 

We have unqualified, elected or politically appointed judges into a position of authority and we as a society need to stop abrogating our responsibilities and rights to these lunatics! 

We need more civilian oversight, especially from older retired lazy educated folks who are inevitably wiser than the general public, because of experience and wisdom. 

We have many of them right here on this forum and using this format! A panel of 7 people who have shown through their posts their intellectual prowess, are anonymous, to review the public's interests! Begin with Texas abortion laws. Insurrection. Antivaxxers. Voter suppression. Just to name a few. 

I don't believe in democracy as evidenced by the Ivermectin subscribers, antivaxxers etc! I believe in educated people with wisdom and civic responsibility unbiasly making laws for me! I believe without a shadow of a doubt, THAT ALL POLITICIANS NEED TO BE INTERVIEWED AND QUALIFIED FOR THEIR JOBS AND THIS INCLUDES LEGISLATORS! 

I am a young person and I am susceptible to the vagaries of the young and strong! I can't be trusted for example, if I see a case of bullying to not attempt to remove the bully's head from his shoulders! I might be very educated and intelligent, but I have yet to learn to control myself in certain situations. Older, experienced people generally haven't got those demons! 

We need unelected, civilian oversight! 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
1 hour ago, RKM2021 said:

His doctor prescribed it, so there is no force,  which is why she went to court, every news article about it let that part out. 

It's not his doctor.  It's a doctor that promotes use of ivermectin and started that weird pro-ivermectin organization. There was no previous doctor/patient relationship.  The woman was desperate. 

Specializes in Critical Care.
1 hour ago, RKM2021 said:

I agree with that I was only stating that there were two types of that drug and while the FDA the human one is not recommended for COVID, the horse one is the only one with the severe harm warnings from the FDA that I saw. 

The FDA points out that even the formulations intended for human use have safety risks, and that there is no known beneficial purpose with a Covid infection, ie there is only risk of harm and not a risk of benefit.

Specializes in Critical Care.

I understand when family feels a loss of control in these situations, and that they may be blinded to the fact that their desperation to exert control can manifest as actions that actually cause their loved one harm.  This is why we have doctors and nurses, and why hospitals don't allow just any provider to prescribe medications to be given to hospitalized patients.

So in requiring the hospital to administer the medication the Judge effected ordered a provider with hospital privileges to enter the order, or for a nurse to enter the order as essentially a verbal order from a Judge, who holds no medical license.  

I'm not sure how the Judge is not now guilty of practicing medicine without a license.

Here is the complaint

Apparently other cases have survived appeal already. Was not aware. These cases are submitted as exhibits supporting this case. There is a lot to comb through and I can't do it any justice at the moment.

3 minutes ago, MunoRN said:

I'm not sure how the Judge is not now guilty of practicing medicine without a license.

Same thought. Although, based on perusal of the link above, it appears that in one of the other cases the hospital granted limited privileges to physician who ordered the ivermectin--and (?) who also may have administered it. Again, I could only peruse/scroll through as I have other matters to attend to tonight.

Specializes in Critical Care.
26 minutes ago, JKL33 said:

Here is the complaint

Apparently other cases have survived appeal already. Was not aware. These cases are submitted as exhibits supporting this case. There is a lot to comb through and I can't do it any justice at the moment.

Same thought. Although, based on perusal of the link above, it appears that in one of the other cases the hospital granted limited privileges to physician who ordered the ivermectin--and (?) who also may have administered it. Again, I could only peruse/scroll through as I have other matters to attend to tonight.

From the "Statement of Facts" section:


the Defendant allowed the sedation drug to completely run out, causing Jeffrey to awaken, rip the air tube out of his esophagus,

Well there's your problem.

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