The US is Officially Nuts: Judges now telling hospitals how to treat COVID patients

Nurses COVID

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Judges are now telling hospitals how to treat covid patients.

TLDR; A man was in the ICU for COVID.  The wife asked the physicians to prescribe Ivermectin.  They refused saying it wouldn't help and could interfere with treatment that does work.  Wife went to a Dr associated with Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance who gave her a prescription for her husband.  Hospital refused to administer it.  She went to court and got a judge to force the hospital to administer it.


Butler County Common Pleas Judge Gregory Howard ordered West Chester Hospital, part of the University of Cincinnati network, to treat Jeffrey Smith, 51, with Ivermectin. The order, filed Aug. 23, compels the hospital to provide Smith with 30mg of Ivermectin daily for three weeks.

Read in entirety: Judge orders Cinci hospital to treat COVID-19 patient with Ivermectin, despite CDC warnings

Specializes in Adult Gerontology.
On 9/1/2021 at 9:20 AM, OUxPhys said:

This really opens a can of worms. Can courts force doctors to do procedures because the family wants it? Can the courts force doctors to prescribe medicine even if the doctor advises against it (besides IVM)? I'm ashamed that this happened in my state of Ohio but then again once outside of the urban areas this type of behavior really isn't surprising.

Living and practicing in Ohio has been a never ending years long nightmare. I have lived in a number of areas in the country and never have I ever encountered a social system that celebrates ignorance and defames education so much. No wonder we have such an opioid epidemic this state is filled with a bunch of overgrown toddlers that have an inflated sense of their importance due to national politics pandering to their idiocy. On a side note, when my husband and I moved here 19 years ago, I heard, for the first time in my life, an individual at a group function(neighborhood cookout) use the N word casually with no fear of retribution. I was gobsmacked at the time and thought perhaps it was just this one idiot but 19 years later, nope it is an overwhelming portion of the state. 

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