So I've heard the rumors are true... the NCLEX-RN in 2010 will be "harder than ever."
How so?
I'm currently in my junior rotation of school, get As and Bs, but don't do so well in the NCLEX "review" books. I supposedly go to the biggest nursing school in the state, and so many people say what a great college it is... they passed with flying colors... they learned so much... blah blah blah.
Well, we started the ATI competency exams this semester, and honestly? The majority of my class is only scoring a Level 1 on them.
Put the NCLEX books with the ATI scores and this "big scary 2010 NCLEX" and I'm wondering...
Should I be scared? How can I better prepare for this? I am NOT going to fail the NCLEX the first time - I'm so determined. Of course, all of you know how life as a student is - all I do is study, so maybe I'm thinking I should be studying differently??
Just worried I guess...
Anyone have some knowledge, ideas, insight, anything??