The "extra hard" 2010 NCLEX?


So I've heard the rumors are true... the NCLEX-RN in 2010 will be "harder than ever."

How so?

I'm currently in my junior rotation of school, get As and Bs, but don't do so well in the NCLEX "review" books. I supposedly go to the biggest nursing school in the state, and so many people say what a great college it is... they passed with flying colors... they learned so much... blah blah blah.

Well, we started the ATI competency exams this semester, and honestly? The majority of my class is only scoring a Level 1 on them.

Put the NCLEX books with the ATI scores and this "big scary 2010 NCLEX" and I'm wondering...

Should I be scared? How can I better prepare for this? I am NOT going to fail the NCLEX the first time - I'm so determined. Of course, all of you know how life as a student is - all I do is study, so maybe I'm thinking I should be studying differently??

Just worried I guess...

Anyone have some knowledge, ideas, insight, anything??

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Found this on the NCSBN website and doesn't indicate how much harder it is but last time it changed it was only by 0.2100 logits on the NCLEX-RN logistic scale

RN test plan 2010

So interesting! I didn't even know guidelines like that existed! One of my instructors said our school has even made some kind of "panel" of professors to figure out how to better prepare us for the harder exam. She said it goes into effect in the spring...

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

The NCSBN formats among other things the NCLEX. They do all the testing and setting of questions so if anything is going to change it will be there.

Specializes in Assisted Living.

I dont understand what's there point of making the exam harder to pass??? US is in shortage of WHY MAKE this exam harder and harder to pass??? Were NURSES not DOCTORS...

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Every 3 years (or so I believe) the exam is reviewed and a decision is made on whether the exam needs changing. Usually you are looking at only a 0.x of a change.

I would say currently there isn't a shortage of nurses in the US as many US nurses are struggling to find work especially in certain states. At the end of the day the exam is to make sure you are a safe nurse as a new grad.

Specializes in Assisted Living.

There is no reason to make the test so freaking HARD just to make sure you can be a safe nurse. Nurses who already are licensed still makes mistake almost everyday, but still , I still dont get why make the exam so hard to pass. And another thing they test you on the minimum competency..why put all those never heard drugs on the exam and leave you guessing what the hell is it for?? Doesn't make sense at all.. SORRY!

To 2brichielpn08,

I just wanted to let you know that I totally agree with what you said. i'm getting ready to try and take my exam again for the 7th time and I have stated the same thing why make an exam so hard when there is a shortage of nurses and on top of that I do understand as a nurse you have to know your medication, but there is to many medications out there to be able to know all of them for a test like this. As a nurse on the floor they don't know all of the medications they have to look up the medication that they are giving there patients. If they won't to give you medications on the test why don't they give medication that is given most of the time. It really is disappointing to know that they are trying to make this exam harder in 2010 it makes me wonder if its going to be just another long trip down the road for nothing. I had a nurse tell me at my work not to even study for the exam because you really don't know what to study and where to study at. He said you know what you know and just go in there and pick the best answer. Sorry such a long reply but this to me is very upsetting especially when I have tryed to do every I know to do to get threw this test and then now I hear that it is going to get harder.

Is it only the NCLEX RN that is getting harder or is the NCLEX PN also getting harder? Just curious.

There is no reason to make the test so freaking HARD just to make sure you can be a safe nurse. Nurses who already are licensed still makes mistake almost everyday, but still , I still dont get why make the exam so hard to pass. And another thing they test you on the minimum competency..why put all those never heard drugs on the exam and leave you guessing what the hell is it for?? Doesn't make sense at all.. SORRY!

To 2brichielpn08,

I just wanted to let you know that I totally agree with what you said. i'm getting ready to try and take my exam again for the 7th time and I have stated the same thing why make an exam so hard when there is a shortage of nurses and on top of that I do understand as a nurse you have to know your medication, but there is to many medications out there to be able to know all of them for a test like this. As a nurse on the floor they don't know all of the medications they have to look up the medication that they are giving there patients. If they won't to give you medications on the test why don't they give medication that is given most of the time. It really is disappointing to know that they are trying to make this exam harder in 2010 it makes me wonder if its going to be just another long trip down the road for nothing. I had a nurse tell me at my work not to even study for the exam because you really don't know what to study and where to study at. He said you know what you know and just go in there and pick the best answer. Sorry such a long reply but this to me is very upsetting especially when I have tryed to do every I know to do to get threw this test and then now I hear that it is going to get harder.

A) There is no nursing shortage, and B) how easy would you like the exam to be?? Being a nurse is hard and people's lives depend on us "knowing our stuff." How low do you think the standard should be to get licensed??

hi found out that it will be effective on january 2010, i am currently reviewing for my 3rd time, it is hard to pick up myself after a fall...and now here is a bad news that the bon change their stuff to have a better nurses..and i dont believe that computer tests will make us better nurses, it is by dedication, improvement of healthcare knowledge which learn by experience!

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.
I dont understand what's there point of making the exam harder to pass??? US is in shortage of WHY MAKE this exam harder and harder to pass??? Were NURSES not DOCTORS...

The test is not that hard. It is for entry level nurses. Just because there is a nursing shortage does not mean they should make the exam so anyone can pass. We need safe, competent nurses; not just anyone to fill the nursing gap.

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