The Nursing School to Welfare Pipeline

Nurses General Nursing


I am sure many people have heard of the social issue/ cause "school to prison pipeline" that many civic groups are trying to eradicate. I am here to draw attention to a similar related problem , the college to welfare pipeline.

Due to an intricate , intimate, and covert relationship between big government politicos, higher education, Bureau of Occupational affairs, and the Federal/ State Department of labor, we have a serious student debt problem in the nursing field that is only going to get worse. Nurses need to wake up and take note of the LPN to RN hoax, and the RN-BSN hoax. These are all well publicized , propaganda driven falsities that are crushing nurses into debt driven higher education requirements. These propaganda driven requirements brainwash nurses into believing that without the extra education, they will not be employed.

And to a certain degree, they are correct, but its important for nurses to see the pitfall, before taking the dive. There is little to no difference in responsibility or pay rate from LPN to RN, and most RNs are taking the lower wage, just to have a job. There is zero difference in job responsibility or pay from RN to BSN, but the dollars spent to get there are substantial. The RN to BSN pipeline is a grotesque narrative that is being sung, for the sole purpose of enriching nursing schools. The NCLEX exam is identical for RNs and BSNs, the scope of practice is identical, and so are all the pay rates. A staff nurse is a staff nurse, is a staff nurse, too.

So why go for your BSN? Its because the hospitals and other various 24/ 7 institutional care providers say so. They have all built a united wall against the ADN RN. We are becoming an extinct species, because no one will hire us. Is the BSN a job guarantee? Of course not. Is any higher education a job guarantee? Nope. Big government politicos want student debt to skyrocket , so that they can fly in and save everyone with free bailouts, loan forgiveness, and thousands of more votes on election day.

May the buyer beware, until that utopia comes to fruition. In the meantime, take a serious look inward into the pitfalls, tricks and traps of higher education in the nursing field. The powers that be want you to keep jumping hurdles , spending more and more money, hoping to get hired, and falling deeper and deeper into debt, during the process. The higher you jump, the more you spend, and the less you earn. For many nurses who fell for these schemes, the financial devastation has been both swift and severe.

Specializes in Corrections, neurology, dialysis.
37 minutes ago, CastiMcNasti said:

Ad hominems are not an effective way to win debates. Nor do they showcase critical thinking, civility, or professionalism.

Critical thinking. Civility. Professionalism. Blah blah blah. Been there. Bought the T-shirt and coffee mug. Drank the Kool-Aid.

I thought this was a discussion about the empty promise of an education. I didn't realize there was some other objective. If the point is to validate the opinions of people who haven’t been through this experience, I must have stumbled into the wrong discussion.

Specializes in Pediatric Specialty RN.
2 hours ago, Natkat said:

You don’t start your first job until June? Then you have not lived our experience. I take offense that we are “whining”. I can’t speak for everyone, but I can tell you that my despair at wasting time and money on two degrees only to be in exactly the same job I was 11 years ago is a huge slap in the face.

Busy enjoying our careers? I can’t speak for everyone, but I know I am busy sitting on the couch on my day off because I spent the day before on my feet for 18 hours, being verbally abused by patients, being talked down to by the clinic manager who has no medical background whatsoever, and chewed out by a doctor for calling him after he told me to call him for everything. I have to sit on a heating pad, pop some Advil and wait four hours until I feel well enough to get up and move around. There isn’t a word in the English language to describe how much I hate my job, but I can’t find another one and I have spent 10 years trying My boss tortures me because he knows I’m stuck and I can’t quit What am I going to do about it? If I don’t like his petty, vindictive nonsense, well too bad

You didn’t hear complaints? That’s called professionalism Bad mouthing your job to a nursing not student shows lack of maturity, poor judgment and could get you fired

I graduated nursing school with honors at the age of 45 And you know what? Nobody cares Not once has anyone showed any interest in my GPA or the honors courses I took. I have a master’s degree and yesterday I spent 45 minutes mopping up dialysate that was shooting out of the wall box because the tech didn’t push in the connector all the way. We are up to our eyeballs in catheters that our non clinical boss accepted into the clinic and doesn’t care that it’s a higher strain on the nurses to have to work them, while the techs sit around looking at their phones.

And don’t even get me started about having no power to do anything about techs who don’t do their job, and run to our non-clinical boss and tattle on us for being mean, and then he writes us up for harassment.

Enjoying our careers. Aaahhh hahahahahahaha. Hahahahahaha. Just you wait.

The entire premise of the thread was that there are no nursing jobs to be had, especially without a BSN. I posted that there were, in fact, nursing jobs to be had for new jobs without a BSN. I just got one with a 5k signing bonus just across the state from the OP. I posted in fact to show that it wasn’t all gloom and doom. But i was immediately harassed by the OP for expressing a different reality.

I have a job. I’ve been hired. Without a BSN. That was all I was pointing out. It’s possible.

I’ve run up against people like you and the OP for years telling me that I won’t get into nursing school, or that I won’t be able to get a job with a diploma in nursing or that there are not going to be any jobs, or that i cant do nursing school with four kids. I’ve done all of the above despite naysayers. I’ve learned in my 47 years that some people will never be happy.

I don’t know what the future holds but i do know that I will not listen to any of you that insist on demeaning others experiences if they don’t fit your experience.

2 minutes ago, CastiMcNasti said:

Although I am “just” a nursing student, I’ve served in the Army, been married and divorced (kind of a Dear John situation), and owned/managed two business. I am not new to dark times. I’ve been to therapy, I’ve studied health and wellness, developmental and behavioral change theories, and I have the love and support of my wife and son. No, life is not perfect and it never will be. However, our attitude greatly influences our lives.

This profession will test you like you've never been tested before. It will break your sanity. It will make you hate people. ...just stopping short of making me hate myself, I deal in truth and fact, not fiction. I change what I can and accept what is out of my control. I had to walk off a job mid shift. Luckily I was able to report off to a supervisor. I have had to take a 2 year break from all of it, and to return under financial woes so bad, that I had no other choice. It is the last profession I would ever recommend to anyone, and if I could get a job cleaning floors at Walmart I would. But there are no jobs here.

2 minutes ago, panurse9999 said:

This profession will test you like you've never been tested before. It will break your sanity. It will make you hate people. ...just stopping short of making me hate myself, I deal in truth and fact, not fiction. I change what I can and accept what is out of my control. I had to walk off a job mid shift. Luckily I was able to report off to a supervisor. I have had to take a 2 year break from all of it, and to return under financial woes so bad, that I had no other choice. It is the last profession I would ever recommend to anyone, and if I could get a job cleaning floors at Walmart I would. But there are no jobs here.

Why do you feel you can't relocate? You sound like the most miserable person in the world. Maybe try an SSRI

Specializes in Pediatric Specialty RN.
2 hours ago, panurse9999 said:

Bless you, bless you. I stopped replying to her earlier in the thread. I happen to think she's a bot.

Yep, I joined allnurses years ago just to bide my time to make sure that I’d be here just at this moment to disagree with you. It’s been my plan all along. ?

you stopped replying to me because I directly contradict your claims about PA as a state. And since you can’t possibly accept another reality you decide instead that I must be a BOT rather than maybe, just maybe, you are incorrect about the status of PA nursing across the state.

I don’t know you, but if your posts are any indication, it is no surprise that you are having trouble finding a job. You’re attitude oozes from your posts and surely shows up in real life too.

Specializes in Neonatal Nursing.
13 minutes ago, Natkat said:

Critical thinking. Civility. Professionalism. Blah blah blah. Been there. Bought the T-shirt and coffee mug. Drank the Kool-Aid.

I thought this was a discussion about the empty promise of an education. I didn't realize there was some other objective. If the point is to validate the opinions of people who haven’t been through this experience, I must have stumbled into the wrong discussion.

People have already presented facts about positions being available for both individuals with and without BSNs. And it has already been pointed out some areas of the country are saturated with nurses, while others do in fact need more nurses. Which is why I pointed out there is no need to attack people.

6 minutes ago, CastiMcNasti said:

People have already presented facts about positions being available for both individuals with and without BSNs. And it has already been pointed out some areas of the country are saturated with nurses, while others do in fact need more nurses. Which is why I pointed out there is no need to attack people.

I think its well established that the nursing shortage hoax and the LPN-RN, RN-BSN and BSN-MSN higher education hoaxes have caused enormous financial damage for the thousands of sheep that were led to their own slaughter. Even today, when I go to non-nursing interviews, the interviewer tells me how amazed they are at the volume of nurses who apply there. Then asks me with that furrowed, eyebrow confused look, "I thought there was a nursing shortage"

The point of this thread was to educate the sheep before they get to slaughter (i was one of them years ago, when the shortage hoax was really starting to take root) and to have a venue for people who have been harmed by it. Its not a venue for students (fake or real) to keep pushing the false propaganda that hurt us. If you have the type of personality where you are telling people they are wrong for feeling the way they feel, then nursing is not the right field for you. Like if someone has a bloody nose, I would never tell them that their blood is fake. So actually, we really don't care what you think, because you haven't waked a single day in our shoes.

Well one thing is for sure, we can all agree to disagree if we have to.

Specializes in Corrections, neurology, dialysis.
29 minutes ago, Jenbripsu said:

Yep, I joined allnurses years ago just to bide my time to make sure that I’d be here just at this moment to disagree with you. It’s been my plan all along. ?

you stopped replying to me because I directly contradict your claims about PA as a state. And since you can’t possibly accept another reality you decide instead that I must be a BOT rather than maybe, just maybe, you are incorrect about the status of PA nursing across the state.

I don’t know you, but if your posts are any indication, it is no surprise that you are having trouble finding a job. You’re attitude oozes from your posts and surely shows up in real life too.

Uh oh. Ad hominem alert.

3 minutes ago, Natkat said:

Uh oh. Ad hominem alert.

Jenbripsu is not a nursing student. Its likely she's a recruiter for all of these worthless expensive online degree schools, who get paid each time someone clicks the ad, and commission if they enroll. Not sure why else she would be obsessively/ compulsively trashing/ rehashing/ name calling in the sheer volume of attempts to shout us all down.

If , in the rare instance, she is actually a new nurse grad with an ADN who was the only person in Allegheny County to get a hospital job without their required BSN, then she will not last a week . Let her see what happens to a know it all in baby shoes in this profession.

2 hours ago, Natkat said:

Can confirm. Got my BSN and MSN at Western Governors and yes, it was affordable. I graduated in March 2018 and made my last loan payment his month.

But guess what? Still can’t find a job.

Yep. Did the same, still the same.

Specializes in Pediatric Specialty RN.
1 hour ago, panurse9999 said:

Jenbripsu is not a nursing student. Its likely she's a recruiter for all of these worthless expensive online degree schools, who get paid each time someone clicks the ad, and commission if they enroll. Not sure why else she would be obsessively/ compulsively trashing/ rehashing/ name calling in the sheer volume of attempts to shout us all down.

If , in the rare instance, she is actually a new nurse grad with an ADN who was the only person in Allegheny County to get a hospital job without their required BSN, then she will not last a week . Let her see what happens to a know it all in baby shoes in this profession.

OMG this would be funny if it weren't sad. You need help.

I am an adult who's been around the block - I taught mental health education for years prior to nursing school and I know that you can't reason with an irrational person. What you are displaying here, and all through the thread, are called delusions. I am serious when I say that I think you need help. Please get it.

I'm going to move along now. I have people to coerce and and commission to collect for this apparently lucrative job I have as an online degree recruiter for a school that I've yet to mention.

You are also now blocked because lord have mercy, first step in dealing with a delusional person is not get pulled into their delusion and I'm allowing myself to do just that. I truly hope that you can see some happiness in your life at some point. Peace.

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