The Nursing School to Welfare Pipeline

Nurses General Nursing


I am sure many people have heard of the social issue/ cause "school to prison pipeline" that many civic groups are trying to eradicate. I am here to draw attention to a similar related problem , the college to welfare pipeline.

Due to an intricate , intimate, and covert relationship between big government politicos, higher education, Bureau of Occupational affairs, and the Federal/ State Department of labor, we have a serious student debt problem in the nursing field that is only going to get worse. Nurses need to wake up and take note of the LPN to RN hoax, and the RN-BSN hoax. These are all well publicized , propaganda driven falsities that are crushing nurses into debt driven higher education requirements. These propaganda driven requirements brainwash nurses into believing that without the extra education, they will not be employed.

And to a certain degree, they are correct, but its important for nurses to see the pitfall, before taking the dive. There is little to no difference in responsibility or pay rate from LPN to RN, and most RNs are taking the lower wage, just to have a job. There is zero difference in job responsibility or pay from RN to BSN, but the dollars spent to get there are substantial. The RN to BSN pipeline is a grotesque narrative that is being sung, for the sole purpose of enriching nursing schools. The NCLEX exam is identical for RNs and BSNs, the scope of practice is identical, and so are all the pay rates. A staff nurse is a staff nurse, is a staff nurse, too.

So why go for your BSN? Its because the hospitals and other various 24/ 7 institutional care providers say so. They have all built a united wall against the ADN RN. We are becoming an extinct species, because no one will hire us. Is the BSN a job guarantee? Of course not. Is any higher education a job guarantee? Nope. Big government politicos want student debt to skyrocket , so that they can fly in and save everyone with free bailouts, loan forgiveness, and thousands of more votes on election day.

May the buyer beware, until that utopia comes to fruition. In the meantime, take a serious look inward into the pitfalls, tricks and traps of higher education in the nursing field. The powers that be want you to keep jumping hurdles , spending more and more money, hoping to get hired, and falling deeper and deeper into debt, during the process. The higher you jump, the more you spend, and the less you earn. For many nurses who fell for these schemes, the financial devastation has been both swift and severe.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Alright everyone. Enough is enough. We at allnurses always love a good diverse topic to discuss and agree or disagree with the topic but allnurses will not agree on the back and forth on attacking members for what they write. If you disagree with what a member has written I am sure you can discuss that post in a polite manner.

Return to topic and please keep to topic

10 minutes ago, Silverdragon102 said:

Alright everyone. Enough is enough. We at allnurses always love a good diverse topic to discuss and agree or disagree with the topic but allnurses will not agree on the back and forth on attacking members for what they write. If you disagree with what a member has written I am sure you can discuss that post in a polite manner.

Return to topic and please keep to topic

Agree. However, OP has another thread discussing the same thing and has spammed pretty much every thread they've been in with negative talk as if it's absolute fact despite proof of it being an opinion. This is a nursing website, not the "I'm going to scare everyone into hating nursing because I feel some type of way" site. There has to be an end. ?

3 hours ago, CastiMcNasti said:

....No, life is not perfect and it never will be. However, our attitude greatly influences our lives.

Spot on. In another thread someone posted a life's lesson one liner that I think is applicable in this thread.


If you keep smelling poop wherever you go, best check you own shoes.

5 hours ago, panurse9999 said:

There is a healthcare system in my area that routinely holds job fairs for the sole purpose of laughing in the faces of the unemployed nurses lined up out the door.

I am totally 100% sure that is the only reason they hold these job fairs is to laugh at you personally ? /sarcasm

You make some good, thought provoking arguments in this thread, but when you veer off into the persecution conspiracy you undermine anything of value you've said.

Specializes in ED, ICU, Prehospital.
On 5/22/2019 at 3:56 PM, Forest2 said:

It may happen at some point, they might add documentation of when the sheets were changed, when the floor was mopped, toe nails clipped, teeth brushed and the toilet bowl scrubbed, clothes washed. Yes, this may very well get to be a lot more than it is now.

All someone has to do is win a lawsuit against a facility based on the fact that the toenails of a patient were not clipped and said patient scratched himself, and since the toilet bowl was not scrubbed twice that day the splashed water from the bowl fell on the floor, which wasn't mopped within 5 seconds of the water hitting the floor. The patient then, because he's suffering from dementia, threw his legs over the side of the bed, trying to escape---but the Nurse had 30 other patients on her assignment and couldn't get to this patient within the 5 second window of a 1:1---the patient put his foot onto the floor that had the toilet bowl water on it and it soaked into his sock, onto the scratch that was made by the toenails that weren't clipped.


Now you'll have risk management all up your orifice---just like they did at Vanderbilt (why does that place seem to be ground zero for all the stupid that happens lately?)---and you'll be scrubbing those toilet bowls and floors q4hr. And you'd better chart it.

Wait until you get to work in a room that has a video camera in it.

I never experienced that until I went to ICU. The "reason" they say that they do this is to "queue in on subtle changes that may be missed by the RN in the room".

Really? The closed circuit tv that sat at each RN station---the view covers the ENTIRE ROOM. Not the patient's face, not honed in on the "subtle changes" that might be occurring.

It's to see....if that nurse---who is usually 1:1---when they go into the room, close the door and curtains over night (which was my shift)---are they just sitting with their head down taking a snooze? Are they actually q2 turning? How about tipping the bag q hr....or are they....taking a measurement at the end of their shift for UOP and dividing it by the number of hours of their shift?

I've never met an ICU RN who did this---yet this is how we were treated. Constant surveillance not of the PATIENT---of the nurse.

Because some nurse, somewhere, one time.....caused a department to have a lawsuit filed against them for being a horrible employee.

And there are horrible nurses. Tons of them. With BSNs. And MSNs.

A curious conversation I had with a VA Recruiter once. Some MSN with ridiculous amounts of education was offered a job. She was rated at a Nurse 1 Level 3 Step 8.

Why? Because she didn't do a hospital wide project that changed the way that her hospital did things. And...

This particular nurse never held a job at bedside. She hopped from her BSN to her MSN...never actually had a job as a NURSE.

She ****** and whined that she had "all this education"---yet she was treated at a new nurse.

YES. This is the ONLY field that you can be someone's BOSS without ever having a microsecond of ACTUAL EXPERIENCE in what you're supervising. Because of a piece of paper.

Do you think this is admirable?? It sounds cushy, right?? Just go get your N freaking P without ever actually DOING any nursing!

It's why we don't command respect. And we never, ever will. This is all about the individual---I got mine and ***** the rest of you. I may not have nursing experience but I will manage you and make a lot more money.

I was so happy when the RN Recruiter from the VA told this RN---you're simply not qualified, honey. Take the job as offered....or pound sand down a rat hole.

I'll take a Diploma or ADN any day that can jump into the trench with me and critically think through a CLINICAL EMERGENCY---and not sit back and BSN and my MSN never trained me to do that. But I can write an APA format paper about it later!!

Just now, CharleeFoxtrot said:

I am totally 100% sure that is the only reason they hold these job fairs is to laugh at you personally ? /sarcasm

You make some good, thought provoking arguments in this thread, but when you veer off into the persecution conspiracy you undermine anything of value you've said.

I'm not on here to validate the opinions of the "nursing shortage is real" crowd. ..or the "BSN is valuable" crowd. And no, there is no "persecution" theory. There is real life, witnessed experiences (not opinions, they are facts) of a person (me) who never had a single workplace problem in my former career, which was lost to automation. I went to work everyday. I did my job well every day. I treated people well. People treated me well. Hard work and education paid off in raises and advancement. Your value to the organization was based on objective criteria.

Then I went into nursing, second career, believing the hoax. It was like I went through the turn style directly into the gates of hell, and I have been worse off, since the day I made the decision to go to nursing school. It was a HUGE mistake, and I really enjoy telling people why. Its very therapeutic, so please stop raining on my therapy.

3 minutes ago, panurse9999 said:

... I went into nursing, second career, believing the hoax. It was like I went through the turn style directly into the gates of hell, and I have been worse off, since the day I made the decision to go to nursing school. It was a HUGE mistake, and I really enjoy telling people why. Its very therapeutic, so please stop raining on my therapy.

Glad it works for you therapeutically. However, that's not how posting something up on a public forum works, people can and do disagree with each other's opinions.

If you want an audience that strictly conforms to your confirmation bias I would think blogging or FakeBook would be a better choice.

Specializes in ED, ICU, Prehospital.
3 minutes ago, panurse9999 said:

I'm not on here to validate the opinions of the "nursing shortage is real" crowd. ..or the "BSN is valuable" crowd. And no, there is no "persecution" theory. There is real life, witnessed experiences (not opinions, they are facts) of a person (me) who never had a single workplace problem in my former career, which was lost to automation. I went to work everyday. I did my job well every day. I treated people well. People treated me well. Hard work and education paid off in raises and advancement. Your value to the organization was based on objective criteria.

Then I went into nursing, second career, believing the hoax. It was like I went through the turn style directly into the gates of hell, and I have been worse off, since the day I made the decision to go to nursing school. It was a HUGE mistake, and I really enjoy telling people why. Its very therapeutic, so please stop raining on my therapy.

...because you went to work and just did your job.

You weren't on every committee imaginable, providing yet more work for your fellow employees. You didn't volunteer your own time to come in and rearrange bedside carts or finally organize that craphole of a traumabay. You didn't volunteer to be a preceptor. You didn't do multiple, yearlong and ad infinitum "unit projects" (as if there is something new under the sun about hand hygeine). You didn't come in early every shift to sit in the RN Mgrs office to tattle on your fellow employees.

When you come to work as a nurse and just do a good job---and nothing else---you will be gotten rid of. You will not get your raise. You will not get specialty training. You will not get a chance to be Charge or Supervisor or anything else.

This isn't conspiracy theory. This is fact.

It's the only profession that I know of---that you can be educated and experienced out the ying yang---and still get nowhere---because you came in and just did your job.

1 minute ago, CharleeFoxtrot said:

Glad it works for you therapeutically. However, that's not how posting something up on a public forum works, people can and do disagree with each other's opinions.

If you want an audience that strictly conforms to your confirmation bias I would think blogging or FakeBook would be a better choice.

By the looks of the topics that are being posted here on a daily basis, the "peachy sweet" crowd of "nothing is wrong with the nursing profession" are actually in the minority, as more and more negative nellies like myself are here in droves, and droves and droves.

I really do not care if someone wants to gaslight my experiences as a nurse as a figment of my imagination, or not worthy of discussion, or warped, or not real, or "opinion not fact" . A gaslighter like you never mastered the art of "keep scrolling" when you see something that offends you on social media.

My experiances in nursing are what they are. Gaslight away. Shout me down. Tell me I'm a liar. I really could care less. The profession will never change for the better, as evidenced by nurses eating other nurses alive, even on internet posting sites. It just never ends. My only solace is knowing one day I will be able to walk away from it and never look back again.

On 5/16/2019 at 4:36 PM, panurse9999 said:

Hospitals and nursing homes were doing the same thing then, that they continue to do to this day. ADVERTISE jobs with sign on bonuses, but if you could find me even one nurse who actually collected the bonus, I would be surprised. This is part of the false propaganda that is continuing to brainwash people into thinking there is a shortage of nurses. I see these straight up fake ads all the time.

I received a bonus for hiring on way back when. They gave me 1/4 of it in my first paycheck. They paid another 1/4 after I was off of probation in 6 months. Then the last half came on my one year anniversary.

And because I didn't stay 5 years, they took back 1/2 of it.

I guess it was reasonable. I do see the employer's side of the issue. And I have learned to read the fine print.

Specializes in ED, ICU, Prehospital.
1 minute ago, panurse9999 said:

By the looks of the topics that are being posted here on a daily basis, the "peachy sweet" crowd of "nothing is wrong with the nursing profession" are actually in the minority, as more and more negative nellies like myself are here in droves, and droves and droves.

I really do not care if someone wants to gaslight my experiences as a nurse as a figment of my imagination, or not worthy of discussion, or warped, or not real, or "opinion not fact" . A gaslighter like you never mastered the art of "keep scrolling" when you see something that offends you on social media.

My experiances in nursing are what they are. Gaslight away. Shout me down. Tell me I'm a liar. I really could care less. The profession will never change for the better, as evidenced by nurses eating other nurses alive, even on internet posting sites. It just never ends. My only solace is knowing one day I will be able to walk away from it and never look back again.


something you might want to understand. It's something that I learned a long time ago on any online forum.

Qui bono.

Who would benefit from consistently denying factual information and attempt to steer conversations or ridicule people instead of rebutting with opposing factual information?

You're not a liar. I don't think anybody called you this. However--the typical "if you can't rebut with facts, use ridicule" tactic works. It gets you riled up and you get emotional. The facts get lost.

A good portion of this is your experience. And what you're trying to do---which I agree with---is educate those who come here for FACTS about how things CAN be.

When someone tries to ridicule your experiences---usually it's someone who has a vested interest in those experiences not being aired amongst those who may be open to influence. (read: experienced RN to inexperienced or potential RN).

When a crap landlord wants to hide noise complaints, rat infestations, car breakins, unresponsive management---do you think that they allow you to speak to other or former residents?

I am leaving my townhouse to move for my new job. My leasing company states that I cannot be present for anyone who tours this place to rent when I leave. I cannot be here, to witness whether someone steals from me or destroys anything---because they don't want me to speak to the prospective new tenant about WHY I am leaving.

Make sense?

When you rise to the bait which is being thrown in front of you by parties who have a vested interest in this forum being a homogeneous platform for "RN to BSN FAST!!!" (until I blocked AN from my email--I got those routinely from this site) or RN Managers trying to spy on unhappy employees---parsing what people post in order to identify them---or....and this is a biggie that you need to get...

this site is sponsored by corporate interests. Let that sink in. AN doesn't take donations to stay running. Think about where the funding for this site comes from.

I get you're angry. A lot of us are. I would advise you to try and keep your complaints in the factual realm---and ignore the ones that bait you to be emotional.

just a piece of advice.

10 minutes ago, panurse9999 said:

By the looks of the topics that are being posted here on a daily basis, the "peachy sweet" crowd of "nothing is wrong with the nursing profession" are actually in the minority, as more and more negative nellies like myself are here in droves, and droves and droves.

I really do not care if someone wants to gaslight my experiences as a nurse as a figment of my imagination, or not worthy of discussion, or warped, or not real, or "opinion not fact" . A gaslighter like you never mastered the art of "keep scrolling" when you see something that offends you on social media.

My experiances in nursing are what they are. Gaslight away. Shout me down. Tell me I'm a liar. I really could care less. The profession will never change for the better, as evidenced by nurses eating other nurses alive, even on internet posting sites. It just never ends. My only solace is knowing one day I will be able to walk away from it and never look back again.

That's got to be in the Top10 histrionically outrageous self important example of confirmation bias I have read on the internet this week. Congratulations on your achievement, and I wish you well in your future endeavors.

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