The After School Thread

Specialties School


Whatcha doing today after school?

Me? I gotta clean today. Or else you may see me on the next episode of Hoaders.

Walk the goggie. Do some laundry. NOT cook dinner. :blink:

Errands today. Takeout for dinner, not sure what yet. I have not eaten since the Styrofoam bagel from the cafeteria this morning. I am starving!

Sheets and towels.

And just got a text Baby Girl is coming in from NC this evening! Yeah!

And just got a text Baby Girl is coming in from NC this evening! Yeah!


Specializes in School nursing.

I have auditions for a community theater musical I am stage managing this evening. It will be a late evening (more auditions tomorrow and Thursday) so yay for :coffee: this week.

I have auditions for a community theater musical I am stage managing this evening. It will be a late evening (more auditions tomorrow and Thursday) so yay for :coffee: this week.

What's the musical?

Specializes in School nursing.
What's the musical?

Bat Boy: The Musical :).

Specializes in Med-surg, school nursing..

Today after school I walked into our Christmas Celebration for staff and found a surprise baby shower! I was completely shocked. I am technically a "district employee" not "this school" employee, but they treat me like family and it made me feel all tingly inside. And then my husband showed up, who had known about it for weeks, sneaky thing.

Bat Boy: The Musical :).

Break a leg! I am heavily involved in community theater. I am doing Bleacher Bums right now!

Today I am going to drop off my HH paperwork and do some more Christmas shopping. Laundry. Forever laundry.

The Kid has a track meet, so it's just me and The Big Kid, unless he goes out somewhere.

I'm going to sleep a bit today. I'm in a foul mood. :(

The Kid's "Winter Concert" is tonight.

We are going to eye doctor appointments after school and then to see Santa at my friend's pizza place. I love that he does this every year! They have a buffet set up in the restaurant and then come around to each table as it is their turn to visit with Santa and you get to talk to Santa and take as many pix as you want. No extra cost, just staying to eat the buffet.

Specializes in School Nursing, Public Health Nurse.

Star Wars tonight at 8:40 in my Ewok hoodie! :woot:

Hopefully it will make up for not being able to score Adele tickets at 10:02 am this morning :cry: Sold out in 2 minutes. I can't believe this bull...

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