The After School Thread

Specialties School


Whatcha doing today after school?

Me? I gotta clean today. Or else you may see me on the next episode of Hoaders.

Walk the goggie. Do some laundry. NOT cook dinner. :blink:

Specializes in kids.

Yesterday I went to my other job in LTC to pick up my small but appreciated bonus $$$, then to another town about 30 min away to a calling hours for the husband of a girl I grew up with in another state. Have not seen her in 45 years, we only live 30 mins apart, hopefully this is not be the last time I see her.

Fortunately, Kohl's is nearby so I knocked off some shopping. Today, I go pick up items from an auction I bid on, a little more shopping done there!

Never got the mani/pedi yesterday because my legs were stubbly and could not subject the woman who does my nails to that.

Today? I won't have time. MY BIG KID is coming home from college today!

Guys, I miss him so much. :inlove:

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.
Never got the mani/pedi yesterday because my legs were stubbly and could not subject the woman who does my nails to that.

Today? I won't have time. MY BIG KID is coming home from college today!

Guys, I miss him so much. :inlove:

Aww, so sweet. I'm glad you get to see him today. I remember getting sentimental seeing commercials about kids going off to college and thinking I'll just die when my kiddo goes away. But, right now? I kinda look forward to the moment she's beyond these uncontrollable hormones and handling her own stuff. She literally broke down and cried on me 3 separate times yesterday. THREE!

Aww, so sweet. I'm glad you get to see him today. I remember getting sentimental seeing commercials about kids going off to college and thinking I'll just die when my kiddo goes away. But, right now? I kinda look forward to the moment she's beyond these uncontrollable hormones and handling her own stuff. She literally broke down and cried on me 3 separate times yesterday. THREE!

Which sucks. You are only as happy as your saddest child.

Which sucks. You are only as happy as your saddest child.

Oh, I haven't heard this before. I like it! So true!

Aww, so sweet. I'm glad you get to see him today. I remember getting sentimental seeing commercials about kids going off to college and thinking I'll just die when my kiddo goes away. But, right now? I kinda look forward to the moment she's beyond these uncontrollable hormones and handling her own stuff. She literally broke down and cried on me 3 separate times yesterday. THREE!

Yea, the girls are rough, but they come 'round, don't they?

NanaPoo, I had no idea him leaving would affect me like this. Although everyone who knows me? THEY knew I would be a mess.

Don't wish it away. :(

After school today? I have to return scrubs. I have laundry. I may even cook dinner.

I did get the mani pedi yesterday. Dark purple toes and grey fingers. I may get a gel before Christmas, but this was a regular mani. I keep my fingernails super short.

Specializes in kids.

Best Saturday in a long time....son needed almost $1000 in rust repair on a 2002 suv to even get it inspected, let alone what else may be needed....went car shopping Saturday and he financed how own car!!! I helped with cash deposit because he hadn't planned ion buying, got a good interest rate and momma not a co signer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He struggled for many years with some stuff, a couple of horrible relationships, the death of an almost step son, moving back home to lick his wounds.... He had a great credit score, they gave him almost $1000 for his beast!!

We are doing the happy dance in our house this week!! :yes:

Making homemade Mac and cheese for The Big Kid.

Specializes in Peds, Oncology.

I went grocery shopping after school. Boo. Hiss.

Every night is the same.... homework with two second graders, make dinner, clean dinner, run, shower, tuck in, bed.

Today is going to by crazy! Everyone brought food for staff Christmas lunch today, then run home, change clothes and meet the other county school nurses at 4 for a get together. I get to spend a short period with the nurses then off to another Christmas gathering at 5:30! The last gathering is a potluck with some of the most amazing cooks looking forward to that one! The nurses gathering is at a local buffet that I never go to (not a favorite place)

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