Text Messaging During Lecture


It flips me out to see students pull out their cell phones during lecture and start texting. These are usually the same students that barely get by and complain about questions on an exam. I have seen some pull out their cell phones and head toward the bathroom during clinical. Not trying to rant about it, but it drives me crazy. :angryfire

Specializes in Utilization Management.

I don't have a problem with people texting during class; if I notice them, it's my problem for letting my eyes wander from the task at hand. I do get annoyed at work when I am doing a work-up on a patient (BP, pulse, respirations, temp, updating meds and medical record...all things that involve interaction with the patient) and they come in the room on a cell phone and refuse to get off said cell phone long enough for me to do my job.

Texting is disrespectful of the person who took the time and work to create a presentation. There's really no way around that. Telling someone ahead of time that disrespect will happen, doesn't erase the disrespect. Saying someone else's behavior is more disrespectful, doesn't erase the disrespect.

I disagree, someone sitting a row in front of you (in stadium style seating) or right next to you texting away is distracting. I'm in awe that an instructor would knowingly let this fly. You must have some sort of listening skills to be able to be on your phone and absorbing information all at once. I guess if it was well known in the class that you were going to be on your phone all lecture, maybe it wouldn't be so distracting...seeing as other students would know the teacher was OK w/ it.

I respect that I always sat in the back corner seat the people who sat by me knew what I was going to do and they were ok with it. I have always been like that able to absorb information when I was a young kid and teachers would ask me how I knew what was going on I always answered osmosis ....our instructors didnt baby sit us they presented the information it was up to us to learn it they didnt have time to say sit up pay attention stop that they said you are paying to be here you need to do these things to stay in the program and it is up to you to get it done. I also rarely did the readings I dont really know how to study, and the last semester I didnt even buy books. For the first 4 tests of the last semester I was one of only 3 students that passed all of the exams ( i didnt just pass I got B's on them which is good considering almost everyone else flunked). I love to learn though and I learn quickly If my attention span was better I would have gone to medical school but I just couldnt stand the thought of so many years of college. I dont mean to sound like such an ass I understand people dont like certain things but it is not fair to assume all situations are the same and if they dont fit your criteria then there is something else wrong (like with the instructor) deciding that I cant function in the work place because I have a hard time sitting though lecture is not fair and it has not been my experience at all I need to be doing something thats why I like nursing I can spend 12 hours doing something and time goes by so quickly this may interest some too about my thought process I was the only clinical student that had 5-6 patients while others had 2 because my instructors realized I was fully capable of providing good care at a real pt/nurse ration and wanted me to get as much experience as I could I am glad that they did not close there minds to me but worked with me to help me recognize my potential as a RN the couple of instructors I had a problem with (and it was never about the phone) just made me stronger because just to spite them I only got 100% on everything they gave me.

Specializes in IMCU.

You miss my point. I am glad you think that this coping strategy isn't going to impact you or your reputation. That no one has suggested that to you before is surprising. So, essentially, what I read from your posts is...I can't sit still in class but I am better than everyone else in my class AEB...". Ignoring the fact that you must Google and text through classes -- the superior attitude combined with the need for special treatment in class won't go in your "plus" column.

If you think otherwise that is really great.

I didn't mean to seem like I was judging you, I just sometimes feel sorta bad for the instructor when people text during class...but obviously your sitch is different. Plus I need to pay close attention during class or I fall behind so maybe it's just that I can't relate.

Specializes in interested in NICU!!.

i am not in ns, but in my regular classes, i hate it when i see someone text, not really see, it's actually the noise of the 'texting' so it is a distraction to me or anyone that can hear it. it is not about 'not paying' attention to the students texting and paying attention to the instructor but rather the noise that distract us and makes it harder to concentrate. i still think it's disrespectful, but bottom line it lies on the instructor to stop it or a student to complain about it. if i don't hear it, i am fine, but i still think it's not appropriate.

The whole texting in class is incredibly rude and distracting. There is no excuse for it. The same goes for playing online poker, reading emails, side discussions or whatever else.

When did we become so mannerless? I suppose someone will say this is their "right" to free speech or rubbish like that.

Then their is always the person who has children who "must" be able to contact them. A friend of mine at a different nursing school said they took care of that probem...during clinical if there is an emergency they are to contact the unit secretary at the clinical site. This apparently took care of all of the "we are out of cheerios" calls.

I've been around my grandkids and daughter and can't believe the trifling things they will call their mother for while she is at work. I can't believe that she can get away with personal calls from the kids at the workplace. If it were that once in a blue moon emergency, that is one thing, but every little thing?! That's the kids. The man of the house is a different matter. Wonder how she gets any work done!

You miss my point. I am glad you think that this coping strategy isn't going to impact you or your reputation. That no one has suggested that to you before is surprising. So, essentially, what I read from your posts is...I can't sit still in class but I am better than everyone else in my class AEB...". Ignoring the fact that you must Google and text through classes -- the superior attitude combined with the need for special treatment in class won't go in your "plus" column.

If you think otherwise that is really great.

I have my license already Im done with school. I dont think I am better than anyone everyone learns differently I always helped anyone and everyone who asked me for help. I am confident in my abilities though and I will not apologize for that we are all special in our own way and I have an ability to learn quickly with little effort I have lots of other things that I am not good at school just isnt on that list and neither is work. I only googled because my instructors would say "someone google this" I would have it ready. My point was this I cant sit still in class it is just that enviornment. I was quiet during lecture. I participated in discussion. I did my work. I did great. I am so proud of my fellow classmates because we made it as a team (once they accepted me!) Like I said I respect everyones view as for my classmates they always said good things about me they even nominated me for an award at graduation time. I am who I am but I honestly do not think I was better than anyone I was just supporting the fact that my doing other things in class did not affect my education or cause any conflict in my classes with my instructors or classmates. So I am leaving this post alone to anyone I offended I apologize I was only stating I used my phone to text in class in a respectable manner AEB: I had an agreement with the instructors,I sat in the back I did well in class and never complained about being behind, I kept the phone silent, I never had the phone out when there were presentations, tests or speakers. I do understand and respect that people see texting in the classroom situation as rude.

It flips me out to see students pull out their cell phones during lecture and start texting. These are usually the same students that barely get by and complain about questions on an exam. I have seen some pull out their cell phones and head toward the bathroom during clinical. Not trying to rant about it, but it drives me crazy. :angryfire

I feel this way about cell phones period!! :angryfire

Specializes in Psych.

I think texting in class is EXTREMELY rude, no matter how discreet one is trying to be. I have been in lectures before, sitting in the front, and I can STILL hear people in the back clicking away on their phones. I am one of those people that ANY superfluous noise really bothers me if I'm trying to concentrate, and when Im trying to concentrate, it seems like my sense of hearing for superfluous noises gets REALLY sharp LOL! But my point is, if someone is sitting even in the back of the lecture hall texting, Im going to hear it, and that is ALL I am going to hear, and it drives me up the WALL.

Specializes in Med Surg.

Only rude people text during classes. There's no excuse for it whatsoever. If there's an emergency, by all means, step outside and take the call, but this whole entertaining oneself during the lecture is only a copout.

Specializes in E.D..

There are two people at fault when texting happens in class. 1) the rude student and 2) the spineless instructor.

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