Published Nov 6, 2014
34 Posts
Im wondering if school nurses gathers teachers and staffs medical information and emergency contacts in their school. My responsibility as a school nurse where I work now is focused on the students but I'm wondering if others are also responsible with the staff's medical records.
Wave Watcher
751 Posts
No. I do not have any information for my staff. The only info I know is what they may tell me in casual conversation. I feel if they have any health issues they can see their primary physician. I do have staff that will come into clinic and want their temp or BP taken. If we have an emergency with the staff we always call we do with the students.
fetch, BSN, RN
1 Article; 481 Posts
Staff members fill out emergency cards similar to the student ones - but they are mostly "if I am unconscious and you have to call 911 then give them this card" type of thing. I give them a cursory look to see if there is another I need to know - ie, one teacher is deaf, another has a condition that can cause periodic syncope but does not need a 911 call unless she doesn't snap out of it within 10 minutes, etc. Other than that, I don't look at them until we need to call a spouse.
SnugglePuggle, MSN, RN
170 Posts
Yes, I have all staff complete an Emergency Medical Form, listing emergency contacts and health related issues that they wish to disclose. Upon request I will assess a staff member and provide treatment when appropriate. I also promote staff wellness through various activities throughout the year.
NASN position statement on the Role of the School Nurse:
"Using clinical knowledge and judgment, the school nurse provides health care to students and staff, performs health screenings and coordinates referrals to the medical home or private healthcare provider."
bsyrn, ASN, RN
810 Posts
I have a form I give to all the school employees on which they list all their emergency contact information and medical information. This is voluntary but so far everyone has filled it out. I keep the sheets in a binder in my office.
1,294 Posts
We have an Emergency Medical Form that is filled out by the staff every year - lists emergency contacts and any health issues they may have. Most of the time the staff will just come and tell me privately if they have any health issues. The forms are kept in a binder in the secretaries office - our school secretary is my right hand man if anything should happen during the day, she would be the one contacting the emergency contacts for me.
I am not responsible for staff health issues but am available if there is an emergency.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
Wow, I have no idea. Guess I'll have to go check.
I, as others have said too, have teachers/staff come to me personally for medical advice. Or to look in their ear with an otoscope so they don't have to go to the doctor. Or come to me crying due to being diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease.
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,675 Posts
We were told that we cannot collect this information....teachers have shared info with me and I file it in my emergency binder. I think it is a dumb rule because if they are unconscious, who is gonna share info with EMS?
Their (admin) response is that if they were on the street, it would be the same.
My response is, don't we have an obligation to mitigate a (potential) emergency?
I lost.
56 Posts
I have a form that I send out but it's their choice whether they choose to share it with me or not. I keep them in a binder in duplicate so that in the event of an emergency I can just pull one copy out for EMS. That's the only time I'd use it.
Thanks all! I am working in an International School and most of our staff are from all over the world. I find it necessary to have their emergency contact list due to a lot of staff are here by themselves(singles), some with wife and small kids and no other relatives. What's in my files are outdated, last updated 2012(this is my first year in this school and don't know why the files were not updated last year). Many teachers have already left and new teachers don't have their emergency contacts with me.
I will send out an emergency medical forms for them to fill-out next week :).
506 Posts
Our main office keeps emergency contact info for staff. Some teachers come and share medical info with me privately or ask "what do you think about____?" I'll answer questions but the most common answer I give out is "talk this over with your doctor". I will do a BP check for them or help them check a blood sugar (most have no idea how to do that) and I will give them a form to track BP and blood sugar on to take to the doc when they go.