TCC Spring 2013 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


I have not seen a thread yet so I thought I would get one going for those applying for this Spring.

I wasn't nervous at first, but now I am on pins and needles. I only applied to TCC and this is my first time applying.

I already have a BBA and last summer I decided to quit my job and go back to school to pursue my dream of being a nurse. Since all my sciences were older than 5 yrs I have spent the last year retaking A&P I&II and Micro. I also took Chemistry and Statistics as I plan to eventually obtain by BSN.

I have a 3.75 GPA, which I hope will be rounded up to 3.8, and I made a 90.50% on my HESI.

Good luck to all!!

Monicarocha - I would imagine your GPA will do more for you since it relates to the field more so than the non-science HESI. I don't know how it factors in, but it makes more sense to me to use the GPA first. Good luck!

Congrats everyone! Your grades and HESI scores look very competetiive. I am also applying later in life pursuing a long term dream of nursing. I do know a few peiople at TCC in the program and some that have already graduated. I know that nursing school(anywhere) is no joke. So if you plan on still working full time while in school you may want to reconsider that. Please dont apply and accept unless you are planning on making school your number one priority. My friend who is in school now says its about 50-60 hours a week commitment.

I wish everyone the best who truly want this as a dream career and are prepared for the road ahead.

That being said...I was told we should know by the end of October 31 if we are accepted. Don't get discouraged because some people dont accept at TCC and go to other schools!

Lauren I can't wait for Oct 31 and I hope we hear something. It looks like there are several of us that are older going back to pursue our dreams. I have a friend in the first semester of the program and she emphasized the level of commitment.

Good luck!!

I sure hope we find out by Halloween too! I'm in nail bitting mode bc almost everyone on here has a higher gpa than i do so i'm quite nervous, especially since TCC is the only school i applied at. Sure hope we will all get accepted & get to meet each other soon.

KLP I totally understand as I only appiled to TCC as well. If I would have been thinking I would have taken Micro this semester for an A just in case, but just thought about that yesterday while I was in panic mode. That was my only B :-(

Good luck!!

My friend told me that one of his classmate was an alternate and got accepted one week before class started. Her gpa was a 3.25!!!

LaurenMC1984- Hi lauren! I was curious who told you we should know by the end of October 31st?? As far as I heard we would not know if we were accepted until December so I am wondering if TCC told you this. Thanks!

Thanks, I hope it works that way.

hoping for soon! last year i heard they accepted around 150 applicants, so we should all get in right?? :laugh:

I sure hope so TXranger_Chris!! I am so anxious and I don't think reading this board is helping me haha!

One of the Pages said they would be mailed out October 31st, and last year, I read the forum for Spring 2012 and they were notified on October 28th! So I'm hoping it's around the same time! I'm sure they said mid november in case they ran into any delays, they didn't want people calling every day to check on the status. If that's the case, only 3 weeks of waiting left! =)

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