Tarrant County Spring 2012 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


I am starting this for anyone who is applying for the TCC RN program in August.

Niki- You're welcome!

Hello Cross!

A&P I is where i got my first "B", and i was devestated, but even though I had time, I didnt retake it...

I planned to do all titers for my immunizations BUT the nurse informed me that I was better off just getting the shots just in case, so i would not be spending so much money and wasting time. Getting titers for everything is fine, but i would definitely think twice, getting shots is usually a one or two time thing but if you get titers and your not immune, your going to have to go back, pay more money, and get the shots anyway, plus getting the shots is a sure fire way of getting passive immunity. I never had chicken pox and was going to get tittered but the nurse said just spend the 30 dollars on the shots and be immune, rather than spend the 75 dollars on a titer and have it come back not what i want and spend another 30 dollars, get what i'm sayin? But like i said, its up to you.

Also, i'm not sure if they changed it, but last time I was in class actually on campus [in may], i heard that we had to have ALL of our general ed. classes done before we could even apply, but who knows, they are changing a lot of rules lately...

AND Good luck to you on your HESI! I know Student is taking theirs on the same day, and please keep us posted. I hope/want to SEE ALL OF YOU GUYS in the spring! or I at least hope i'm there to you all, haha!

Okay, now I have a question, [like always...]

When we take our HESI, will our scores be automatically sent to the nursing department or do we have to turn it in with our application? I was wondering since Im taking mine 1 day before the app. deadline and I was just going to drop it off in the office as soon as i got done..

Specializes in Oncology.

Application packets are up!

YAY!! Thanks for the update!

Wait wait if we still have copy of all of our shot records dated we still have to get signatures signed off on all of them ?

Specializes in Hoping to do either L&D or Trauma.

Packets are finally up! :yeah:

As far as the HESI scores, the lady at the the testing center told me that they would be available as soon as you complete each section. My *assumption* is that you get a printout of some sort to include with your application. Does anyone know if that's the case?

I agree with you on the immunizations. I'm going to call today and see if the results are in, and if not go ahead and schedule at least the Hep B. I've had chicken pox and used to get regular TB tests so those I'm not worried about as much.


mgorvie- from what I understand, yes. They want that form filled out and signed by your doctor and your up-to-date shot records.

Another question please since all you guys are getting ready to apply. I wont get to apply until next year. Opinions or if anyone has done this- after this semester i am going to have AP1&2, and Chem left to take. Better to take AP1&2 same semester? Or AP1 & Chem in same semester. I know either way it's going to be a full load. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Since the last time I checked, they wont allow your to take a&p I-II in the same semester since a&pI is a pre-requisite for a&p II, but you can take a&p I and chemistry together, depending on the type of studier you are its possible, but remember both classes have labs and dont get the content mixed up. I've taken science classes on a full 18hour load and still got an A in every class.

Specializes in Hoping to do either L&D or Trauma.


I took them all separately, but I think taking Chem concurrently with A&PI would have been extremely helpful. It certainly helps having chem done when you start II! :-)


Txhusker thanks for the info. Wow 18 hrs-I cant imagine how intense that was.

Crossreferenced- I appreciate the advice. Hopefully I will do well!! Good luck to you guys!

Hey everyone! So I printed off the application and noticed that 50% of our admission criteria is the score from the HESI and the other 50% is from the GPA from the 4 required sciences. I am a little worried..... I only have a 3.25. I am 2A's, 1C, and 1B. Does anyone have any advice... Should I retake the C?

Also, I am a little confused about the vaccines now. I spoke to Bev and she said that as long as I had my school vaccines I didn't need them signed off on the vaccine page. Am I the only one who got that information???

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