Tarrant County Fall 2011 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas



I'm applying to the fall nursing program in January. I'm super excited but I still have some unanswered questions. I tried calling the Nursing Dept at the South Campus and left a message but have not heard a response.

I'm trying to find out what teas version they are testing with in the spring for fall entry. I have read tons of threads from TCC for the past few semesters and it is nice to start a new one for nursing hopefuls like me.

I'm taking Micro in the fall and getting a math class knocked out for BSN. Anyway, hope to get some responses.

How cool is it that this time last year we were dying to be a nursing student and now, a year later, we are about to go to orientation!! I know I'm a dork... But this makes me extemely happy and excited!

Can't wait to meet y'all tomorrow! Sitting area by the elevators?

Specializes in Oncology.
Can't wait to meet y'all tomorrow! Sitting area by the elevators?

Yes ma'am! See you there!!

I'll be there around 745 ish. Have little one's I have to drop off with a friend.

I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Specializes in Oncology.
I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Ditto. I purposley stayed up WAY past my bedtime last night in hopes that I will fall straight to sleep tonight simply from pure exhaustion. Let's hope it works!

Ps- my friend got to tour the new campus for a special thing and said it's unbelievable!!!

lmd- you are not a dork! I am so excited. I've even been worried about what to wear. I think i have settled on jeans for comfort.

I hope I can sleep tomorrow, I have been working my tail off, so I should be able to. Although, we probably should get used to sleepless nights. Did everyone see the message from Mr. Ume on campus cruiser? I think we are supposed to bring our CID tomorrow.

Specializes in Oncology.

Hmm... I just checked CC and I don't see anything posted by Mr. Ume. Can you copy and paste here?

I was torn on what to wear, too. As a matter of fact, I still haven't really decided. LOL! I think I might wear dress slacks and a nice top, though. I have to dress "business casual" for work, so it's usually what I'm wearing anyway.

Dreamer, I just realized that if you don't have Mr. Ume for clinicals you may not have the message. It is listed in classes. It says to read the CID very well, and bring them to orientation, because we will go over them.

It is also written on those sheets that we have in our packets. The one that states what to do for your first day of class or what to read. It says on there to bring the CID to orientation.

Ok, I just re-read the post by Mr Ume, and it says review the clinical CID very well before orientation. I guess we dont have to bring the cid.

Light green sheet that has Welcome to Nursing Skill on top says to bring CID to orientation.

I tried getting a parking permit from the trinity river police a couple of days ago and they said tuition needed to be paid in full. Sometimes they make no sense. I have a payment plan in place, I can't park there because I don't have a parking tag. Any info? Also, has anyone gotten their special nursing id done? I was hoping to get it done tomorrow.

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