Published Oct 4, 2011
587 Posts
Reading a recent threads re: problem co-workers who share way tooooooooo much personal info. What do you talk about at work. (we seem to talk about what take-out place we should order from-starting from eary in the shift) and then there are the many who talk about their latest food plan/diets.
so spill it...what are the hot topics at your place of work and what do you think about it, positive negative an/or neutral. What topics that come up daily make you want to go hide out somewhere/anywhere else?
xtxrn, ASN, RN
4,267 Posts
Not being at work
(back when I was)
667 Posts
We exchange a lot of tips and stories about applying or being in RN programs. The LVNs talk about RN programs, the RNs talk about BSN or specialty programs. I don't know what this says about my workplace lol!
22 Posts
Reading a recent threads re: problem co-workers who share way tooooooooo much personal info. What do you talk about at work. (we seem to talk about what take-out place we should order from-starting from eary in the shift) and then there are the many who talk about their latest food plan/diets. so spill it...what are the hot topics at your place of work and what do you think about it, positive negative an/or neutral. What topics that come up daily make you want to go hide out somewhere/anywhere else?
I do not get into the gossip and talking at all. All that turns into is something for people to talk about you later, no matter what it is. I stay away from gossip zones like the break room. If someone starts to say negative things about a co-worker, I do not say anything and if I can I will state what that co-worker does well or a good thing I have found about them. I look at the good, and not what I can use to judge someone else. If I have time I research stuff I do not know. One night, I read about lots and lots of medications. I never speak poorly about patients either.
~Mi Vida Loca~RN, ASN, RN
5,259 Posts
We talk about all sorts of things. Some probably way inappropriate if there were listening ears around. Thankfully there isn't. Not usually a lot of gossip unless 1 person is working.
brandy1017, ASN, RN
2,893 Posts
Keep things light and keep your personal life private! Sharing too much personal info is a big mistake and you'll see the gossip mongers gathering and God forbid your best work friend and you get into a fight and then tells the rest of the coworkers your secrets. You want to avoid that mistake!
wooh, BSN, RN
1 Article; 4,383 Posts
Number one: We talk about patient body parts...
(Just kidding! Or am I???)
We talk about everything. EVERYTHING.
That Guy, BSN, RN, EMT-B
3,421 Posts
Yep same here. No topic is off limits.
JDotHamp, BSN
16 Posts
It is unreal the things people talk about at work. Most of us are only here 3 days a week sometimes 4 and by the end of the week I know who is on there period, whos husband gave them herpes back in 1997, and whos child is getting a whipping in the morning. I just sit back and wonder why. Why do you feel the need to tell someone at work this information let alone the whole entire nurses station and then you want to be the first one crying when someone is gossiping about you....SMH. I have learned over the years to keep my mouth shut. Every thinks I am so quiet, etc but really it is that I know how it goes and I don't need to have a problems at work. I tell them all the time TMI but they just don't get it. It is so bad that I often find a C.O.W. and sit in the hallway just so I don't have to listen. :smackingf
There are usually only 2-3 of us working at a time and the night shift on our unit is just a whole different vibe. We get a little crazy and have a lot of fun. We talk about crazy stuff but everyone is involved. The only time I sit off to the side and do my own thing is when the gossip gal is working. I never found anything wrong with it.
825 Posts
We usually have the same crew since we're the weekend shift but we talk about what's going on in the world, some about patients, a lot about what everyone did in nursing school and right after graduation, new grad horror stories (they love to freak me out since I'm almost a new grad), diets.
We don't ever talk about the patients, unless it's pertinent information, but never gossip. We don't talk about fellow co-workers in a bad way. Some people surf the computer if it's a quiet night. We usually always have people come up from other floors to say hi and see what's going on. We do talk about the NCLEX and the experienced nurses talk about what it was like to have to fly to sit and take the NCLEX with hundreds of other people for 4 days straight, on paper. And then they would have to wait WEEKS for their results. Talk about torture!!!
Poi Dog
1,134 Posts
We talk about which patient/family member/admin/doctor we are going to "off" that night. Off as in push off of a cliff.
My coworkers mostly talk and I observe or find some busy work to do.