Topics About 'Resume'.

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Found 32 results

  1. I have been involved in hiring decisions with my employer for about the last year and half. In just that very short time, a lot has changed. When I first took on this role, Turnover was incredibly high Over 50% of the unit staff were ag...
  2. I started a new job in December, and I hate it. After 2 months, I'm ready to leave. I believe I will be in my third month before I get hired for a new job. I want to know if I need to include this job on my resume. If I do include it, what could I sa...
  3. Dear Nurse Beth, I nodded off on my job and the clients family reported me as sleeping. I was removed from the case and most likely will be fired. Where do I go from here. Should I exclude this on resume?
  4. Resume Review

    I have been applying to many jobs every week and barely getting any call backs from hospitals. I don't know whats wrong with my resume. I am currently a dialysis nurse in a clinic but I want to go back to the hospital. XXXnameXXX, BSN, RN XXX address...
  5. RPN, Need help with Resume!

    Hi everyone, I graduated this past Summer, and got licensed with the CNO mid august. I'm having a hard time finding my first job as an RPN. I haven't even gotten a call for an interview. Can someone please help me objectively, look at my resume and m...
  6. Starting New Life, Overwhelmed Need Advice

    Long story short, after being married for 24 years with 4 children, I unexpectedly and very quickly found myself a single Mom this year. So now post divorce I find myself with absolutely no retirement to speak of and I am looking for a fresh start a...
  7. Nurse Beth

    How to Land a Job

    Consider Relocating Geographic location can be a barrier to getting hired. The "nursing shortage" is regional. Some areas of the country and some hospitals are not hiring new grad RNs. It is very difficult to find a job in the San Francisco Bay a...
  8. Resume Objective feedback please

    I am in the process of applying for new graduate RN position. I would appreciate some feedback and suggestions regarding the "Objective Statement" that I wrote. Professional Objective: "A dedicated, compassionate, team-oriented, and multi-lingual Re...
  9. Nurse Beth

    Nurse Beth Pops New Grad's Bubble

    Hi Nurse Beth! I am in the process of applying for new graduate RN position. I would appreciate some feedback and suggestions regarding the "Objective Statement" that I wrote. Professional Objective: "A dedicated, compassionate, team-oriented, and m...
  10. _Cecilia_

    New Grad RN Resume Advice Needed!

    Hello! I am planning to apply for jobs very soon; however, I would highly appreciate any questions, comments or concerns regarding my resume. Smallest font is 10 pt, and it is one page. Thank you for taking your time to review it!
  11. Dear Nurse Beth, I have been working on my resume using the tips that you provided online and in your book, and I am very pleased with the results. I have a question about use of keywords from the job description to bypass ATS System....
  12. Resume, Cover Letter, Interview Help

    I keep getting rejected from hospital jobs, even new grad jobs! I'm getting very discouraged. The only RN job I've held is at a SNF in the short term unit but I'm really eager to leave. Sadly, SNF experience isn't acute care experience so it doesn't ...
  13. Dear Nurse Beth, I have just been fired from my first hospital job as a new grad after having been oriented for 2 months. Although it was devastating, I am quite relieved as I've come to learn that ER is not where I want to be right now. That being s...
  14. Looking for some professional oppinion from people that actually look at these things. If you are a staff nurse or other I welcome your input as well. I only ask that you state your position when you critique(so I can understand where you are coming ...
  15. Need help with resume & cover letter

    Hello all, I desperately need help with my resume and cover letter. I 'm from Korea and worked as an OR nurse for 3years before coming to the U.S. I'm trying to get a job in the states, but it's way harder than I thought. Would you guys check my resu...
  16. Nurse Beth

    Revamp your Resume

    No matter what a fantastic employee you would make, if your resume does not immediately impress, you may never get the chance to show them. An ineffective resume gets tossed in under ten seconds in a competitive environment. Along with your chan...
  17. I had my instructor review my resume and give me some tips, but I still had no interviews. Two months later, I had an interview with a medical practice for an office LPN and they knew I was a new grad but they said they were willing to train me. The ...
  18. Dear Nurse Beth, I've been an primary care pediatric nurse practitioner for the past 7 years but want to get back into bedside nursing. I have no hospital experience as an RN (I was a direct entry NP). Can I apply to new grad programs? How do I ...
  19. It's Spring and it's New Nurse Graduation Time! Last week I attended one of two New Grad Banquets hosted by my hospital for the graduating classes of our local colleges. This one was for our community college ADN program (my alma mater). Th...
  20. Dear Nurse Beth, I am currently doing my preceptorship in MGH. My preceptor is very nice and asked me to give him my application materials so that he can refer me to his manager. I feel this is a very good chance to land my first job. What should I d...
  21. Congrats, you graduated nursing school! What a huge and happy accomplishment. While I do not know of a nursing resume service, there are some important guidelines for successful resumes and cover letters. Resumes Here are some key artic...
  22. Nursing Job Cover Letter

    Nurses' job is to take care of the patient, help the doctors keep a track of the history of the patient, administer medicines time to time, etc.The duties and responsibilities of a nurse depends from clinic to clinic. In hospitals the job description...
  23. tokyoROSE

    How I Got My Dream Job!

    I have been waiting to post this for a long time! I hope this information will help anyone looking for a job. Some background info - I graduated with high honors December 2011, got licensed February 15th. I had applied to a couple places before getti...
  24. Should I keep Hooters on Resume?

    Hi! So I am fairly new to allnurses, but I figured this would be the place to go for help on deciding what to keep/throw away on my resume. I graduated in May with my BSN and have been working at my first nursing job at a hospital almost an hour away...
  25. You worked hard on your resume and applied for jobs that spoke to who you are as a nurse. You received a call and landed an interview. Now what? How do you prepare? What type of questions will they ask? Most hiring managers use behavioral interviewin...