Topics About 'Preceptors'.

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Found 11 results

  1. How many preceptors did you have?

    Just curious…how many preceptors did you have as a new nurse? Or what is to be expected? I assumed as a new nurse you would have one, maybe two, and follow their schedule. I have had nearly a new nurse each shift and am finding it not ideal. It is so...
  2. When I'm ironing the wrinkles out of my nursing scrubs before going to work, I often think of them. When I'm performing a procedural nursing skill at the bedside, I often think of them. When I'm explaining the purpose of a medication to a c...
  3. Angela's preceptee, Lindsey, kept being late to work. Not terribly late, sometimes just 3-4 minutes. Other times, maybe 5-7 minutes. Typically Lindsay would rush in, all smiles and apologies. From the first, Angela was annoyed while she waited for Li...
  4. Ivanna_Nurse

    Dear preceptor

    Dear preceptor.. I came to you smiling, full of energy and ready to tackle the last leg of my orientation journey, with your guidance of course. I haven't really gotten any inclination on where that guidance is at. You tell me what patients to take, ...
  5. Many nursing students make the transition from regular, group clinical rotations to working one on one with "real nurses", or preceptors, during their senior year. Preceptors put a lot of time, energy and heart into helping teach the students during ...
  6. Dear Nurse Beth, How to find good mentoring/precepting? I'm a new-ish RN with 1 year of moderate sedation for procedures work behind me. I moved, and landed a new job in an inpatient specialty unit, but left after 2 months because I had no consi...
  7. What Precepting Means to Me

    I was asked to be a preceptor by my manager and at first I was unsure of whether to take on such a responsibility. Did I have the skill? Was I proficient enough? Did I have the patience to do this job? Could I be successful in this new task? Precepto...
  8. It feels as though I have always had one or more angels watching over me as I have progressed throughout my nursing career. I managed to get pregnant in my junior year of college...not in the plan for sure, but I had wonderful roommates who were extr...
  9. Schools That Provide Preceptors

    Do they still exist? Ones with assigned clinical sites/preceptors? The schools I have spoken with all claim they "help" but I see coworkers that cant progress through their degree due to lack of preceptors. I move a lot due to my husbands job so I do...
  10. I recently had the privilege of interviewing two really great nurses. Both have been in practice for at least 7-10 years and have worked in various roles (inpatient, traveling, charge nurse and outpatient). I figured that with their experience and sk...
  11. There are several additional points that I would like to make at this time. The concept of students finding and arranging their own preceptorships in advance nursing is an unsustainable and unethical one. For one thing, there is an unequal playing fi...