Topics About 'Nursing Education'.

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Found 23 results

  1. Important Information for Nurses Regarding Continuing Education (CEs) Amber was just two weeks away from the renewal date for her nursing license. As she reviewed her certificates, she noticed that one certificate she received from a conference l...
  2. Some assert that there are some pretty distinct differences in the capabilities, responsibilities and patient outcomes that come with each educational milestone. It's no secret that more voices in the field are citing those differences as a driving f...
  3. First generation college students often have educational experiences that greatly differ from those of their classmates who come from more educated families. I was one of those students who had been the first in my immediate family to complete colleg...
  4. Nurses are awesome...but you probably already knew that. What many do not know is that these amazing health care providers can come with several different levels of preparedness when it comes to higher education, degrees, and specialty certifications...
  5. What I learned in nursing school is how to set up an IV fluid set, what to do when a patient is exhibiting signs of septic shock, the most intricate details of hundreds of medications, how to give different types of intramuscular injections, and how ...
  6. LPN school: The First Year

    March 5, 2007. My first night of LPN Nursing School. I was sick to my stomach, nervous as a cat, and ready to quit before I started. Sheer determination made me walk through that door to the classroom and find a seat. Sheer stubbornness kept me comin...
  7. Are you a registered nurse who wishes to further your education by earning a graduate degree in nursing? Numerous colleges and universities offer online MSN degree programs with specialty areas in nursing education and leadership / management. Furthe...
  8. Jonathan Downham is an Advanced Critical Care Practitioner in Warwick, UK. He was in Florida recently at NTI 2019.'s Content and Community Director, Mary Watts caught up with him for an interview. History Jonathan has a 32-year...
  9. I always wanted to be a nurse as far back as I can remember. I know I put splints and bandages on my dolls; Mom told me. I graduated from high school already married with a baby, school was out of the question. Then, my marriage fell apart and I met ...
  10. AccelCNL

    Never Give Up on Your Dreams

    When I signed up on this site in 2006 I was at my second college and trying to get into the nursing school there. I was not a successful student at my first college (due to college shock and illness). When I transferred I thought things were finally ...
  11. Nursing has been the top-rated profession for the last 20 consecutive years. Due to the pandemic, it has become in demand now, more than ever. There is a need for nurses to take care of patients amid the COVID-19 crisis. The World Health Organiz...
  12. For-profit schools, unlike their nonprofit counterparts, are owned and operated by corporate entities or private organizations. Even though for-profit colleges and universities have come under increased media scrutiny in recent years, enrollments hav...
  13. After reading here on allnurses for some time and observing the amount of questions from potential students regarding what hallmarks identify quality nursing programs, I thought I would draft this article. I did considerable research on programs base...
  14. When it comes to anything having to do with scholastic endeavors, I have always taken pleasure and excelled. As I would tell my professors when they asked me how I did so well, the realm of academia has always been my happy place; I have some modicum...
  15. For a myriad of reasons, many nurses who are educated at the diploma or associate degree level are wanting to return to school to earn a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree. For instance, managerial personnel at numerous acute care hospitals ...
  16. We Must Demolish Traditional Universities

    Can we address this line of thinking -"We must demolish diploma factories"? The hubris and the arrogance abounds. If we can take anything away from 2020 it is this, the traditional brick and mortar school needs rethought. It no longer serves a purpos...
  17. General E. Speaking, RN

    Gringo's Question

    The decision to further my education and become a Registered Nurse (R. N.) has affected my life in ways I would have never imagined. Twenty years ago, I did not have any aspirations of attending college. Like many others, I was not a particularly bad...
  18. Everyone is capable of academic success, but some people arrive at the table better prepared than others. The controversial truth is that not all people will succeed in school, no matter how badly some individuals may want it. And, in my opinion...
  19. Maureen Bonatch MSN

    What Advice Would You Give to Future Nurses?

    The news is often overflowing with articles about nurse burnout, bullying, staff shortages, and questionable compensation. You may have experienced some, or all, of these issues yourself during your nursing career. Maybe enough to make you wonder why...
  20. How to Pay for Nursing School

    I've noticed a lot of posts on the topic of paying for nursing school. I've also noticed a lot of responses here telling everyone to go to community college and get an ADN then do an RN bridge program. Well, I disagree and here is why: It is eas...
  21. Choosing the right FNP program for you is a difficult decision. There are so many programs out there, and they each have pros and cons that make them stand out in one way or another. It's hard to know where to begin. This blog post will help you sear...
  22. Direct entry MSN programs are approximately three years in length. They provide basic nursing curricula during the first year or so of the program (pre-licensure phase), with graduate core courses and specialty course work during the remainder of the...
  23. CDC Train CDC Train has over 500 + public health topics, most are free and offer CE Examples: Acute complications of COVID-19 Applying CDC's Guideline for Prescribing Opioids -13 modules Applying Therapeutic Communication: En...