Topics About 'Nurses Rock'.

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Found 38 results

  1. Alzheimer's Disease

    According to the National Institute of Aging, the Alzheimer's Disease is " an irreversible, progressive brain disease that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and, eventually even the ability to carry out the simplest tasks of daily living. In...
  2. I am told that this Thursday, today as it were, is a day to surround ourselves by people that we both adore and cannot stand and are a source of endless joy and drama (AKA Family...whether work or genetic, does it really matter which?), to overdose o...
  3. "The only thing worse than an active conscience is one that's retroactive." - Harold Coffin. An active conscience is defined as an inner awareness of right and wrong, good and bad, that a person uses to constantly steer his or her conduct toward taki...
  4. I could say I pursued nursing because I wanted to follow the footsteps of my mother who is RN, but that is the usual every other day story you normally hear. This was one of the reasons why I decided to become a nurse, however, one of my other reason...
  5. "Become a nurse just for the money? How can you possibly be a good nurse if you're doing it just for the money?" The implication seems to be that in order to be a good nurse, one has to have a "calling". This is the idea put forth mostly be brand new...
  6. Reclaiming our Profession

    I've been a nurse for a few years now. When I was wait-listed for nursing school, it seemed the profession was undergoing a change. Many Diploma programs were being closed in my area, the push was again taking place for the Bachelor's degree to be th...
  7. The Nursing Niche

    "To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we go through, is to be a nurse". - Rawsi Williams There are some people who knew nursing was for them from the get-go. Then there are those who realized it a bit later i...
  8. The best job in the world.

    Lets be honest here. Nurses love to whinge. And to be fair, we do have a lot to whinge about. Pay, for example. It took me four years of university to gain a nursing degree. In that same time I could have qualified in law, architecture or pharmacy, a...
  9. VivaLasViejas

    The Truth About Cats and Dogs

    I've always been an advocate for pets in long-term and residential care, but after some of the occurrences I've witnessed recently in my assisted-living faciity, I've begun to wonder if it's really a wise thing to do. Maybe it's because the staff win...
  10. What Makes a Great Nurse

    When I was in nursing school, one thing I always remember hearing the instructors say is straight A's are not what makes a good nurse. There's nothing wrong with getting straight A's of course, but it takes a lot more than that to truly be a good nur...
  11. TheCommuter

    Top 5 Reasons Why Student Nurses Rock

    Nursing students sometimes get a painfully raw deal while receiving their education and training to become nurses. For instance, their eagerness to learn and questions are occasionally met with cold receptions from a handful of staff nurses and patie...
  12. Why did you become a nurse? This is a common question that is asked of nurses. Here is my story of why I became a nurse and how I discovered my dream job. In 1995, I attended an educational course sponsored by the Ophthalmic Nurses Society (ASORN). A...
  13. Reflecting on the Above and Beyond

    The very first time I ever stepped foot into an oncology office was the day my Dad was diagnosed with Stage IV Melanoma. The only thing I could think as I sat there was, "Why does anyone decide they want to become an oncologist or even work in a plac...
  14. Angels with a broken wing

    So much has been written in this Forum regarding the behavior of Nurses toward their co-workers and Patients and the impressions of the General Public toward the Nursing Profession; its time to take a fair and balanced view of what is actually happen...
  15. Nursing There to Here...

    Everyone on the planet either knows a nurse, loves a nurse or is a nurse. Doctors can't function in most capacities without nurses and hospitals could not exist without them. Still, after all this time, nurses are often portrayed in stereotypical sce...
  16. Dear Nurse

    Dear Nurse, I hope you get the time to read this one because its written just for you. I know you can never have enough time to do all you have to do, let alone to read this letter but I hope you can sit awhile and ponder on these words. You are tire...
  17. nurse from heaven

    My New-Found Love For Nursing

    Five years ago, I never dreamed of becoming a nurse. I wanted nothing to do with the medical world. Partly because my dad wanted me to be a Doctor and I didn't want to. Well, I did attend LPN school somewhat grudgingly because of the job prospects. A...
  18. A Phone Call

    She called my name down the hallway. To me, at the other nurses' station. Why she did that, I don't know. I had a phone next to me. She's the unit secretary. Why doesn't she know my extension? "You have a phone call. Johnson's brother. Wants to speak...
  19. How I Fell in Love with Nursing

    Nursing was never really my cup of tea.I never pictured myself wearing whites and a fancy little white cap. As a child, my dream was to become an engineer, a civil engineer. This manifested as I grew up being fond of drawing different, sometimes weir...
  20. The Boy at the Bottom of the Stairs

    We try to teach our children how to be good. Being innocent isn't necessarily the same thing, and some day, when the sheen has worn off, becoming a virtuous person in this world will mean making hard decisions and choosing difficult paths. I was fort...
  21. I have been an operating theatre nurse for seven years. For the past three years, I have volunteered for a healthcare outreach program in Papua, New Guinea. This healthcare mission trip brings together a group of specialized nurses, doctors, health p...
  22. MochaRN424

    The Reason Why I Pursued a Nursing Career

    I have always had this desire to be a nurse that worked with babies but because of not being confident in math I did not pursue nursing in high school. I graduated high school with my study concentrating in Business. I was born and raised in New York...
  23. With more than 3 million registered nurses (RNs) and more than 750,000 licensed practical nurses (LPNs) in the United States, nurses are the perpetual glue of the healthcare system. Do not allow anyone to tell you that you are not important, for heal...
  24. Thank you Mrs. O

    There was always one amazing woman in my life growing up; Mrs. O was my best friend's mother. Mr. and Mrs. O had an incredible marriage, and a loving home life. They were the type of parents that I longed to have; they were supportive, involved, and ...
  25. Why I Want to be a Nurse

    I was always interested in choosing the career of nursing due to the influence of my grandmother. Whenever I would visit her in Sweden, she would always have this nursing box of bandages, first aid supplies, and stethoscopes, and she would help me pl...