Topics About 'Life Of A Nurse'.

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  1. Look around the floor any day, and you'll likely see one or two frantic nurses. At one time or another, we've all been that desperate nurse, or maybe we've been the deceptively outwardly calm but inwardly frantic nurse who's drowning. Why do nur...
  2. I've been thinking a lot about getting older (and older) recently. For me, nursing was a second career. When I graduated from high school, I immediately started nursing school because that's what you did in the 70's. However, about 18 months later, I...
  3. allnurses

    We Did Not Sign Up For This

    This article was written by someone who wishes to remain anonymous. Due to the topic and emotionally charged nature of the article, the member wanted the topic out in the open so nurses could discuss it. Because she is afraid of retribution if any of...
  4. Every now and then, though, we get to care of someone who shows us exactly why we do what we do. Those cases, those patients, provide us with the inspiration we need to do our jobs despite how taxing they can be. I had the pleasure of taking care of ...
  5. Florence Nightingale, the lady with the lamp, the best in her days, this generation and perhaps in the generation yet unborn. There might have been nurses before her days but none could conceptualise nursing during her time and even for the future as...
  6. I mentioned it to one of my co-workers, right after I did it. She said "AWWWWWW!" as you would coo at a child's accomplishments. She was delighted and mentioned it to someone else. They grinned from ear to ear, and it was obvious that they remembered...
  7. A Nurse has been selected as the first nonphysician president of the New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM). Read in its entirety: First Nurse to Lead New York Medical Association
  8. spotangel

    I Am Not Ready to Die!

    With my minimal PPEs, I was nervous entering the room on my first day on an unfamiliar unit in the hospital. All clinic nurses had been deployed to the hospital. No training, just show up and plugged in where the need was. I told the charge RN that I...
  9. Today I remembered a 4 yr old... lifeless, so pale, except for the bruises which covered his body. I remember so vividly the parent who angrily confessed that "the boy just refused to walk right" he beat him to death. I thought about the terror ...
  10. "Nancy" and Babs

    Each shift "Nancy Nurse", my character, was efficient, intelligent, quick thinking, compassionate, organized, quick witted and funny. She also had excellent assessment skills, and even better intuition. She always "knew" which patients required close...
  11. To be a coward, or to be a fool?

    My Dream Job as a New ICU NurseI have always known that I was meant to be an ICU nurse. Call it intuition, divine planning, or blind ambition. Since I was a child, my dream was to heal the sick, to protect those too weak to protect themselves, and to...
  12. School taught me everything I know. School taught me the delicate balance of life, how to be A FIXER. Fix problems and help patients achieve a better way of life. A patient, Lucy would teach me an entire new way of thinking...and fixing. I received L...
  13. Not a bad day today... started back per diem today. 6 cases, all in the same township. Not my usual zip codes though, so I did waste some time and scheduled visits akimbo, instead of in a line like I usually try to do. 8:00 am:6 pt's, one n...
  14. Tips for Human Nursing

    REALLY LISTEN AND REFLECT, THEN YOU WILL LEARN: First of all I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to complete a grad initiative in acute care. This was an experience where I am paired with staff RN's for six months and in a way be mentore...
  15. January - Newborn ICU Dream JobI was making cold hard cash. I had an awesome preceptor for orientation. I was signing my name with RN behind it, I was giving meds all by myself, I was a nurse, woo hoo, life couldn't be any better. Everything I had wo...
  16. There's a Mousetrap In My Med Cart

    The law requires that all meds be given within one hour before or after the medicines are due, and this often creates a lot of stress for busy nurses. For instance, the 8 a.m. meds can be started at 7 a.m., and the med pass, for however many patients...
  17. chadash

    Something of Value

    How much of life is occupied by the vain pursuit of excellence in areas of no value? Let's consider, for instance, pop culture. Few things are done with such fervor and finesse, but what is it really? Is it" dust in the wind", as a famous rock philos...
  18. We Are So Lucky

    Today was a really hard day for everyone at work. One of our employees died at the hospital. He was just 24 years old, married with kids. Earlier today I was in a meeting and was called by one of my locally employed staff supervisors and informed tha...
  19. A Day in the Life of a Hospice Nurse

    Hospice also has a role in serving the community through educational speeches and work shops. Our liaison educates staff in Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Doctors offices, and hospitals about the services Hospice provides. Hospice is...
  20. Liz George PHN

    Hey Nurses, How are You Doing?

    How We Can Use the Nursing Process to Help Ourselves Survive (and Thrive?) in these Tumultuous Times As a working nurse, I know I don’t need to go into the details of what’s happening for nurses right now. For nearly every nurse the past few yea...
  21. War Veterans...

    During my time working in long term care, one of my lady patients who was very demanding and "by the rule" used to frustrate me to tears, until one day I noticed the pictures on the wall by her side of the room. In one of the photos, three beautiful ...
  22. Wyckoff Hospital is in Brooklyn, New York, and Amy has had a busy week after being named as one of the 100 Influential People in 2020 by Time Magazine. Her image graces the cover, representing the heroism of nurses and other frontline workers. Time c...
  23. Tips On The Transition from Studentnursewold to Realnurseworld Almost thirty years following the nerve wracking September morning I entered nursing school, I am often reminded of the first lecture and introduction. That's because it was the day I...
  24. You're a nurse. It’s your job to spend all day talking to patients, asking them very personal questions that you’d rather not have to ask, and handling their feelings of worry, confusion, and anger. You have your own feelings to manage, plus all the ...
  25. On the Edge of Insanity

    "She just cut her neck with a broken light bulb!" said the aide. I told the nurse to call a code blue but the pager system was down. So another aide ran down the hallway yelling for help from another unit. A few aides came running over. The other pat...