Radonda Vaught is charging $10,000 per speaking engagement.

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Or, $7,500 if you just want her virtually. Good to know that negligent homicide is such a lucrative endeavor. 


She lost her career and has to earn back money somehow.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Well, I mean, she could get a job like the rest of the world. Something doesn't sit right with gaining financially from the death that she caused through her negligence.

klone said:

Well, I mean, she could get a job like the rest of the world. Something doesn't sit right with gaining financially from the death that she caused through her negligence.

What kind of job? I don't know if it's right, but I can't say I wouldn't do the same if I were in her position. Could you? I imagine if I lost my license, I would be unlikely to find work that pays at the rate of an RN. Depending on how many speaking gigs she gets for the price of $10k, I'd bet she is making more than she would doing something else.

Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.

I find it repulsive.

Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.
dsaprog said:

She lost her career and has to earn back money somehow.

Possibly not by capitalising on the fact shes killed a patient. 
Not only did she kill the patient, the patient died horribly, suffocating and fully aware of the fact she was suffocating

Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.
dsaprog said:

What kind of job? I don't know if it's right, but I can't say I wouldn't do the same if I were in her position. Could you? I imagine if I lost my license, I would be unlikely to find work that pays at the rate of an RN. Depending on how many speaking gigs she gets for the price of $10k, I'd bet she is making more than she would doing something else.

she could have owned her mistake. Shown how she had learned from the mistake and to stop it happening again

Not played the victim

As for loosing her income, at least she is still breathing and her loved ones can still interact with her. Charlene Murphy will remain dead, her loved ones cheated out of time from her by a nurse who wasnt concentrating and did a below appallingly poor job and killed someone. 

Specializes in Critical care.

Why does anyone assume its strictly for money? She has valuable input for nursing community and the abuse my admin. Management. Perhaps people can learn what signs to look for that's not a safe environment.  People who kill people in drunk driving accidents speak to youth in hs. Etc. She admitted her mistake. Yes it was tragic. Nurses are so contradictory.  Try having some compassion for others. Too much like burn her at the stake mentality. 

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

People who talk about killing people from drunk driving don't charge $10,000 an engagement where they talk about the shortcomings of the booze industry and how it kills people. 

Diana380 said:

Why does anyone assume its strictly for money? 

Because if she wasn't doing it for the money she wouldn't be charging the outrageous speaker fees she's charging. 

Tenebrae said:

she could have owned her mistake. Shown how she had learned from the mistake and to stop it happening again

Not played the victim

As for loosing her income, at least she is still breathing and her loved ones can still interact with her. Charlene Murphy will remain dead, her loved ones cheated out of time from her by a nurse who wasnt concentrating and did a below appallingly poor job and killed someone. 

She did own her mistake and it was just that. A mistake. Because most people, not only nurses, make silly mistakes that have tragic consequences. No point in ruining her life over it. And this kind of relates to the story... just a couple months ago my friend who's not a nurse accidentally hit on the gas instead of the brakes while driving and ran over a pedestrian and killed him. The widow of the man he struck and killed is trying to sue wrongful death. Just because someone died by accident doesn't mean the killer should be financially ruined imo.

Specializes in CWS Certified Wound Specialist.
Diana380 said:

Why does anyone assume its strictly for money? She has valuable input for nursing community and the abuse my admin. Management. Perhaps people can learn what signs to look for that's not a safe environment.  People who kill people in drunk driving accidents speak to youth in hs. Etc. She admitted her mistake. Yes it was tragic. Nurses are so contradictory.  Try having some compassion for others. Too much like burn her at the stake mentality. 

Absolutely.  She was deeply remorseful. 

Nurse Beth said:

I find it repulsive.


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