super powers...


Just for fun!!!

Since everyone seems to think that nurses are somehow superhuman, if you could have one job related super power what would it be?

I would have the ability to control bowel movements. I would bring BM to the BM-less and be able to stop diarrhea with the wave of my wand!!! LOL!!!!:lol2:

Specializes in LTC.

What's that movie "more of me"? Well I'd like to be able to be in two places at the same time.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I would love to be all things to all people in the healthcare facility (the nurse, doctor, social worker, physical therapist, dietician, housekeeper, administrator, lab technician, transport person, psychologist, case manager, customer service agent, receptionist, secretary, concierge, chef, launderer, maintenance person.....)

Seriously, patients and visitors expect the nurse to be able to do everything, even things that are not within our scopes of practice. They ask you to conjure up a diagnosis when they should have asked the doctor. They want you to discharge them when they should have called the social worker for discharge planning. They want you to tell them all about their exercise and rehab, when they should have asked the PT. They want you to fluff their pillows when you are not a hotel clerk.

If we're already expected to be all things to all people, this is the superhuman power that I wish for.

Specializes in Emergency Midwifery.

My super power is a little more mundane....

I would have all the information I will ever need already stored in my head.

I would also have the ability to confuse management into appropriately staffing the hospital floor. :lol2:



Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

I would have the power to stop vomit in its tracks...especially post op when they've had Mcd's as their first bout some broth first..and some water...not big mac and a coke!

(Cheating...I'd like a 2nd...) How about the power to duplicate myself so when the really big messes hit, I don't have to deal with em?.....

Specializes in Pedatrics, Child Protection.

Telepathy. I'd love to be able to read the minds of physicians and the rest of the healthcare team. Maybe that way, I'd know what was going on!

Specializes in Cath Lab/Critical Care.

The ability to make time "stop" so that I could finish all of my work and run any interference on problem patients before messes happen...

I pledge to use my powers for good . . .

the power to eliminate WHINING will make the world a better place. I activate the power by holding my pen light aloft and repeating the phrase "Wonder Nurse Powers - Activate!!" and all unnecessary expressions of a whining nature are rendered mute, freeing everyone around better able to deliver care to the client.

Love, love, love this thread.

Specializes in Cath Lab/Critical Care.
I pledge to use my powers for good . . .

the power to eliminate WHINING will make the world a better place. I activate the power by holding my pen light aloft and repeating the phrase "Wonder Nurse Powers - Activate!!" and all unnecessary expressions of a whining nature are rendered mute, freeing everyone around better able to deliver care to the client.

Love, love, love this thread.

Wait, wait wait...could I use this super power ANYWHERE on ANYONE? Like on my kids, or co-workers, or people around me in public? Cuz if so, I totally want to change my super power...forget stopping time!

Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

I would want the ability to read the minds of the docs, social workers, pt/ot, my patients,etc. I also would want the ability to multiply myself. (like the movie "Multiplicity"). and the ability to make myself sound oh so nice when a pt,family member, co worker pisses me off. I think these would make my life easier.

Specializes in midwifery, NICU.

X-Ray vision, and to give it to the docs, so I can PROVE my feeling of "it's not right", in regards to oncoming NEC in the preemie!

Specializes in FNP, Peds, Epilepsy, Mgt., Occ. Ed.

The ability to touch the patient and instantly know exactly what's wrong with them. Immediate and 100% accurate diagnosis.

I'm an NP.

Lots of patients think their providers have this ability alreadly.

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