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Who's with me for summer classes? What are you taking?

This summer I'll be making my way through three classes. English 2, and my Religion requirement, and then the second summer session A&P1. Ack. :uhoh21:

Bring on the red bull!

~ CeraLeigh

I'm taking nutrition and A&P1 - both 10 week courses. I really hope I can pull an A in both!

I'm taking Physics and Lifespan 1st session and A&P II and Organic (Survey- so it's a cinch) second session... and sshhh... don't tell anybody- college algebra (already had it and Trig- both A's, but just want a gentle refresher for Calculus).

I need support! Will you all be there for me?

Specializes in Psych.

I'm doing Pathophysiology. After this semester, it's going to feel like a vacation!

I was going to (and REALLY wanted to) take the summer off, but I decided to take Pharmacology. Online. I hope it's not too hard! Can't be any worse than this semester with Health Science (A&P/Micro together) and Chemistry.

Good luck all!


I'll be taking A&P II, nutrition, micro, and growth through the life span. I will have NO life but I'm ready to tackle them and get into a program. Good luck to everyone.

I have Biology 111 via distance learning May-Aug. Just got the book and looks pretty easy, except we have labs to do at home! :uhoh21:

Chem 1 ("real" class) June-July

It's my first semester so I am gonna take basic classes like English, College Reading, General Biology- I am soooo excited to get closer to be a nurse!!!

Specializes in LTC, Psych.

No summer off for me either. On top of working 30 hours a week, I'm taking Micro the first half, Algebra the 2nd half and an online Sociology the whole semester.

I'm just the glad the 2 older girls finally have their drivers licenses so they can take the younger ones to the pool when they themselves don't have to work.

It's going to be one looooong, crazy summer!

I'm taking Physics and Lifespan 1st session and A&P II and Organic (Survey- so it's a cinch) second session... and sshhh... don't tell anybody- college algebra (already had it and Trig- both A's, but just want a gentle refresher for Calculus).

I need support! Will you all be there for me?

Refreshers are soooooooooooo nice sometimes when you want to be on top of your game. I have a few classes I think I might end up taking twice. Someone told me they were to thankful they took a math the semester before they tested. I might do that myself...

I'll be here if you're here.

ps - I'm aiming to be a CRNA myself!

~ CeraLeigh

I'll be taking A&P II, nutrition, micro, and growth through the life span. I will have NO life but I'm ready to tackle them and get into a program. Good luck to everyone.

Wowza! That IS a load. I tip my cap to you for your enthusiasm. ;) I loved my lifespan class this semester though. It was interesting to me.

It's my first semester so I am gonna take basic classes like English, College Reading, General Biology- I am soooo excited to get closer to be a nurse!!!

ITA that taking the first step was such a relief and I was quivering a little. I knew each test was getting me that much closer to the final goal.

~ CeraLeigh

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