Summer is almost over


Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

I haven't been on much this summer.

So bummed. I have really been enjoying the summer off. Totally not in school mode again yet. I am excited to start back again but at the same time want more vacation. Oh well 2 semesters left.

I hope everyone else has been having a great summer.

Did anyone do anything exciting? I took a road trip to Oregon and Washington with my kids.

That sounds like a lot of fun.

My summer has been wrecked because of A&P 2. I wish I had just taken the acclerated class with a different teacher. I have studied just as hard as if I was in an accelerated class, but ALL summer.

I never have time to spend with my kids and have fun. Im hoping to go upnorth for a long weekend before they go back to school.

We bought a house and we're having a garage sale 3-4 weekends of August. My 16 year old got a job. I have been accepted into the nursing program.

Specializes in Psych, LTC/SNF, Rehab, Corrections.

At least you just have two more semesters...and at least you had a summer.

I didn't do anything exciting.

Did my CNA certification. Went to school... 15 hrs. Actually, I'm STILL in class (summer 2). LOL Summer 1 just ended yesterday for me.

Fall semester, I have 17 hours and I swear, if I could take 21, I would. I may petition the dean to take 19.

I have to start my ACLS classes this semester and, hopefully, I'll get around to my CNA work. Trying to get a w/end assignment. Not sure that I'll be able to manage working during the week. That could be rough.

I'm just glad that I don't have kids yet. I respect the mothers who can do the school-thing and raise a family while holding down the homefront.

Hard work.

But this Summer was my first dose of real nursing-related classes. I did enjoy it. It's always easier to absorb and study when you actually enjoy the material. It's a helluva lot more interesting than accounting and finance, I'll tell you that...:D

I've been so used to looking at numbers, 'dry' facts and 'dry' material that my brain is besides itself at the moment...

I took Microbiology this summer, but it's already over and I don't go back til August 25th. I went on a 3 day, girls only, no kids cruise to the Bahamas, which was awesome! I am planning on doing a lot of day trips with the kids when they are out of camp next week; beach, pool, water parks, coney island, etc. I am so NOT in back to school mode!

LOL....I am sooo glad..I did not have summer off I had Nursing 130 and just finished it July 26 with a B!!! :yeah:Yay... I am so proud of myself but it has been HARD!!! I am trying to enjoy this LITTLE break we have before Fall semester starts AUG 16. I know once it starts we are SENOIR RN students and the work really begins ....but it is too be expected just hope I can survive these next two semester and grad in May:coollook: GOOD LUCK to everyone!!!:redbeathe

Specializes in NICU.

In June I got to spend a week in Florida and last week I stayed at the shore in a beach house, so I'm not too depressed that I'm stuck in patho until mid August! haha When it's over I'll have a short two week break before the fall semester starts, and I'm sure I'll want to sleep in every day :-X.

Don't I know it!

I'm going to New York City this weekend, I have 2 weeks left of my A&P II class, then I'm going camping with my friends for 3 days, then I have one day to finish getting myself together, and I head back up to the dorms on the 17th, have orientation on the 18th and 19th, and then take my CPR class on the 20th and start classes on the 23rd!

Specializes in LDRP.

Spent all of June and July taking summer school courses - non-nursing related pre-requisites for the ABSN program I start next month. I have also been working part-time and stocking up on school supplies and preparing for NS. I have some reading and studying from my nursing textbooks to do as well, before my ABSN program starts.

August is my month for vacation: beach trips, nights out with friends, having my best friend from Australia who I haven't seen in 6 years come visit, and a long weekend in Cabo with the girls. So excited to live it up before I have no life for 12 months :D But I'm also stoked to finally be starting nursing school!

I've been off since June 30. And it's gone WAYYY too fast.

Didn't help that my youngest hurt her knee (fractured her growth plate) at camp 2 weeks ago so she's been in a knee immoblizer since July 12. And hasn't been able to do a whole lot of anything :crying2:

We did manage to see a couple of movies. And I had a childhood friend come here last weekend. We all leave on vacation tomorrow- the girls to Europe with grandma (and hopefully my youngest's knee will be ok) and dh and I to Vegas.

I come back on the 11th of August, and I only have a couple more days after that before beginning the 2nd half of medsurge. UGH. Not looking forward to the frantic pace of school.

But- we get a different lecture teacher. I'm not sure how much I like her online notes (the first day's lecture were posted online today). But as long as I can follow along in the book, and she doesn't talk a mile a minute, I should be ok.

And since my daughter was laid up for three weeks, I managed to get a pretty good chunk of the paper that's due the 1st week of Sept finished. All I have to do is proofread, figure out how to APA refrence a website, and it's finished.

And- I'm kind of beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 9 months, 2 more semesters until graduation.


Specializes in NICU.

I'm burning myself out before school even starts back up--I've picked up a second job. I work as a maid at a motel in the mornings and a cashier at a grocery store in the evenings. Can you say 'sore back'?

Specializes in PICU/Pedi.

I haven't done anything too exciting, but that's okay. I had a ten week externship that I finished last week, and I got to see and do some cool stuff with that. Other than that, I have spent lots of time with my boyfriend, drank lots of beer, cooked lots of yummy food, read lots of books, watched lots of movies,and slept as much as I can. I have also reviewed older material, and read some of the new material coming my way. (I can never completely put school away.)

I am not ready for summer to be over! My kids have been with their dad most of the summer, so I haven't done much with them. We are going on a camping trip next week and then will relax for a few more weeks until pre-K starts for the kids, and I go back. I have psych nursing, med surg III, and peds this fall, so it's going to be hell! Most of my friends in school took one of those classes during the summer to make it less hellish, but I did the externship instead. Oh well. I usually don't work during school, and I got a PRN job in ICU, so that's another challenge to face. Ugh. :uhoh3:

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