Stupid, I know, but more bad representations of NURSES on tv!


Anyone watch 'The Walking Dead'? I love the show, but tonight, I got a little annoyed. Stupid reason too, because compared to most shows, even those that try to be medical shows, this one isn't all that bad.

But the Governor meets some friends, one of them is a nurse. She comes in to bandage a wound on his face, uses some kind of disinfectant to clean it, then frickin BLOWS ON IT!!! Ugh, dug my nails into my hand to stop myself from yelling in exasperation.

Why, oh why, when they depict nurses on tv, can they not spend a little extra money to at least do it right?!

Ok, rant done. Lol.

Specializes in critical care.

Haha, I thought the blowing on the wound was just corny, no matter how hot the governor is.

Before Herschel intubated Glenn, I was thinking about the trauma he was going to cause with that zombie-infected ETT. BUT, I think he only got the ambubag from the zombie, and the ETT was sterile. I think?

Specializes in Renal/Hemodialysis.
It is so least (hopefully) the TV viewer gets that it is totally fictional....zombies...etc.

I don't get why EVERY show the past few years has people getting or giving injections in the neck? I just don't get it? I keep trying to anatomically figure out where the drug would even go? I keep envisioning the trachea or esophagus? They usually look like pretty long needles.

And always always someone is in the hospital with an IV, decides they are leaving, yanks out the IV, dresses, and leaves, without a drop of blood from the IV site!

Maybe the IVs are out? LOL

Specializes in Medical-Surgical, Telemetry/ICU Stepdown.

The negative image of nurses in media is becoming a problem and nursing organizations are campaigning against it and have even called TV networks to protest the offensive material, sometimes with a positive result. has video/powerpoint presentation on the subject that you can watch to earn a CEU. Grey's Anatomy (?) has an episode about nurses spreading syphilist in the unit. If a young doctor is naive enough to sleep with one of the nurses, he'll get syphillis. This is on top of the usual insults that show nurses are ignorant, stupid, incompetent, and most of all absent. The doctors are keeping a vigil at the bedside, running the whole show all by themselves. If a nurse shows up, usually it's to do something outragerous, like infect a physician with syphillis.

Omg, yes, I saw this too!! Just picked it up of the floor, no fuss, and reconnected it. What? Given how she tore it out, seems like she just removed the access all together, but the doctor just twisted it back into her arm. And that's not forgetting the fact that the doc is the one doing this lol.

That too!!

Ok, you owe me a new keyboard. I snarfed on mine.

+1 to you

I checked the allnurses' TOS and my malpractice policy. Neither one covers snarfing or any action which may induce or precede snarfing. Just to be safe, I asked my lawyer, retired judge, The Honorable Foghorn J. Leghorn. He stated," Son, a claim of damages incurred from snarfing is equivalent to the value of the Vice Presidency attributed to John Nance Garner".

Sorry Doc, you're on your own.

Specializes in Emergency.
I checked the allnurses' TOS and my malpractice policy. Neither one covers snarfing or any action which may induce or precede snarfing. Just to be safe I asked my lawyer, retired judge, The Honorable Foghorn J. Leghorn. He stated," Son, a claim of damages incurred from snarfing is equivalent to the value of the Vice Presidency attributed to John Nance Garner". Sorry Doc, you're on your own.[/quote']

Son, I said son, see that yonder bucket? And I thought I was the only who referenced Garner.

The Walking Dead is my all time favorite show. That being said I did also notice the cuff on the ET tube was inflated prior to insertion. RT and I had whole conversation at work today about that episode. Went to movies tonight with kids and told my 13 year old not to do CPR the way it was being done on screen. Drives my family nuts when I do that.

Specializes in ICU.

I watched an older TV show recently; someone stealthily sneaks in to "pull the plug." It showed her reaching for the electrical plug in the wall. Strangely, the patient was not intubated, not on any life support, not even a nasal cannula! Just lying there, on the bed, with no medical devices, but she pulled the plug and he died!

Specializes in ICU.
I watched an older TV show recently; someone stealthily sneaks in to "pull the plug." It showed her reaching for the electrical plug in the wall. Strangely, the patient was not intubated, not on any life support, not even a nasal cannula! Just lying there, on the bed, with no medical devices, but she pulled the plug and he died!


Okay, how about in the most recent episode of The Walking Dead where the nurse sets up a first aid area or whatever and is once again just disinfecting incredibly minor wounds? Seriously, then she acted like she couldn't leave because she was the only nurse there. Lady, let me tell you something - if all you're doing is putting a tiny piece of gauze over a cut on a hand, they don't need you. It's not that complicated. :banghead:

The CPR techniques in shows and movies drive me crazy. My husband cracks up and teases me because I am always annoyed when I see TV nurses or doctors or EMTs doing CPR really high up on the chest with their arms almost straight out in front of them and just sort of lightly pressing in a weak, ineffectual way while grunting as if they are lifting weights or something. I also love when the doctors listen for heart or lung sounds in the wrong places. You really are not going to hear much through the scapula or sternum.

Of course, since my husband has to pause the TV every time he sees computer stuff portrayed incorrectly he really can't talk :)

I watched an older TV show recently; someone stealthily sneaks in to "pull the plug." It showed her reaching for the electrical plug in the wall. Strangely, the patient was not intubated, not on any life support, not even a nasal cannula! Just lying there, on the bed, with no medical devices, but she pulled the plug and he died!

But of course it is common knowledge that just by laying in a hospital bed you are obviously on life support and can therefore be unplugged…who doesn't know that :)

Anyone ever seen the Mindy project? I think the show is funny but, it's portrayal of nurses is awful. The nurses are all very ditzy and dumb. They don't even have common sense. They work in an obgyn office and there's one male nurse that's a felon and just got out of prison, one is an klepto older mean lady and one is portrayed as a super super dumb stereotypical ghetto girl. They never show them doing anything medical but, they go to the hospital with the Drs and sit with them in the drs lounge?? Lol

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