Published Aug 3, 2011
174 Posts
So, I've just ordered my uniform for the coming fall. I will be starting my first semester of nursing school! I am so excited. I am anxious to see what the uniforms are like in person. We had to order ours from Flagstaff uniforms. Anyone else get theirs from this company? They are the nursing uniforms and we had to order them in white with our school patches sewn on the sides. The scrub top zips up which I think will be very convenient. I don't know who thought of the white uniforms though. I think that is the dumbest thing ever.
What are your student uniforms like and what color?
Not_A_Hat_Person, RN
2,900 Posts
Royal blue polo shirt, which school badge on left sleeve. Royal blue scrub pants. White or black sneakers or nursing shoes. An optional white lab coat, with the school patch on the left sleeve.
7 Posts
My school recently changed from all white scrubs AND a blue vest, lol, I was so happy! Now our brand is Cherokee, the bottoms are royal blue they even have a slight flare at the leg, the old uniform had elastic at the ankle! :barf02:As far as the tops go they are white with our schools name & nursing student embroidered on the left pocket area. Then we have white lab coats with the same embroidery and all white shoes!
turnforthenurse, MSN, NP
3,364 Posts
Ours were navy blue. Our tops were polo tops, which I *HATED*. Thankfully we were allowed to have navy scrub jackets which I always wore for the sake of pockets (and I'm always cold!) Our school patch was sewn on the right shoulder. We also had white polos that were to be used for our public health rotation, but by the time I got to that rotation they didn't care if you wore blue or white. -_-
chicagoing, ADN, RN
489 Posts
We wear Cherokee white scrub top with hunter green bottoms, and also white jacket.
Both the coat and tops are embroidered with our college name and program.
The jacket leaves much to be desired!
210 Posts
Cherokee Teal scrub shirt and white 7 pocket cargo pants No logo thank goodness!! that is for LPN students ADN have White shirt and teal pants go figure
11 Posts
Ours are red cherokee workwear with our school badge on the sleeve and maybe another badge on the front...not sure I haven't seen them yet but this is what I was told lol
How expensive are yours? Our year budget they gave us at orientation said ours were going to be like $170, and they told us it is 3 pairs of scrubs. I am not sure if they are including the scrubs we buy ourselves to wear to class in that too or if that is just for the uniforms. Seems expensive to me for 3 pairs of cherokee workwear plain red scrubs..
5 Posts
Ours are grey Dickies scrubs. Kind of blah and not very soft material.
3 Posts
Ours are basic teal scrubs that our school sells to us for 20$. :/ With white shoes of course. I can't wait until I get a say in my scrubs
13 Posts
for LPN at a tech center ours are white pants with a blue top with a logo sewn on by us...didn't know sewing was part of the plan for school....i can't sew LOL
6 Posts
Royal blue with the school's logo on the sleeve. SO glad we're not wearing white pants!
55 Posts
My first year of nursing school we wore all white, they even specified the color of your socks and for the girls the color of their hair tie. They also specified the color of undershirt you could wear, white only. Over the white we wore this heavy blue apron/smock type thing that was really hot, made of like burlap material.
My RN year they switched uniforms and we got all burgundy cherokee scrubs, with our schools name embroidered on the left breast, the same rules were in place for the socks, shoes, hair ties and undershirts.