my opinion and being reported to the Board of Registered Nurses.
In a nutshell, after having 4 beers(I am a lightweight) I initiated a chat with someone( Mr. X) I added onto my yahoo messenger, whom I just met the day before from a gay social website. He is a recent graduate in eastern holistic medicine.
Mind now, I am home on my home PC.
OUr chat started regarding lifestyles which took off on its own. It encompassed friends who were promiscuous and eventually caught HIV.
Chat became heated after the topic of an (a)HIV+ man who knows he is positive initiates mutual sex wth another man,(b) HIV-, but (a) DOESNT tell (b) that he is hiv+. In CA, there is still in debate, a law that considers intention to do harm to (b) by (a) is is punishable. Mr X. stated that (a) is the victim and that (b) should have known better. I also asked why gay men in the leather fetish and the twink crowds had a higher incidence of HIV affliction and promsicuity- Mr. X wouldnt answer the question. His comments were that I was paranoid, an indiot and couldnt believe that I was a student nurse in this day and age.
Being 1/2 drunk and being egged by Mr.X with "your wrong u idiot and u need psychiatric counseling" he asked me whats my idea of a solution to HIV+ men. In my drunken stupor and humour that ranges from properfunny to cynical to "out in lieft field", I commented, " stick em all on an island and liight in on fire." I continued to discuss my observation of some Hiv+ men who lead self destructive lives despite being at death doors more than once and returning to ADL's. They return to a life promiscuous sex, drugs, and alcohol.
At the end of an hour of heated discussion on yahoo messenger chat, he comments that he is an HIV+ man and is appalled at my comments, and is going to report me to the board of Registered Nurses of what I said- esp the comment of the island and lighting it on fire.
In the context of the conversation, I stated it was my opinion, i leave my experiences and opinions at home and care for my assigned patients with care, i was a bit enubriated and so my restraints on inhibitions were loose, I was at home and not in care of a patient at the time of discussion,and emphasized that it was a freedom of speech within a chat.
I agree we both tapped the extreme in comments and notions during the chat.
I am a 78% student in an accelerated ADN program, good standing with my instructors, and have been told possess excellent people skills and communication.
I just recieved a copy of the letter he is to send to the Board Of Registered Nurses. It summarizes our discussion plus a log of our chat.
what are the chances of me being in trouble?