Published Nov 25, 2008
134 Posts
just got back from taking the NCLEX for LPN and my nerves and HR are still going 100 mph.... this was my second time taking the exam... here's my story:
I arrived at pearson 40 minutes before my test.. said a short prayer and went inside... after using the bathroom I entered the testing center and took a number (which happened to be number 1). After reading the rules that were given I was called first to show my ATT and I.D., had my right index finger printed and then had my photo taken. I was told to then place all my belongings in a locker except for my i.d. and locker key and have a seat until I was called.... Finally the proctor asked numbers 1-4 to come up, get oriented with our test area, hand us our erasable board with pen, ear plugs, and a tissue... then escorted each one of us to our comp.
I told myself time and time again... to expect to be there the whole time and expect to do the maximum number of questions (which is 205 for LPN).. also to relax, remember to breathe, to reach each and every word, and to consider each and every answer... So that's what I did.. I barely looked at the clock and barely looked down at the bottom right corner to see what number I was on... (I knew that would distract me and give me more anxiety). There were some questions I had to take more time on and others where I didn't have to, there were some easy and some hard, and some okay... I had NO math or med calculation problems, 1 SATA, about 10 or so meds, which I was happy I remembered most the names and it's class and think that I got at least more than half of them right {still crossing my fingers}.. I also got a bunch of prioritizing questions and infection control....
then I looked down and noticed I was already at question 80... I told myself to breathe and remember don't think I'll be done at 85, keep thinking I'm going all the way to 205... all of a sudden the computer turns blue and I'm thinking to myself, "WAIT! I'm only on question 80?!!" :uhoh21: then the comp asks if I wanna take a break... pheww! so since I'm still thinking I'll be continuing the q's until 205, I decided it would be a good idea and a good time to get up, stretch my legs, use the bathroom, walk around the hall a bit for a little excercise, and eat my twix candybar :wink2: and drink water... then I was ready to go back into the "ring" again...
I continued to read each question and word carefully and considered each answer... then I couldn't help but look down at the comp again and it was 85 already.... I reminded myself, YET AGAIN... "You're going to finish the whole max number of questions so no need to get anxious .. just take it one question at a time" .. Then I was on question 86.... after realizing that question wasn't bad and I'm sure I got it right.. I clicked next....and..
THE COMP SHUT OFF! and it was time for my survey....
I left the test center feeling a sence of relief and more confident that I did the last time I tested. I then prayed again and spoke to God and thanked him for always being with me :redbeathe .. and being with me throughout the test and for always pushing me to work hard and keep me studying.. In 4 weeks is when I will find out if all the hard work and tears have paid off. I also told God, "If I do not pass... If in 4 weeks when I receive the news, you feel I would still need to work on becoming a great nurse to care for others ... I will keep my head up high and work even harder the next time."
Everything always happens for a reason... and Patience will only make us stronger!
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
Fingers crossed!
2,040 Posts
:flwrhrts:good luck. the number of questions you get does not have any bearing on whether you pass or not. test is very hard to predict. just have to stay positive and try to distract yourself while you wait.
best wishes.
25 Posts
:yeah:First of.. a round of applause for taking the test. We worked so hard throughout school, studying religiously for the NCLEX, and everything in between. I have faith in you that you have passed. You deserve it and although the first time didn't fly, when you DO recieve your license it'll be an even sweeter accomplishment. Remember.. after the :watherthunderstormc there's always :weathersunsmall::weathersunsmall:at the end..
Your test sounded similar to mine. Let's just wait it out and pray. And since God has been on your side throughout everything, I know he wants you to just relax and enjoy your time with your loved ones now. No one wants this as bad as you do.. and you will be a NURSE:nurse: before you know it. Congrats and good luck!!!
161 Posts
your experience is almost exactly the same as mine when i took my nclex-rn. although you will never predict what is the passing number, i feel that you are confident about it. mine stopped around 88. but then claim it, you will pass!!!
241 Posts
Think positive, don't read anything into the number of questions you got. Think positive, if you had 265 you'd be asking what you did wrong to get so many. SO, just thnik positive and visualize the word pass!!
38,333 Posts
Take all the deep breaths that you want as you wait for your results. We are waiting along with you and look forward to you announcing good news.
13 Posts
Hi, Sounds like you did your best. You should be fine. I will be taking the NCLEX-RN soon. Does anyone know what the cost is? Also, Does Pearson charge for administering the exam? Thanks for any help.
$200 in addition to any state licensure fees.
thanks everyone! I will definately keep you all updated as I wait 4 excruciating long weeks for my results!
I know I've been advised that since the test is over I should "try" to relax and "try" to keep my self occupied until then... But to tell you the truth, I've been a wreck since I've gotten home... trying to think of possibilites that would cause me to pass or fail :thnkg:... looking up a whole lot of previous threads of those whose computer has stopped at 86 to see if they had passed or failed... I know the # of quesitons does not determine that, but it gives me a little bit more of a motivation when I see those who say they've passed with 86 questions... :heartbeat
As soon as I got home from the testing center today, I went on to find similar threads, even though I was hungry and my head was throbbing.. and I don't know if anyone else has felt like this but... it feels kinda weird to NOT be studying anymore because I've been studying for SO long... and even still... I feel like practicing my nclex question cd's because it has been my normal routine... and also because "just in case" .. but I know I really should rest my brain and catch some zzZZzzZZ's:zzzzz:zzzzz:zzzzz
well I'm just really excited and happy to finally spend more time with my kids and my family much more now :redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe
I understand. I've been studying or stressing about something for so long that it's hard to let go.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
To add to Sue, will depend also on whether you are in the US taking the exam or outside the US. If outside then there is an extra $150 on top of the $200