Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Lindell and Mike Flynn pushed pro-Trump conspiracy theories at an event advertised as a celebration of an anti-China movement.

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Added to correct some misunderstandings: This thread isn't about Donald Trump the person.  It's about the Trump Effect, or Trumpism, which continues to damage our country.

It's not about China.  It's about people who, even by omission-- lend an aura of credibility to people who push conspiracy theories, whether they are "pro-Trump" or not.  

‘This is warfare:’ Trump allies Flynn, Bannon pushed conspiracies at ritzy party backed by Chinese exile

Lindell, Flynn and Bannon.  Mix them up and there's no end to the horror.

I continue to be amazed at the lack of attention these people attract.  They are not just "Trump allies".  This is a network of unstable and dangerous people.


Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
10 hours ago, chare said:

Assuming for the sake of discussion that Mr. Trump is in fact a narcissist, what does that have to do with the *** show going on in Afghanistan now?  Especially when you consider that Mr. Biden, and his administration, have now been in office for 7 months.  

It isn't about Trump.  I've explained that both in my first post and my response to Daisy4. 

To answer your question, though. Daisy4 responded to my amazement that the criminals in the article are embraced by Trump, and normalized by many in the media by stating that because of Afghanistan, Biden has caused or ignored the following:

skyrocketing inflation

poor response to covid

killed jobs

increase in crime/shootings and esp in large cities

massive government spending

southern border/illegal immigration crisis

To say he caused the above problems is obviously ridiculous, but to say he is ignoring them could only be true if a President could only handle one problem at a time.  There are hundreds of people in every administration working on all of those problems.

Beerman then picked up on that theme by agreeing with Daisy4, and adding that he was amazed reading a different thread about Trump's narcissism, thinking I guess that all the threads should be about Afghanistan.

My reply to Beerman simply reiterated the idea that stating that both working on policy issues and discussions on allnurses can address multiple themes or issues simultaneously.  

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
9 hours ago, Beerman said:

Maybe so.  

Biden has days of silence on the topic, then briefly interrupted his vacation to read a scripted address on the topic, and exists stage left without answering one question from the press, then returned to vacation. 

Not much here about that.   Instead, it's all about Trump.

About 90% of what I personally hear about my supposed "cult leader " over the past few months is what I read right here in these threads.   

Its quite remarkable.

I'm not going to defend Biden's communication style, except to say that if there is a script, Biden helped write it, with input from experts he actually listens to, and attention to how it will be interpreted by leaders from any group with a stake in the outcome.

The president takes the White House apparatus with him or her, wherever they go.  It isn't that nobody is minding the store.  Sometimes they go on vacation so their staff can go on vacation.  

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
9 hours ago, Daisy4RN said:

You are still worried about Trump when you should be focusing on the Emperor with no clothes and his no where to be found VP. It is the current administration that is a "network of unstable and dangerous people", and  in case you didn't notice they are the ones in charge now. Aftganistan is way more than a mere "mistake". 

Re the funds: If I remember correctly Trump won the case in the supreme court. It was an administrative typr error and in hind sight it is probably a good thing since the Taliban is now in charge and has all of our Equipment/weapons etc. Also, the wall was to help keep out drugs and human traffickers that make drug lords money, not a bad thing IMO. But I guess it was a waste of tax payers money since Biden has just opened the gates and is letting anyone and everyone in even though we don't know who/what they are, or if they have covid either. 

Also, you do realize that China is not our friend right?

The only thing I realize is you missed the point again, and added yet another group of preposterous concepts, generalizations and absurd overstatements.

You do realize that China was Trump's best friend until he needed to demonize them as underhanded commies in order to divert attention from his epic Covid botch, right?  

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
51 minutes ago, nursel56 said:

stating that because of Afghanistan, Biden has caused or ignored the following:

skyrocketing inflation

poor response to covid

killed jobs

increase in crime/shootings and esp in large cities

massive government spending

southern border/illegal immigration crisis

To say he caused the above problems is obviously ridiculous, but to say he is ignoring them could only be true if a President could only handle one problem at a time

I did not say that because of Aftganistan that Biden has caused or ignored all these other problems. I was just pointing out the other problems that are happening simultaneously that do not seem to be getting better, so either the Biden admin is ignoring them or they are just as incompetent as solving these probelms as they are the Aftganistan problem.

As far as Bidens vacation, not a great time to hole yourself up, it only highlights his weakness on the world stage and is not good for America.

Not preposterous comments, the truth hurts! LOL, Trump was not BFF with China, just doing his job like most Presidents do. At least he was strong with China and terrorists. Biden is just a hot mess with China and the Taliban, and now China has already made a move with the Taliban that will hurt America. But because of all Bidens weakness shown and lies told during the speech today it is probably a good thing he go on "vacation".

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
6 minutes ago, Daisy4RN said:

I did not say that because of Aftganistan that Biden has caused or ignored all these other problems. I was just pointing out the other problems that are happening simultaneously that do not seem to be getting better, so either the Biden admin is ignoring them or they are just as incompetent as solving these probelms as they are the Aftganistan problem.

As far as Bidens vacation, not a great time to hole yourself up, it only highlights his weakness on the world stage and is not good for America.

Not preposterous comments, the truth hurts! LOL, Trump was not BFF with China, just doing his job like most Presidents do. At least he was strong with China and terrorists. Biden is just a hot mess with China and the Taliban, and now China has already made a move with the Taliban that will hurt America. But because of all Bidens weakness shown and lies told during the speech today it is probably a good thing he go on "vacation".

You are just pointing out that all of those problems that Biden didn't cause haven't, also, haven't been suddenly resolved by Biden in the span of 7 months. You're just certain that Biden, and his administration are "ignoring" the problems... or that the failure to solve long term problems while also dealing with a pandemic and a political party that fund raises on a lie about election fraud, in 7 months time, is evidence of incompetence. 

It's cute that you think that a president staying at Camp David is an example of holing up or that Biden appears weak on the world stage.  You are entitled to those opinions although they most likely originate in some right wing rhetoric because they don't really match reality.  

Trump was not BFF with China, his daughter is.  Trump was BFF with Putin and Kim Jun Un, remember? I guess that you must believe that there is some personal or corrupt relationship between Biden and China because Trump said so, eh? 

I'm glad that you are now interested in having a president who doesn’t lie to you everyday.  The next step is to learn how to differentiate lies from other types of communication. When did you decide that presidential vacations were bad? Trump took more vacations  than most Presidents and he generally profited personally while also recreating at his properties rather than at Camp David.


Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.

Some people only know 3 words: Its Trumps fault. (Although you do know how to drag it out into many more words).

I am not the one who said Trump was BFF with China but nice try.

Nothing wrong with Presidents taking vacations per se, but there is a time and place for everything.


Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
2 minutes ago, Daisy4RN said:

Some people only know 3 words: Its Trumps fault. (Although you do know how to drag it out into many more words).

I am not the one who said Trump was BFF with China but nice try.

Nothing wrong with Presidents taking vacations per se, but there is a time and place for everything.


Which people only know those 3 words? 

What does it matter if you said anything about Trump and China? I pointed out that Trump is the individual with personal connection to the country...his products are manufactured in China and Trump Tower makes money from that relationship with that Chinese state Bank ..not Biden... as Trump's projection would suggest. You are aware that Trump uses projection much more frequently than the average grifter, right? 

Yeah, apparently when Trump was president the "time" was weekly and the "place" was any Trump property that could charge government staff for rooms and amenities...right?

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
5 hours ago, Daisy4RN said:

Yes and yes!

Silly me, I thought "Topical News" was more appropriate for my post and I didn't want to continue to hijack this thread. But I guess I was wrong cuz it seems y'all don't really want to discuss current events, just want to continue bashing Trump. Oh well.

You're not hijacking my thread.  Topics overlap sometimes.  

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
1 hour ago, Daisy4RN said:

As far as Bidens vacation, not a great time to hole yourself up, it only highlights his weakness on the world stage and is not good for America.

Not preposterous comments, the truth hurts! LOL, Trump was not BFF with China, just doing his job like most Presidents do.

Trump believed he could sway President Xi to our way of thinking on tariffs and intellectual property theft only through his unique personal charm, and the magical power of their presence on his golf courses.

Specializes in MSN, FNP-C, PMHNP, CEN, CCRN, TCRN, EMT-P.
On 8/19/2021 at 9:11 PM, nursel56 said:


I continue to be amazed at the lack of attention these people attract.  They are not just "Trump allies".  This is a network of unstable and dangerous people.


Did you criticize those peddling Russian conspiracy theories for 4 years?  How about Stacey Abrams who still hasn’t conceded and continues to push “voter suppression” conspiracy theories.  


Specializes in MSN, FNP-C, PMHNP, CEN, CCRN, TCRN, EMT-P.
7 hours ago, Daisy4RN said:

Yes and yes!

Silly me, I thought "Topical News" was more appropriate for my post and I didn't want to continue to hijack this thread. But I guess I was wrong cuz it seems y'all don't really want to discuss current events, just want to continue bashing Trump. Oh well.

House analogy. 

The guy who frames the house screws up all the measurements and the doors, windows, even the sheetrock crew are having problems because the studs are not where they should be therefore sheets have to be cut short, meaning more work and materials. Doors and window frames have to be redone because standard sizes don't fit. More work, material etc. 

The framer and his crew has left the building and every one else has to deal with his ***.. You honestly don't think that they are constantly cursing him under their breath or ***ing about him for all the extra work? 

Trump is the ultimate screw up and we will be cursing him for years to come because everything he touched, is blighted! And I say please continue to support him and give him your money and energy. Please turn up at his rallies and don't wear masks or get vaccinated as he encourages. Please stage another coup to restore the rightful president and participate fully to ensure his success! Show him how much you love and support him by giving him all of your money! 

Are you folks going to do that or are you just whistling, Dixie? 

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