Published Mar 14, 2011
38 Posts
I wrote this today just to kind of vent and to see if anyone out there can understand. This is a very long post and may sound jumbled but my main point is my frustration.
Well I will start off by saying that I am different from my classmates in the sense that I am NOT a prude and I truly hate prudes. I have my reasons, which are many, for hating them but mostly because I feel it is silly to look at most things as being bad or awful or sad and feeling sad that you can't help everyone. I just really think that's stupid.
Im the type of female that is rough around the edges....I always have been and I always will be. I can give you all a good example of how I feel I stand out in that sense using a clinical experience:
---We were doing our mental health clinical rotation and a few students decided to go to the children/adolescent unit. A week later, the instructor asked them how it was and they said it was so sad and they almost cried and said it was soooo hard seeing kids as young as 8 in a place like that and blah blah blah. Well I had to chime in and tell the instructor that I really don't see what's so sad about it actually. I would rather see 6-10 year olds in here with conducts disorders and behavioral disabilities and signs of mental illness receiving help while their young than to wait until they are 14, 15, 16 years old to bring them in after they have killed their parents, killed a classmate, attempted to blow-up a school, etc. The instructor saw the logic in what I was saying but they all thought I was hard-hearted. I think it's just a pity that people are like that yet they want to be nurses. You say you HATE mental health and want to go into pediatrics but you can't stand seeing kids locked in mental facilities wow I wonder how you would be if you saw a kid seizing or gasping for air....the kid would probably die because you are in shock.
And people in mental health clinical who do not participate because they are scared of the patient. Psych nursing is my forte....its what I want to do and the people in the clinical group know that. So during each clinical I have people that cling to me if you will and follow me and my patient around instead of finding their own patient like we're supposed to and that kind of behavior makes me want to swing at them and tell them to please get the hell away from me and get your own patient. Do not follow me and my patient around. These are people not zoo animals so please stop acting like that you imbecile. But of course I can't say anything like that to someone with prudish behavior they may cry hysterically.
Another example: During lectures I just sit there and take in the information I need via note-taking and recording and each day before class I pray that the instructor will be able to get through the lecture without any of those idiots bringing up things causing the instructor to go off-topic. And BEHOLD....each day, it happens. We can NEVER get straight through a lecture without someone bringing up a movie or their hobby or medicine their kids used to take and blah blah blah. My brain is screaming, "shut the hell up". The instructor we have with a 2 hour lecture NEVER gets through all the notes and he/she would be able to if the students did not talk so much or throw their focus on other things. I feel like they don't have much respect for the people who don't get things right off the bat. I just want to say shut the hell up and let us listen. Since you all know everything don't even bother showing up for class.
I said "stand-out" but I really don't know what to call it when you're not apart of the in-crowds or cliques or whatever. I am not a mean person by any means but all the talking and socializing, I do not know why, but it irritates me badly. And because these people are sooooo highly sensitive and silly, then I know if I say something it will be taken the wrong way. It SUCKS and I mean S-U-C-K-S to have to wake up in the morning and put on a fake-face before you go to school. I couldn't be who I really am and if I were the people up there would die.
I am very serious about nursing school and with this class of people I guess that's off-putting. There were a few people who used to talk to me that no longer do and I have no idea why. I can't say that it doesn't hurt but at the same time it's like oh well.....I want to focus on my studies and if that makes me a bad person then I guess that is what I will be.
I am sick to death of being here though and I swear these people will be the reason for me leaving nursing school. I really don't care about what people think of me but the disruption of class and the poor participation in mental health clinical because you're scared of the patients or you're sad to see the kids there is just something that really and truly gets very deeply
under my skin and makes me just want to burst. I hate prudes I really do and I have asked my Higher Power for help with this matter and to help me release the hatred that I have in my heart for these people and the dread I feel when I wake up each morning knowing I have to see them. It is also strange to me because the nurses we interact with in clinical are nowhere near prude and I LOVE them so much. They are honest but at the same time caring and I have never seen a nurse baby a patient or act as if a patient's situation was so bad that they couldn't handle it. I have also never seen the nurses in med-surg clinical act with such an attitude that "all is righteous and all they do has to be righteous" and blah blah blah. Those nurses have spunk and pizazz so I don't understand why these students act that way.
I really do have a choice whether to be here or not but I feel like I have come too far to quit but at the same time I want to avoid anything that may make me burst or make me just show my true self and one of these prudes faints and dies or runs to tell the department chair. I really don't know what to do but I know how I feel. I feel like I should be here but I ask myself I really want to do nursing so bad that I have to be around people I truly hate? My brain is just so overloaded with confusion, sadness, anger....etc.
~Mi Vida Loca~RN, ASN, RN
5,259 Posts
I just want to comment on one part of this post. The rest of it I am trying to tell myself it's simply a vent.
Regardless of the fact that the kids are getting help and that is good. It still is a sad situation and there is nothing wrong with seeing the sadness in it. It's a part of empathizing. I felt a lot of sadness for the kids I saw. Especially the ones that would probably never go anywhere, they were in really bad situations, they weren't able to get the help they needed and the mental health facility they were at was just a pit stop to a very bad situation they were going to be thrown right back into. Was I glad they were getting a temporary out and the help they needed? Absolutely! But the whole situation was still sad and my heart ached for them. There is nothing wrong with that.
I don't even get how the stuff you talked about is considered prudish :|
2,642 Posts
OP: I get that this is a vent and all.....but you sound really angry. I get the rough around the edges thing, I tended that way myself when I was younger. But angry and rough around the edges are very different things. Is there someone you could talk to at school....maybe a counselor?
348 Posts
In your psych rotation, can't you just nicely ask them not to follow you because you aren't comfortable with it instead of getting so angry about it? I bet they don't even know it bothers you so much.
It sounds like maybe you might need to work on your patience just a little.
BeenThereDoneThat74, MSN, RN
1,937 Posts
Yeah, I'm not sure I really get the "prude" thing either. Are you referring to people who are naive? If so, you gotta remember we all come into nursing school with different levels of life experience, as well as common sense (or lack of).
I am so sorry that you have such a negative attitude about your classmates. I mean this in all seriousness: do you have similar feelings about others in your life (co-workers, friends, etc)? My point is, we all have people in our lives we may find "annoying", that we have to deal with. And once you become an RN, it May be a daily occurrence. I hope you can find some coping strategies to help you deal with people you don't share commonalities with.
Maybe you are just very stressed right now, as are most nursing students
dudette10, MSN, RN
3,530 Posts
There were a few people who used to talk to me that no longer do and I have no idea why.
If you hate them as much as this vent indicates, it probably shows through, regardless of how much you think you're covering it up.
144 Posts
I understand your frustrations as I've been through this nonsense in nursing school. Believe me, tha tlike me, you WILL NOT have many friends in your classes, but, hey, I'd rather be the "loner" than have to deal with the fakes and phonies. The ones that are like "Awww my patient said that I was the best nurse they've ever had", and the ones that text, chat during class, and treat nursing school as a joke are the ones that are going to have a rude wake-up call when (and if) they get out there in the "real world." Nurses don't take any drama form newbie hires, and those are the ones that will be leaving work in tears every day. In other words, just do your thing and enjoy the ride. Look. Observe. These dramatic high school cliques have ZERO---- ZERO tolerance out there. It's just a matter of time.
If students are following you during psych clinicals and not dealing with their assigned patients, you need to speak up to the instructor. How he/she hasn't caught on at this point seems like a mystery to me. Those students need to pass clinicals by dealing with THEIR OWN patients, not following you around like a homeless animal. Next time it happens, just say, "I really need to see my patient alone. I really am uncomfortable with you following me and it's interfering with I need to do. If you have an issue with your patients, you need to see teacher. Excuse me now."
Just remember, when nursing school is over, you won't have to deal with these miserable fakes EVER AGAIN. The light is at the end of the tunnel. So there's no need to get worked up over soemthing that you know ill be over soon. If I were to say "JKust grin and bear it" that would be too much of a syrupy sweet answer because obviously their behavior ignores you. YOU 'RE in charge of your emotions, and just "filter out" what annoys you. If their dumb ancedotal stories annoy you in class, use that time to review some notes so you can drown out their "life altering" stories. Eventually the teacher will see how far he/she is falling behind and will curb these diversions.
That Guy, BSN, RN, EMT-B
3,421 Posts
EDIT: this was mean and would not go over well.
825 Posts
Wow. I second the idea that you need to go talk to someone.
I see children in the pysch facilities and medical facilities and have a lot of empathy for them as well. I think what you are trying to say is a lot of them are getting help, which is a great thing. HOWEVER, it's still really sad that they need help in the first place. A lot of children in this world shouldn't have to see and live through some of the things these children have and yes, it's sad.
As for your other classmates...why would you let them affect you as much as they do? You really HATE them enough that you would quit school? Why? Going to school is for such a short time and then when you leave, you never have to see these people again. Why let them have so much control over your life, emotions, attitude? You can't control them (how they act or their feelings), however, you can control the way you respond. If you brush them off, you will feel a lot less like exploding.
By the way, are you going to let the patients affect you as much as your classmates? I can tell you, there are going to be some really big PITA patients. You are going to have to learn how to deal.
Ok let me clear one thing up. I had NO idea so many people didn't know what a prude was so let me give you an example, lol:
A prude is by no means a compliment. A goody-two shoes, a suck-up, a student, STUDENT who will tell you that you are wrong for thinking the way you do or that your opinion is heartless and cold, your techniques of communication are too harsh and you're frightening the patient, stuff like that. And I don't mean the whole class people, lol. Im just saying the majority. As for the people that I said do not talk to me they were talking to me a few hours after I wrote my post! They just told me they'd been stressed lately and it was evident. Both girls are married and one of them hadn't been in lectures as of late and she explained she had a lot of things going so that's cleared. As far the other thing about a student trying to critique my therapeutic communication technique....for me it's like this: Im not going to talk to an elderly patient like a baby and I hate it when people do that. These are elderly people who have kids that have kids that are older than we are. So we were doing rotation for care of the elderly and my patient was an elderly man, a very nice gentleman who needed little assistance but mostly someone to talk to. This classmate came to my area and was sitting as if she were waiting for a patient to come to her, lol. She eavesdropped on our conversation and after the man went to the bathroom she goes off saying, "hey why do you talk to him like that, he's an elderly person you need to be more gentle". I said, "gentle like what? Am I supposed to say goo-goo gah-gah?" The way I addressed him....."How are you doing today sir? You can pick a spot where you want to sit and we can chat it up, tell me what brought you here, what kind of things do you like to do"? I guess its my tone because I found NOTHING wrong with what I was saying. I asked the instructor to please find something for that particular student to do because she was bothering my patient and I. It's just a trend that they are assertive in the classroom and Im more assertive in clinical....where it really counts and when we get there they try to use me as a safety net especially in Psych clinical. In med-surg clinical I have spoken up but after tomorrow, it will be known how I feel as far as Psych clinical goes. The instructor was sitting right there the last clinical when the girl kicked the back of my chair because she feels I was engaging the patient too much. This is exactly what she told the instructor.....WHILE SITTING BEHIND ME REFUSING TO TALK TO ANY PATIENTS. And we were on acute unit that day and she was scared ******** but I was talking to half the room, lol. This group I am with is sad! And I don't feel like that behavior is necessary. The patient's curse and they are gasping and clutching their heads, "oh no I can't believe she said that!" Another patient standing in front of the nurses' station arguing with the nurse about going home and she was obviously agitated and as soon as we leave the floor here they go: "Oh gawd Im glad we left she could have gotten violent and we're not safe; oh no she was sounding so upset I hope the nurse is ok; Im glad we were standing on the other side of the wall, blah blah blah!" Lol. Its all so funny to me that people are like that but at the same time it irritates me and no Im not really mad people moreso irritated but hey like I said that's just me.
Wow. I second the idea that you need to go talk to someone.I see children in the pysch facilities and medical facilities and have a lot of empathy for them as well. I think what you are trying to say is a lot of them are getting help, which is a great thing. HOWEVER, it's still really sad that they need help in the first place. A lot of children in this world shouldn't have to see and live through some of the things these children have and yes, it's sad. As for your other classmates...why would you let them affect you as much as they do? You really HATE them enough that you would quit school? Why? Going to school is for such a short time and then when you leave, you never have to see these people again. Why let them have so much control over your life, emotions, attitude? You can't control them (how they act or their feelings), however, you can control the way you respond. If you brush them off, you will feel a lot less like exploding.By the way, are you going to let the patients affect you as much as your classmates? I can tell you, there are going to be some really big PITA patients. You are going to have to learn how to deal.
Oh no ma'am, lol. I promise. Clinical days are the days I look forward too, I swear! I love the patients!!!! In MedSurg, most of the patients really just need basic things, like someone to fetch them things or someone just to sit and talk and I am all too happy to do either one. I like being around those that I feel need me or would like me to be know? Oh yes, I have run into many a mean patient, lol. I worked in a hospital as a CNA for two years and wooooh let me tell you! But for some reason I never held it against those people for being that way because I knew how they felt. They were sick and not feeling the way they wanted to, they were cooped up in a hospital away from their homes and loved ones, they were in an uncomfortable bed and not having the best meals......I know how the patients feel and would never EVER take it personally when they are not the friendliest. When I worked at the mental facility back in 2002, a female patient spit in my face and a male patient pushed me on the couch and almost pounced on me....but I didn't quit and I never had the urge to quit. In the clinical setting I always make sure I am aware of what the patients are having to go through and I never take it personally. I just try to be there and try to make it as comfortable for them as I possibly can. That's all I can do.
Jane Doe 1
32 Posts
I can understand why some of these things annoy you. I hate it when one of my classmates clings to me in clinical out of fear. I also can't stand when people are afraid of psych patients. They have a mental illness, get over it.
If someone's following you around, then by definition that makes you a leader and there must be a reason they chose you to shadow. I always try and think of that when I'm 6 hours into a shift and starting to get really irritated.
Really though, you're letting your anger get out of control. We've all experienced what your going through and can sympathize, but you're letting it consume you. Your attitude is probably shining through to your classmates, instructors, and worst of all to your patients. There is always going to be an incredibly annoying and incompetent colleague, you might as well get used to dealing with them now.