Spring 2017 Chat

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Now that January is here, I thought I'd start a thread where we can support and encourage each other through our Spring semester, similar to our Fall thread, but with a bit more chit chat. What's your schedule look like? Any other goals you're working on?

I go back on the 17th, though I have a Phi Theta Kappa meeting on the 13th.

My schedule is:



Federal Government

World Religions

The last two are online.

Right now I'm trying to lose this holiday weight, so I've started running again (it burns). I graduate at the end of this year! In December I'll have my EMT-B certification and my Associates of Science in Biology. I'll also be applying to nursing school (application deadline is August 1), so it's going to be a really exciting (busy) year for me! I'm hoping to use my EMT-B cert to become an ED tech during the summers.

I look forward to chatting with you guys this semester!

Specializes in ICU Stepdown.
Oh also, I have an interview for a volunteer position at the Level 1 trauma center I *really* want to work at tomorrow. I'm nervous, and I have no idea what to wear.

That's awesome! Good luck! Go with business casual (slacks, a nice blouse, etc.)

My interview went great!!! I'm the newest NICU baby cuddler/feeder. She wants to rotate me around, too so I can get a good feel for the hospital and make contacts. The volunteer coordinator also said she'd help me get a job as an ED tech once I have my EMT certification! I'm so happy :)

That sounds awesome with the NICU.

This semester feels neverending going 12 to 14 days without a break. AP2 homework feels neverending every day doing homework. Micro on the fence what is required for homework or mainly be in class work.

Specializes in ICU Stepdown.
My interview went great!!! I'm the newest NICU baby cuddler/feeder. She wants to rotate me around, too so I can get a good feel for the hospital and make contacts. The volunteer coordinator also said she'd help me get a job as an ED tech once I have my EMT certification! I'm so happy :)

OMG THAT'S AMAZING!!! I'm so happy for you and so PROUD!

Specializes in ICU Stepdown.
That sounds awesome with the NICU.

This semester feels neverending going 12 to 14 days without a break. AP2 homework feels neverending every day doing homework. Micro on the fence what is required for homework or mainly be in class work.

I feel the same way! It's coming on the third week of school for me and I feel like this semester will never end.

How is everyone? Hanging in there?

I'm good, just a little tired. Being up at the school for about 20 hours a week, then homeschooling is a bit harder than I imagined. We switched up the cirriculuim for the 3rd grader, so the transition is adding a bit more stress. But I got this :)

I hope you're all well and having fun learning!

I have a dreadful microbiology teacher. We have our first test tomorrow and it's on 6 chapter, I seriously want to gag thinking about it. A&PII is going great though, very interesting.

I have a dreadful microbiology teacher. We have our first test tomorrow and it's on 6 chapter, I seriously want to gag thinking about it. A&PII is going great though, very interesting.

Oh that's too bad. I'm sorry. I know how hard it is to have a bad teacher experience.

Hello all! :D

I graduated last fall with a B.S. in Molecular Biology, had a bit of an existential crisis/freak out about career options/realization that I want to be a nurse, and now I'm hoping to go into an accelerated or traditional BSN program down the line! Unfortunately the courses I took for my previous degree don't quite match up with prereqs, so now I'm taking them at a CC nearby. After having just spent four years in school (:nailbiting:), the idea of having to spend another year or so on prereqs to apply for nursing school was and still is a little frustrating, but I'm growing to appreciate it. It's giving me time to be with friends and family, improve my GPA, research different programs, save up money, and hopefully get some experience in healthcare (I recently got my CNA certification, but am still looking for a job)!

Anyway, our spring semester starts on February 13th, and I'm really looking forward to getting back into classes! All of the A&P and Micro classes were full by the time I could register (:no:), but I was able to get into some others I need. Here's what I'm taking:


Developmental Psychology

Intro to Sociology (online, short term until the first week of April)

Good luck to you all!

Good luck cimarron!

Things are going well over here - busy though. I'm perpetually tired. But I'm loving micro and A&P II. World Religions is really interesting, but I'm finding Government to be very dry.

Two more weeks until serious tests roll in. I have four the week of the 13th.

Hope everyone is well!

Specializes in ICU Stepdown.

I'm still commenting in this pre-nursing thread because I love reading everyone's updates and there's nothing like this in the general nursing student section :) I mean, I could make one myself but have found that I don't have time to even think of keeping up with it (probably why there isn't a thread like this there). Anyway, I have two exams next week :( One in my nursing skills class and another in pharmacology.

I've already had 3 tests this semester and have my first speech next week for my Comm 1101 class. I wasn't to pleased with my grade for Chem 1 test but I'm trying not to beat myself up to hard because we had a natural disaster in a local town (i travel to the college about 30 min away in a different town so it wasn't effected) and I didn't have time to study...I did make good grades in my other classes though!!! :)

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