Spring 2017 Chat

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Now that January is here, I thought I'd start a thread where we can support and encourage each other through our Spring semester, similar to our Fall thread, but with a bit more chit chat. What's your schedule look like? Any other goals you're working on?

I go back on the 17th, though I have a Phi Theta Kappa meeting on the 13th.

My schedule is:



Federal Government

World Religions

The last two are online.

Right now I'm trying to lose this holiday weight, so I've started running again (it burns). I graduate at the end of this year! In December I'll have my EMT-B certification and my Associates of Science in Biology. I'll also be applying to nursing school (application deadline is August 1), so it's going to be a really exciting (busy) year for me! I'm hoping to use my EMT-B cert to become an ED tech during the summers.

I look forward to chatting with you guys this semester!

I did something dumb on my A&P II quiz on Thursday. The question was on spatial summation of post-synaptic potentials and we had to add up the excitatory and inhibitory synapses. I added everything up just fine and got -59 mV. The threshold was -60 mV. I went the wrong way on my mental number line and said an action potential wouldn't occur. Blargh!!! I get stressed out in math situations and then make mistakes, so I worry I'll do the same thing in nursing school. :( I generally practice med math almost every day just to feel more confident, but seriously? A number-line error? DUDE!!!

On the positive side - sheep's brain last week and cow eye this week! :up:

I'm still commenting in this pre-nursing thread because I love reading everyone's updates and there's nothing like this in the general nursing student section :) I mean, I could make one myself but have found that I don't have time to even think of keeping up with it (probably why there isn't a thread like this there). Anyway, I have two exams next week :( One in my nursing skills class and another in pharmacology.

You're totally welcome here! How's your first semester going?

I did something dumb on my A&P II quiz on Thursday. The question was on spatial summation of post-synaptic potentials and we had to add up the excitatory and inhibitory synapses. I added everything up just fine and got -59 mV. The threshold was -60 mV. I went the wrong way on my mental number line and said an action potential wouldn't occur. Blargh!!! I get stressed out in math situations and then make mistakes, so I worry I'll do the same thing in nursing school. :( I generally practice med math almost every day just to feel more confident, but seriously? A number-line error? DUDE!!!

On the positive side - sheep's brain last week and cow eye this week! :up:

I hate making silly mistakes!

So today I registered for my TEAS test. I'm not taking it until June, but it made everything feel real and is already making me nervous. And I'm already more than half way done with my 8 week a&p 1 course, our third test is this Thursday. Hopefully I do good on this test and make an A in the course!

I'm in the process of applying to a school so that I can get the last few pre-reqs done before I try to apply to a nursing program.


- Get enrolled and started with A&P I & II - finish with A's by fall

- Same with any other classes I may need (maybe one other that I haven't taken yet since I already have a BS - graduated in 2005 though, so I'm older than the typical "college age" kids

- Apply to a nursing program to hopefully start in the spring 2018

- Get ASN degree to start working ASAP as RN, getting experience in critical care as soon as I can get going in it, while continuing education: ASN --> BSN --> MSN --> CRNA

Hopefully sometime in there I'll also have baby #2 (in my Life Plans, but we'll see how life actually plays out.) Just writing all this out exhausts me to think about it! But I have a dream for myself and my family, and I'll do everything I can to make it come true!!! :) MOTIVATED!

Anyone else know (or at least think they know at this point before they start actually working in the field) in what area they want to work? I'd love to hear about your goals to get there too.

Specializes in ICU Stepdown.
You're totally welcome here! How's your first semester going?

It's not SO bad yet but I know it will get harder as pharm progresses and as we learn harder skills (like catheterizing and venipuncture).

Specializes in ICU Stepdown.

Anyone else know (or at least think they know at this point before they start actually working in the field) in what area they want to work? I'd love to hear about your goals to get there too.

I know that I eventually want to be a midwife so I'm going ADN > BSN > MSN and then maybe even go for my DNP after.

I'm in the process of applying to a school so that I can get the last few pre-reqs done before I try to apply to a nursing program.


- Get enrolled and started with A&P I & II - finish with A's by fall

- Same with any other classes I may need (maybe one other that I haven't taken yet since I already have a BS - graduated in 2005 though, so I'm older than the typical "college age" kids

- Apply to a nursing program to hopefully start in the spring 2018

- Get ASN degree to start working ASAP as RN, getting experience in critical care as soon as I can get going in it, while continuing education: ASN --> BSN --> MSN --> CRNA

Hopefully sometime in there I'll also have baby #2 (in my Life Plans, but we'll see how life actually plays out.) Just writing all this out exhausts me to think about it! But I have a dream for myself and my family, and I'll do everything I can to make it come true!!! :) MOTIVATED!

Anyone else know (or at least think they know at this point before they start actually working in the field) in what area they want to work? I'd love to hear about your goals to get there too.

I want to be a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, so I'm hoping for the ER :)

I think I might want to go back eventually for my MSN, but we'll see. I'm trying to keep my options open.

I have a bachelor's degree and have taken some higher level classes. AP2 is intense! The Instructor even says she's going easy on us to have time to study, which is true. First week was a lot of homework and labeling. The online homework was in the course of 3 weeks instead of 4, so a lot of cramming in if knowledge. Then lab handouts to do as well.

Between micro, AP2, and work cramming studying in for AP2 this week. Thankfully the snow storm pushed our micro test to next Tuesday.

Learning a lot from how to organize my time better, which I though was efficient.

Now going to do lab homework, homework, online homework, and prep chapter study review after my AP2 class.

This weekend going to do Micro study guide for test Tuesday. Study some of Monday and a whole lot Tuesday. Probably going to focus on AP2 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and the weekend. Thankfully next week have almost a 3 day weekend, working nights next Friday no school though.

I have my first midterm this week (for my flex course). Next week is Micro lecture test, A&P II lab test, Government test #1, A&P II chapter quiz, Micro lab quiz, and a quiz for World Religions.

I'm tired, ya'll.

Completed my first AP2 exam. Everything reviewed was on the exam. Still overload of information uncertainty on how I did. However, believe can drop our lowest quiz grade.

Took my first Micro exam last week and got an A. Next week I have Ap2 lecture and lab exams.

I'm also happy to report that I passed the Kaplan exam this morning with flying colors and that I submitted my application to the school of nursing. I should be hearing something back in April. Talk about torture!:unsure:

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