Spinal Screening First Timer


Specializes in School.

Starting a new venture this year....Spinal Screening. Kind of nervous. Trying to find a good time to complete screening process has been fun since I am at the high school level. PE, Athletics, Choir, Drama here I come. Thank God it's only 9th graders.:nailbiting:

They still do that?

Specializes in School Nurse, past Med Surge.

Are you required to do it, or do you just want to do it?

Specializes in School nursing.

We're required to do postural screenings every year until 9th grade in my state. Fun as that means grades 5-9 at my school. But, once you get into the grove, it goes quickly. My state provides training and an excellent check off sheet with great visuals for screening.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

i have to do them down at my level too. I like to wait until spring when the kids are apt to wear light t-shirts and do them as a group over clothing then only pull them for a more in-depth and private screening if something is hinkey. The kids don't have to know what marks i make on my list and i call them later if needed so privacy is maintained.

We have to do them up until 9th grade, too. Luckily I'm high school, so I just have 9th grades. It's very awkward to find good times to get it done.

My state provides training and an excellent check off sheet with great visuals for screening.

Would you mind sharing the check off sheet you use?

Specializes in Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse.

Is this the test for Scoliosis? I do this with my 5th graders with the help of the county health nurse ( I don't have the tools you need ). She said our state recommends 5th grade and 9th grade get screened, but the 9th graders get this done at their sports physicals.

Specializes in School.
Are you required to do it, or do you just want to do it?

We are required to do it. There was an option do do it 5th & 8th, but due to us getting a new school we changed it up. It really hasn't been to bad.

Specializes in School.
We have to do them up until 9th grade, too. Luckily I'm high school, so I just have 9th grades. It's very awkward to find good times to get it done.

That has been my issue, but I have a great coaching staff and they are working with me to complete them during PE and Athletics. I do have to pull some out of class, but I made sure it was non-core classes. It takes all day, but not all class period so I plan on entering the findings when I can.

Specializes in School.

After I sent out the letters notifying the parent that screening was going to be done, I had one mom come in and tell me she was glad we changed it. Her daughter had an rapid onset scoliosis over the summer and will have to have surgery. I did see some possible issues on the few I did yesterday and when I asked the student if they had any issue before they said no.

Specializes in School.
i have to do them down at my level too. I like to wait until spring when the kids are apt to wear light t-shirts and do them as a group over clothing then only pull them for a more in-depth and private screening if something is hinkey. The kids don't have to know what marks i make on my list and i call them later if needed so privacy is maintained.

May look at doing it in spring next year. Finding time around football practice and games have proved a little difficult, but my coaching staff has been helpful.

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