Nurses General Nursing
Published May 24, 2011
Mrs. SnowStormRN, RN
557 Posts
Hey there! This is just for fun... Every now and then I like to start a post that's light and refreshing. Some of the posts here can really bring me down, LoL! Soooo with that said:
If nurses were a team of hereos:
a) What would your superhero name be?
b) What would be your superpower?
c) What would be your nemesis/villians name?
62 Posts
Superhero name: "Super Ventriculator"
Special power: Can normalize an irregular heartbeat with mental powers
Nemesis: "Tachycardion Tamponadinator"
Ya like???
sweetnurse63, BSN, RN
202 Posts
Superhero: Bionic Woman Nurse
Special Power: Better than I was, stonger, faster
Nemisis: Destroyer of Negativity more and I'll stop, I promise lol!!!
Superhero name: "Dischargertron"
Special power: Patients immediately recover when in my treatment required due to my enormous bionic healing forces.
Nemesis: "Admittinator-CBC"
NurseLoveJoy88, ASN, RN
3,959 Posts
Superhero: Nurse Dynamite !
Special power: To blow up any disease process like cancer, URI's, infectious diseases and etc.
villian: UTI monster
304 Posts
Whoo Hoo!! I feel healthier already!! YAY SUPER NURSES!!!
emtb2rn, BSN, RN, EMT-B
2,942 Posts
can knock down pain with a single dose
murphyle, BSN, RN
279 Posts
ROFL, emtb2rn - reminds me of a recurring joke with a few of our staff, discussing the event that we ever lost our jobs and licenses and had to take up "exotic dance" to pay the bills. #1 stage name? "Delada," * of course.
* Say it fast and it sounds an awful lot like a very well-known trade name for hydromorphone...
That said, on to the Resuscitation League:
"The Cardioverter" - able to psychically convert any arrhythmia to NSR by staring at the patient's rhythm strip. "A-fib, begone!"
"Easy Breather" - with powers over ventilation and perfusion. Can tag-team with Electrolytra to get your patient out of respiratory acidosis. "A little BiPAP, a little bicarb, and we're in business."
"Electrolytra" - able to control electrolyte disturbances. Magic word: "KAYEXALATE!"
"He-Mostasis Man" - can use his "Clotting Factors" to stop bleeding and reverse coagulopathies. "DIC is no match for me!"
Opposed by the Crash Crew:
"The Edematous Flash" - can flood lungs with a single glance. "She was fine three minutes ago, I swear!"
"Triaginator" - ties up your triage station for hours gabbing about ingrown toenails while 35 patients wait in chairs. Usually works in tandem with The Silent MI.
"The Silent MI" - Alter ego: Joe Papercut. Sits in your waiting room for hours with a chief complaint of nothing, before magically transforming into a full-blown resuscitation case.
"Dr. Dismal" - can psychically erase physician orders for antibiotics, fluids, pain management and diets, thereby leaving your patients miserable and you with no recourse.
...This is entirely too much fun.
TheMoonisMyLantern, ADN, LPN, RN
923 Posts
Name: The Rage Whisperer
Power: Capable of knocking the crazy out of anyone with my Geodon and Ativan radioactive rays.
Nemesis: Borderline Betty, Histrionic Hillary, and Narcissistic Nancy
imintrouble, BSN, RN
2,406 Posts
Name: Narcotico
Power: Transport to an alternate universe
Nemesis: Mr Letmsuffer
6,011 Posts
I loved wearing my SUPERNURSE SUIT, but now there arent any phone booths anymore.
No pain no gain but I can stop the pain and you will start the gain.
My nemesis would be the idiot in management that says "A NURSE IS A NURSE"
686 Posts