So careless!


First nursing exam of the semester and made the stupidest mistake. So long story short my school gives you the test, it is a few sheets of paper all multiple choice and you record your answers on the scantron. I like to answer on the test then put them onto the scantron once I am done, it's easier to see my mistakes when the teacher goes over the test later. So I filled out my scantron wrong ! Even though I doubled checked them once I was done. I am so mad at myself, not the entire test though thank goodness. Has anyone else done something this stupid? Ugh I'm kicking myself right now.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

I think even if you didn't transpose your answers from the test to the scantron, there's still a likelihood you will put the wrong answer. You're not the only one who has done that. It's ok. :)

Specializes in LTC and Pediatrics.

Oh yes, I did this for several questions on one exam. I dropped down a line. I even put two answers on one line. Not good ways to keeping a grade up at all. All I can say is, next time you won't be making that mistake again. Oh, my instructor even got a chuckle out of my mistakes, but still had to keep the grade. She said she knew I knew the stuff, especially when she saw what I had done.

Those scantrons can certainly give you googly eyes if you look at them long enough. Try writing your final answer next to the question so that you know which one is your answer for sure and also try using an extra sheet of paper (if allowed) to keep track of your place on your scantron.

Learn from your mistake and move right along. Best wishes.

Thanks everyone! Makes me feel better that I'm not alone. I definitely won't make that mistake again( I hope )

Specializes in NICU.

If you turned in the test with your name on it, along with the scantron, maybe the instructor will give you credit for the errors in transferring the answers to the scantron. When I was in school, the instructors would suggest that you circle your answers on the test before transferring the answers to the scantron. If they notice a low score, they will compare the test to the scantron. If it was a sequencing issue, they would hand grade the test to give you the grade you deserve.

Specializes in Ortho.

I live in mortal fear of doing this. It happened to a girl in my class. Could happen to anyone.

Well, for my first college test, I didn't even know what to do with the scantron (my HS never used them!!), and I didn't fill in any of the bubbles :banghead:

Thankfully, my instructor was very merciful and graded the test based off my circled answers. That could have gone so badly!!

LOL! I know several people who have done the same thing. Once.

Hope you've learned your lesson. One friend used to fill in her answers backwards to make sure she was on the right line. She would start on the last question and work her way back to the first.

It's really best practice to just put them on the scantron. I had another friend who would skip one when transferring her answers from test to answer sheet. Every answer after the one she skipped was wrong. It took her three times to learn her lesson and just put them on the scantron to begin with. She had to repeat Fundamentals.

Specializes in ER.

I'm glad that my school moved away from scantrons. We had them the first semester and the rest of the time they reserved a room with computers.

Specializes in 15 years in ICU, 22 years in PACU.

This is what nightmares are made of. Kinda like showing up for class with all your books and notebooks and stuff and then noticing you forget to wear any clothes. You only do that kind of thing once I would think.

Specializes in PACU.

I always double and triple check before handing mine in for fear of this. We don't get credit for answers on the exam unless it's on the scant Ron (no exceptions) so I write each answer in a big letter next to each question for easy reference. I also take it 1 page at a time to avoid transcription errors.

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