Silent birth? Anyone see one?

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Okay well Katie, Tom Cruise's fiancee' is going to have a baby any minute now, and I am very curious if anyone has ever witnessed the "silent birth" that scientologists strive for.

I can't imagine a woman not moaning in pain during delivery. Can you? Ever seen anything like it?

Specializes in Neuro.

I was talking to my mom about this today and came up with an interesting question... I wonder what Tom would say if Katie ended up with postpartum depression and wanted to take meds for it?

Specializes in med/surg/tele/neuro/rehab/corrections.
I was talking to my mom about this today and came up with an interesting question... I wonder what Tom would say if Katie ended up with postpartum depression and wanted to take meds for it?

yes interesting. I bet Tom would say no. Just like that. Depression is all in her head :angryfire

And another thing... here was my thought when I heard about silent birth and the quietness afterwards.... I have always read that newborns like white noise because they are used to that in the womb. Mother's heartbeat etc. They even make teddy bears with some kind of recorded womb sounds.

Nurses, is this true? is the womb a noisy place?

If so I would think baby would be a bit confused as to the silence in the new world he/she entered.

Pretty ironic Brooke Shields had her second baby the same day. Tom Cruies is as Jolie said a real nut job. I pity his new family.

Specializes in critical care transport.
I was talking to my mom about this today and came up with an interesting question... I wonder what Tom would say if Katie ended up with postpartum depression and wanted to take meds for it?

She's like a lamb to the slaughter... my prediction, it'll end with a bang.

If she ever had post partum depression, he'd probably deny its existance. Dr. Tom would probably have her vitamins increased and forbid any talk of neurotransmitters.

Specializes in critical care transport.
Like any expectant parents, I wish Tomand Katie a safe and happy birth, and sincerely hope that their expectations are realized.

But Tom's public discussions of this pregnancy have me worried that he is overly controlling, and has his wishes first and foremost in his mind, not the health and well-being of his partner and baby.

He has publicly stated that he straps the U/S probe to Katie's belly literally 24 hours a day to "monitor" the baby, but he worries about a little noise in the delivery room? What an (uninformed) nut job!

I totally agree: I think he's very controlling. Finally, she will mature enough where she won't take it anymore. Then it's going to crash down. he's almost like a "dad" to her it seems.

I think if everything is going "normal" then for the most part a fairly silent birth is okay. As a nurse however, we have to communicate not only with the patient but with other staff (unless it's a home birth I guess). If there is complications then they need to realize there may be verbal communication in the room. Let me just say, that kid is going to hear a lot of words and messages in her life- the words said in the first few days are nothing compared to what she will go through the rest of her life. :uhoh3: Besides, wouldn't you want to fill her blank slate with positive things? How about having mentally healthy parents instead?

As far as religion, yes nurses do for the most part respect a patients wishes. That does not mean we don't have an opinion. There was a young women at our hospital that died a few months back. She and her husband were Jehoves Witnesses and she was giving birth to a 4th child. The baby was fine but she had a MASSIVE post partum hemorrhage. Instead of allowing the needed blood transfusions and STAT hysterectomy; the husband let her die. Now he gets to explain to his 4 kids why they are going to grow up without a mom because he didn't want her to be impure or whatever. :madface: I'm sorry. That's not divine. That's not spiritual. It's not morality or respect for the almighty Lord. THAT IS JUST PLAIN STUPID!!! :uhoh21:

I'm sorry if it seems offensive to some, and as required, the nurses and doctor respected his wishes and let the patient die. But believe me, that doesn't mean they don't think the couple was FREAKING CRAZY!!! I hope is was worth it. :saint:

All I have to say is if Katie gets PP depression, she better use all the acting skills she has. I have been through it myself and wouldn't wish it on any woman, but I would wish it on Tom Cruise.

I'm sorry. That's not divine. That's not spiritual. It's not morality or respect for the almighty Lord. THAT IS JUST PLAIN STUPID!!! :uhoh21:

I've often felt that way about decisions the JW's make, but I have come to respect it and realize that to them, it's something that risks their soul and that is more important than life on this earth, however heartbreaking and sad the situation might be for all concerned. I respect that they walk the walk, even if I don't understand how they could. They are willing to put their lives on the line for their beliefs and how many Christians, including myself, can say the same?

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
I'm sorry. That's not divine. That's not spiritual. It's not morality or respect for the almighty Lord. THAT IS JUST PLAIN STUPID!!! :uhoh21:

Stupid is in the eye of the beholder, though.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
I respect that they walk the walk, even if I don't understand how they could.

I agree.

personally, i was a screamer.

it hurt like the dickens.

but boy o' boy, ea of my babies knew how passionately they were loved when they doesn't get anymore positive than that.:balloons:


Personally i think he snacks on paint chips.

YOU are FUNNY. i scared my hubby and kids with my laughter over this quote

:chuckle :roll :roll :roll :roll :rotfl: :cool:

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