Silent birth? Anyone see one?

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Okay well Katie, Tom Cruise's fiancee' is going to have a baby any minute now, and I am very curious if anyone has ever witnessed the "silent birth" that scientologists strive for.

I can't imagine a woman not moaning in pain during delivery. Can you? Ever seen anything like it?

Specializes in EC, IMU, LTAC.

I'm in favor of letting a woman relax by not having a bored obstetrician who wants to get off his shift constantly yelling, "Push, push!" but I think it's ridiculous that a parents can't even coo to her baby, allowing them to bond and let the baby become familiar with her parents.

Why simply make the birth silent? Babies can hear in the womb. My mom says that we'd jump if we heard a loud noise.

Many people are hoping for the ironic Schadenfreude of Katie suffering postpartum.

Honestly I really hope she doesn't get it because from the way things look, she'll end up driving her car off a bridge or something before he'll let her take any Zoloft.

You mean anyone "not" hear one?

Silent birth a.k.a. C-section...

We deliver alot of Amish and some of them might classify as a silent birth. You can only tell they are in transition by the extra bead of sweat on their upper lip. You have to keep an eye on them because they don't look like they are in hard labor. And then we get the Amish that are all about the Nubain,Stadol, and some want an epidural. But as for Tom daughter (also an OB nurse) calls him COO COO CA CHOO Tom Cruise the emphasis on COO COO.

When I had my only baby, it was pretty much silent. The nurses, doctor no one talked to me or explained anything. They barely showed up until it was time to cut me open and then after telling me it was going to happen 15 minutes later, just did it. No explaination. I did not scream or anything. Just cried buckets of tears quietly while they did it. During the 18 hours I was in labor in the hospital, I just did my breathing during contractions. It took 3 hours to get an epidural (after 15 hours) because the nurse couldn't be bothered to listen. I guess I was too quiet. I too worry about Katie because my husband also ranted about what a wonderful positive experience childbirth was. Let's hope she has some supportive people around her that can understand what she needs!

Specializes in Making the Pt laugh..

I recently watched a video of the my oldest sons birth. Before the delivery Mum was screaming "You did this to me you @#$%^&*", "More drugs NOW" "I dont want to do this anymore!!!!!" all at the top of her voice. After the delivery he was put in my arms,he and I had a very interesting conversation about how he looks like my father...wrinkly and angry looking. I talked the sort of stuff that pours out of your head after 34 hours with no sleep...maybe that is why he is such a pain in the backside.

Number two son started the same with Mum yelling and cursing the day of my birth. However we had two teams of doctors and several spare nurses in the room. (My son was 11 weeks prem and luckily was born in a leading facility for prem kids.) It was very quiet in the room, each of the medical staff spoke only in muted tones. When he was delivered, we were quietly informed that he was a boy and I saw a flash of pink as they rushed him to an incubator and started putting tubes into him. Hardly a sound was heard. He got his first cuddles at 2 weeks.......maybe thats why at the age of 10, he still needs a daily cuddle or he goes into withdrawal.

A little off topic, but I have witness noisy and quiet...I know which I prefer.


I agree that Tom Cruise sounds controlling....but in reference to the story going around that he keeps the ultrasound probe strapped to Katie 24 hours a day....he was joking about it being on 24 hours a day! :rolleyes: I read his interview in the current GQ magazine which is where this quote comes from. It's an interesting interview. The interviewer asks: "Is it true you bought a sonogram machine?" Tom's answer: "I have it strapped to her twenty-four hours a day. Absoulutely anywhere she goes, we have it attached." (laughs)


Okay well Katie, Tom Cruise's fiancee' is going to have a baby any minute now, and I am very curious if anyone has ever witnessed the "silent birth" that scientologists strive for.

I can't imagine a woman not moaning in pain during delivery. Can you? Ever see anything like it?

:mortarboard: I also cannot imagine a silent birth. Outsiders may perceive the woman who moans and groans as weak. I've recently graduated a masters degree in advanced midwifery and neonatology. I've researched first-time mothers' experiences of midwifery care and came across a research study that proven that women who moan and groan during labour are in full control of their labours! Moaning and groaning during labour are thus not a shameful thing to do, but demonstrate inner power and strength of the woman.

In reply to the post re: white noise. I was an OB nurse for 20 yrs, the fetus must hear all sorts of muffled noises. The sound of voices around, the city, the mothers heartbeat, etc. Seems like Tom should have kept Kate in some kind of seclusion, instead of criss-crossing the world in promos. She should have listened to soft music, and read poetry outloud to the little one.

To each their own.

I witnessed the whole gambit of births. The famililies who thought of it as a party and all where invited to witness the event, to those couples that wanted to share only with each other. Each was unique and beautiful in their own way. I even had a woman who laughed her way thru. She stood with her arms draped over my shoulder and the mid-wife and when time came, she climed into bed and with one gigantic howl and laugh, out popped the babe, and we all laughed and cried.

Good luck to the new family, may they all be happy.

MARIE! I am seriously LMBO over here! My family thinks I have lost my mind, I just burst out laughing hysterically!

I have to agree with you though. :roll

LOL thats funney

As a midwife, I have seen many silent, peaceful birth. Talking is kept at a minimum so as not to distract the mother from the task at hand. It is not the time for idle chatter.

I agree that Tom seems controlling ++. As for leaving the baby in a crib, no handling, etc. after birth...we are mammals. A cat wouldn't leave her kittens "undisturbed". What does he think the ultrasound was doing to that baby?? Poor kid, poor Katie.

I'll keep any further opinions about Scientology to myself, but I cannot wait until the day that Katie Holmes has had enough of the domineering nut case that she managed to hook up with.


Could not agree more!

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