Published Oct 6, 2010
196 Posts
Anyone else feel this way??? I'm tired of the lack of respect. Tired of only being able to work in dr. office or LTC. I work in a LTC and it makes me not want to be a nurse anymore. My passion is being sucked out and I don't know I want to go on to be a RN. I'm depressed. How do you cope????? Anyone have any words of wisdom???
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
I hate to see you waste your education and experience. Try RN school. If you do not like it you can quit and try another career. But if you finish you will have more opportunities and more income. Good luck
294 Posts
I was a LVN for 3 years before I became a RN. You are right LVN's get no respect its almost lke your a half nurse. I worked in an acute care setting and there its much m=worse becasue you always needed a RN to cover ur IVP and IVPB. The best way I coped was to do my best and let the comments roll off my back. It never really went away untill I finised with my RN. I can understand if you don't want to become a RN it was very frusutrating especially when LVN and RN are so very closely similar. I suggest you move up into management that way at least you don't have to deal with the RN/LVN thing. LVN case manager or charge nurse at a SNF.??
204 Posts
I think you nurses do wonderful jobs. It shouldn't matter if you are an RN or LPN. A nurse is a nurse. I know where at my hospital they hire LPNs all the time. They are the best to work with. Keep your head up!
251 Posts
Sometimes stepping up to being a RN is not the answer. Maybe you need to try something else for a while like ( Psych Hospice Home Health Holistic ) Just until you decide what direction to take. There's nothing wrong going inactive either and thinking what are you doing. And maybe you'll find Nursing is not for you. If you goal is to become a RN then seek it out start getting yourself ready to take that step. I know it's hard in a LTC and it's very depressing at times you don't feel like your doing nursing more like babysitting and the lack of respect follows. Only you have the answer and only you are in control of your career as a nurse. I myself just to tell you i gone inactive until i decide on what to do. I'm thinking about jumping in and going back to school to become a RN and going for Holistic Nursing. These are my thoughts use them as you wish..
3 Posts
I understand but hang in there! Go to RN school or change careers! Has anyone taken classes with College Network/Indiana State University ? How are the clinicals? Is there a waiting list , because they don't tell that until get further into it? Please respond I need help and I'm tired of being Lpn, I've taken alot of classes! I have another option but it's a private school and they want $29,100 for an associated degree! Help! Community College Waiting!
LPn to BSn program, but I want to get some feedback or before I put out any mo
Hangin there, figure if ya want to become an RN or Change Careers! By the way is there anyone out there , that has experience or knowledge about College Network, Lpn to BSn via Indiana State Uni? How are the Clinicals? Do ya think it's a good program? I have anothr opt, but it's private school they want $29,100 for 2yr degree! CommutyCollege has a wait list, and I'm also tired of being an LPn! I do want to get my RN! I'm in Northern Virginia , please responed!
385 Posts
I feel your frustration, i truely do. i absolutely hate being an lpn only because of the lack of job oppourtunities to work elsewhere and make a decent wage. I started out in rn school a few yrs ago and thats where i'm heading back to. you are not alone but hang in there. at least you have a job no matter how much you hate it.
littlemammanurse, BSN, RN
185 Posts
I am an RPN or an LVN as you call it.I feel the exact same way.I am going to finish my RN in January through a college that offers the in class courses online and just do the clinicals through a hospital of my choice.I have gotten really tired of only having LTC jobs and working on crappy floors at the hospital.Definitely upgrade to an RN position.You would definitely have more options on where you want to work!
228 Posts
Hate to break it to ya, but RNs go through the same exact thing you're venting about. Having the letters RN after your name doesn't magically give you all of the respect you think you deserve. *sigh* Stay positive, increase your knowledge so you can increase your confidence, and if going back to school is really what you want to do, I say go for it! And good luck!
21 Posts
Stay positive!
True... but being a LVN is a lot worse. When I was a LVN the RNs were very disrespectful. At least now a a RN it isn't as bad.