Short Rant Alert!

Nurses General Nursing


Nurses are highly trained professionals that make positive impacts in peoples lives every day. So are plumbers, electricians, mechanics, and any other worth while profession. I am soooo over nurses whining about not being appreciated and the over glorification of nursing and nurses. I am NOT that needy and don't think it's a good look for us.

Those Johnson and Johnson "be a nurse" commercials make me want to barf.

  1. "Johnson & Johnson is an American multinational medical devices, pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods manufacturer founded in 1886. Its common stock is a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average . "

Johnson & Johnson pretends they support nurses.. Johnson & Johnson supports.. Johnson & Johnson They are USING us with their corporate propaganda.

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.
Off brand blueberry with frosting. And I'm not saying c/o our working conditions is whining, and I don't even hear too many nurses "whine" about anything. That was a poor choice of words on my part. I don't like the glorification of nursing, it can be excessive at times.

The glorification is what sucks us in to accepting poor working conditions. Too many nurses buy in to their glorified status and feel noble when they can't get a break. They won't back the rest of us when we try to achieve better conditions. The "ministering angel" label is meant to shut us up lest we be seen as (gasp!) mercenary.

The glorification is what sucks us in to accepting poor working conditions. Too many nurses buy in to their glorified status and feel noble when they can't get a break. They won't back the rest of us when we try to achieve better conditions. The "ministering angel" label is meant to shut us up lest we be seen as (gasp!) mercenary.

Well said, thanks.

Hey, I never said I was an angel. I like to be paid, and I don't work for free. I eat and I pee, most of the time.

But sometimes, I don't.

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.
When I don't have time to stop to pee and change my overflowing tampon until 8-10 hours into my shift, that's a problem that needs to be recognized..

Wait, what? You mean to tell me that you willingly put yourself at risk for TSS by sitting in your tampons for that long? That is appalling. I rebuke that. It literally takes 2 minutes. You mean to tell me that you don't have 2 minutes out of a 12 hour shift? Is this a problem with your facility or a personal problem with time management? This is just a terrible example. This can't be nursing. This can't be life.

Specializes in critical care.

Well, since we're going in that direction, it seems.....

My fellow lady nurses, if you haven't tried Diva or Instead Cups, try them. Diva is a thick and stiff cup that you won't feel once used to it. They are kept and reusable over (I believe) 12 months. Instead is softer, with a thick ring to fit around the cervix and a layer of what kind of is like thicker plastic wrap that creates a cup.

If you don't have the ability to rinse and replace the Diva privately, skip it and do Instead. If you're squeamish about cups, start with Instead. I tried Diva first and we just weren't a good match. But I have friends who sing its praises and will never use anything else ever again.

Cups are great because you have the cleaner convenience of tampons without TSS risk even after 12 hours of use. Liberate yourselves from those disgusting things!

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.
Well, since we're going in that direction, it seems.....

My fellow lady nurses, if you haven't tried Diva or Instead Cups, try them. Diva is a thick and stiff cup that you won't feel once used to it. They are kept and reusable over (I believe) 12 months. Instead is softer, with a thick ring to fit around the cervix and a layer of what kind of is like thicker plastic wrap that creates a cup.

If you don't have the ability to rinse and replace the Diva privately, skip it and do Instead. If you're squeamish about cups, start with Instead. I tried Diva first and we just weren't a good match. But I have friends who sing its praises and will never use anything else ever again.

Cups are great because you have the cleaner convenience of tampons without TSS risk even after 12 hours of use. Liberate yourselves from those disgusting things!

A cup!? Wow. People are really creative. I had never heard of anything like this before. It seems to me that this cup would runneth over on the first day are two, considering they are the heaviest. Meh. Periods. Why can't mother nature just send us a text saying "Guess what Girl! You're not pregnant! Have a great rest of 28 days."

Specializes in critical care.
A cup!? Wow. People are really creative. I had never heard of anything like this before. It seems to me that this cup would runneth over on the first day are two, considering they are the heaviest. Meh. Periods. Why can't mother nature just send us a text saying "Guess what Girl! You're not pregnant! Have a great rest of 28 days."

I tend to add a pad those days, especially if I'm working. With the instead cup, it'll empty on its own when you pee. (Forgive me if I'm getting too graphic.)

Good lord ladies!

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
Good lord ladies!

Bahahahah! I didn't expect all of that. But hey, gotta love it! :)

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Yeah this conversation definitely went 0 to 100, REAL QUICK! haha!

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Well. Scratches head. Wonders where wrong turn was made. Backs away slowly, then turns and breaks into a run.

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