seeing students in the last 15 minutes of the day

Specialties School


Just a quick vent thread about something that makes me want to scream - teachers sending kids to me in the last few minutes of the day for nonsense reasons. I had a little more tolerance when i worked in a bussed district, but now most of these kids are leaving right to the care of their own parents. The need for lip balm and lotion and bandaids for invisible cuts can certainly wait. Kids don't need to ice the bump they got three days ago or be seen for the headache that started in period 2 or lie down for the stomach ache that began after lunch. GRRRRR.....

that it all...

Oh my! My Elem nurse office is near exit door to the buses, cars. The halls are littered with structural poles and during dismissal some prek or K or other is pushed or pushing some down or into the poles and are needing ice, a head inj form and a phone call. I almost hold my breathe as they line up to leave daily. And oh yeah, they moved the last recess time to one hour before school ends. So yeah they hop in as I am trying to wind down, lol.

Specializes in School nurse.

You can sense the doom! My favorites are the Friday injuries/illness at dismissal. Most everyone commutes and Fridays are a nightmare. Which bright idea fairie thinks a Friday special outside 30 min before dismissal is a good idea? Oh no no I will not be left alone with a student in an empty school so which administrator is staying with me while we wait hours for a pick up? Any takers? Better believe that suddenly there is a "things that make you go hmmm" moment after that.

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.

I have a K5 teacher that uses me for TLC, particularly at the beginning of the school year when kids are missing mom. Sadly I'm not a warm cozy type but I push through that personal barrier and do my best! I haven't said, "suck it up, kid, you'll see mom at 3!" yet.

I have one other teacher that always sends late in the day kids. She's new so I'm giving her a pass...for now.

NanaPoo, I had a kindergartener whose mom is a teacher in the building. And the kindergarten teacher was telling her that at the beginning of the school year, some kindergartener was crying after being dropped off at school. The teacher's daughter looked up from her work and said, "You do realize you're going to see your mom after school, don't you?"


A kid came bouncing through my door today just 5 minutes before dismissal announcing that he was bumped in the face. I asked where. He pointed to the area between his eyes. Not even so much as a red mark. What the heck am I going to do 5 minutes before dismissal??? I can't make kids or teachers understand that ice can be used for swelling - not the random markless bump. I told him to go home and his mom could ice if it still hurt.

I always wonder though - is an ice pack even comfortable for a non-existant bump/poke/etc??? The idea of holding something cold on my face seems more painful that just dealing with the 30 seconds of discomfort after getting bumped in the face.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
I always wonder though - is an ice pack even comfortable for a non-existant bump/poke/etc??? The idea of holding something cold on my face seems more painful that just dealing with the 30 seconds of discomfort after getting bumped in the face.

Yea....but you don't get any attention if you don't get the ice pack.

Friday I had a kid come in 10 minutes before dismissal, a parent pick up kid no less. Reason, "I have had to poop all day about every hour" Yeah 10 minutes before your mom arrives...not much I can do for ya.

Specializes in Acute Care, CM, School Nursing.

Last week at dismissal, (literally, the kids were lined up and walking to the buses) all heck broke loose among staff, because a 2nd grade child had "thrown up". So, he comes into my office holding a waste basket. I asked him what happened. He did NOT vomit. He was coughing (has a cold). So, naturally, everyone freaked out and somehow the story ended up being that he vomited.

I radio to hold his bus, as he is OK to go home. I'm told "ok". Well, don't you know, his bus ended up leaving without him anyway. So, I had to make a phone call to the parents, explaining that because of staff idiocy, he now needs to be picked up. Thank goodness the parents were nice about it, and were available to come and get him right away.

Man, I need spring break desperately...

I drove a kid home the other day. Headache at the bell, possible concussion.

Don't know if the drive is allowed. Probably not. I live in this town and his mom was fine with it.

Yesterday I had a bus driver bring a student back to school because she wet herself on the bus ride home.


Yesterday I had a bus driver bring a student back to school because she wet herself on the bus ride home.


Yea, uh, no. I would call the bus company and urge the mom to do the same.

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