Seeing this quite a bit


I've been subscribed to this site for some time now and gravitate to the LPN/LVN since that is my position.

I've been noticing that for quite sometime now most of the postings are related to people lamenting becoming an LPN/LVN. It's usually the same RN vs LPN issue.

It would be refreshing to read items posted about LPNs doing their jobs and NOT complaining about the letters after their name, to me, this subject is old and stale!

As a side note, I'd like to mention that I find it very hard to believe that some people here finished elementary school, let alone nursing school. The spelling and grammar is awful in some of the entries.

Specializes in Pediatric Private Duty; Camp Nursing.
I'd like to mention that I find it very hard to believe that some people here finished elementary school, let alone nursing school. The spelling and grammar is awful in some of the entries.

I agree with that one! Not just here on AN, but all over Facebook and anywhere else I see people expressing themselves! To me, one's grammar and spelling is a presentation of oneself. We cannot see people's grooming and hygiene, nor hear their voices, so their written words are all we have to go on. Judgement of people may not be fair in all cases, but it's nearly always done, whether we admit it or not. A typo here and there is fine, it happens to everyone. But some people... whew! :eek:

Specializes in Pediatric Private Duty; Camp Nursing.

And here's my positive spin about being an LPN... In my second year of nursing, I made more than I was making when I was an elementary school teacher. Granted, it was 12 months of working instead of 9, but the potential earnings were there! Not a bad return for a one-year program!

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

To be honest, I don't think it's LPNs views of themselves so much as it is ignorant people making stupid remarks. The thing is that you don't escape this once you reach the next rung of the ladder. The ADN vs BSN argument spills over, too. The only real way to deal with it is to be true to ourselves and secure in our life choices.

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.

The nurses that have been training me in my new position are all LPNs, and they can run circles around this new grad RN. They are all excellent nurses, and I think that they all enjoy their work. I would imagine that most LPNs are proud of the work they do, but not happy about the perception that they're a rung lower than the RNs. It's like everywhere else, some people think they will feel better about themselves if they can put others down, too bad.

Had to add: The grammar and spelling stuff gets me, too. I hate the "text-speak" world we live in, but I'm trying to adapt. I'm learning to just laugh it off and not be so uptight.

Specializes in Oncology.

I've worked with great LPNS and Great RNs and crummy LPNs and crummy RNs. It's the person and not the letter behind their name.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

As a side note, I'd like to mention that I find it very hard to believe that some people here finished elementary school, let alone nursing school. The spelling and grammar is awful in some of the entries.

Do keep in mind that for a good portion of our posters, English is not their native language; however, English is what we mandate that they post in. If I was plunked in a French-only forum, I'm sure I'd be a spelling/grammatical train wreck too :)

Of course, that doesn't cover everyone, nor does it even remotely address text speak...

IMO, since you can't control how others post, it's easier to just let it roll off you and focus on the message in the post, than to let typos get you worked up.

I've worked with great LPNS and Great RNs and crummy LPNs and crummy RNs. It's the person and not the letter behind their name.

Very true.

Specializes in Palliative.

Ever read William Faulkner? No idea how the dude scammed a Nobel Prize for literature and two Pulitzers with grammar like that.

Do keep in mind that for a good portion of our posters, English is not their native language; however, English is what we mandate that they post in. If I was plunked in a French-only forum, I'm sure I'd be a spelling/grammatical train wreck too :)

Of course, that doesn't cover everyone, nor does it even remotely address text speak...

IMO, since you can't control how others post, it's easier to just let it roll off you and focus on the message in the post, than to let typos get you worked up.

Very true.

I don't accept this arguement. LPNs, RPNs, and LVNs really only exist in North America and Australia. All of which were English speaking areas last time I checked. I know here in Canada, you have to have Grade 12 English to be accepted into the programme and then be able to write at university level throughout the coursework.

I don't accept this arguement. LPNs, RPNs, and LVNs really only exist in North America and Australia. All of which were English speaking areas last time I checked. I know here in Canada, you have to have Grade 12 English to be accepted into the programme and then be able to write at university level throughout the coursework.

I believe they are referring to all posters on all nurses not just the posters in the LPN forum

Specializes in Psych, LTC/SNF, Rehab, Corrections.

People come on the board to vent and share. The experiences of some don't speak for all.

Look at the NCLEX forum. Those posters will have you believing that the test really is that rigorous and difficult. isn't. In fact, 80%+ actually pass (PN AND RN).

For my part? I don't like to make anyone feel bad about themselves, but...I thought the exam was pretty easy. Too easy. There's a degree of difficulty, yeah - but it's 70% 'hype'. it is with the rest of the nurse forum. I've not had the issues that some do. For example, my coworkers are great. We back each other up.

Whole lotta grammer nazi's on the buoard, though....LOL

Well, I'll tell you what I think (since we're all in the 'let's be honest' spirit): If a simple speech error is enough to wreck your inner world? I... wanna be you.

I want a life so perfect that I have to practically invent things to mindlessly b.tch about -- and we're not even talkin' about whatever's going on in anyone's 'real life', here. I'm talking about people getting their panties bunched over some dialogue ... on a message board ... in VIRTUAL WORLD ....

Really? Is it that serious?

Somehow this thread spawned a debate! "Well - LVN/Pns and the like are American. Therefore --"

Really...? Is this happening? Are we really doing this...? LOL

Some have major problems with speech errors and such? Understandable. I, for one, tend to not care for individuals who spend unnecessary amts of energy + time making issues out of non-issues.

It's just... 'petty'.


"Someone on the internet didn't use the proper verb tense!"

Oh, no...! LOL

It's a small thing to be overly concerned with.

Go work at a soup kitchen...y'know what I mean? Organize a clothing drive. Mentor a child. Protest the wars. Find a better use for excess energy. Get 'peeved' about things that actually matter in the REAL WORLD.

I'm type 'A', yes (and quite anal)...but I like to think of myself as a 'sunnier' version(LOL) in that, unlike the bulk of them?

I ...don't take myself that seriously.

On another note, OP starts this thread to complain about those who complain about their jobs and misspell words. Yet, I see:

It would be refreshing to read items posted about LPNs doing their jobs and NOT complaining about the letters after their name, to me, this subject is old and stale!

I'm confused. Is this supposed to be a positive thread...? LOL

Specializes in Pediatric Private Duty; Camp Nursing.

Whole lotta grammer nazi's on the buoard, though....LOL

Must... hold... back.... Irony.... killing... me.....

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