saunders 3rd edition vs 4th edition??


Hello everyone!

I have a question for you about the Saunders NCLEX-RN review book. I used the third edition to study for test during nursing school, and I absolutely loved it! I noticed on more than one occasion there were questions directly from the book on our tests! Well now that I'm officially done nursing school (pinning was yesterday :yeah:) it's time to begin studying for the NCLEX. I see Saunders now has a 4th edition, but I was wondering if they just changed around a few of the questions and if it's not worth buying? Or if with each new edition they update everything completely?

Thanks for your help in advance!


Congrats on pinning and ....

I believe stick on your own one, they can not change any subjects, b/c heart is still heart, kidney is still the same, right? they just change the color of purple to yellow! I had the 3rd one, too and I checked the 4th one, they add some animated picture and change the color. So I studied with my 3rd ed. one. don't you want to take any review course? if you want I would say " Helen feuer".

Wish you luck,

Beejee RN :)


I would always go with the most current edition. The NCLEX exam changed some in April 2007. So that is why there is the 4th edition of Saunders. Yes the systems like the heart and kidney will not change but the format of the questions will change. To be best prepared for this test use the 4th edition.

Specializes in Psychiatric Nursing.

4th edition for updates as well as Alternate type questions...

Definitely 4th edition, where you will see more of the changes will be on the CD with the newer format questions.

Thanks for responding! I am going to buy the 4th edition. I know that the outline of the material won't change, but my question was specifically about the questions. I've ended up memorizing/recongizing almost all of the questions from the 3rd edition.

Thanks again!! :heartbeat

I'm using the 3rd ed. now. and I'm about to finish the book. Can I just used the 4th ed CD instead of buying another book (4th ed.)? I'm about to take the NCLEX exam on the 20th of JUne, my 2nd attempt.The first one, I was really overconfident after passing my local board exam here in the Philippines.I thought I only need to cram on questions available but when I took my first NCLEX exam, whoah!! I stopped at 98th q and really don't have the idea on how to manage those difficult q's. I almost guessed most of the q's like weighing the choices, not until the last 5 to 8 q's were the q's were so easy that you don't have to think of the answer.I thought I was doing fine until the comp stoppped.Then booom!! I failed,that's all thank you...:bluecry1::crying2::banghead:

I'm using the 3rd ed. now. and I'm about to finish the book. Can I just used the 4th ed CD instead of buying another book (4th ed.)? I'm about to take the NCLEX exam on the 20th of JUne, my 2nd attempt.The first one, I was really overconfident after passing my local board exam here in the Philippines.I thought I only need to cram on questions available but when I took my first NCLEX exam, whoah!! I stopped at 98th q and really don't have the idea on how to manage those difficult q's. I almost guessed most of the q's like weighing the choices, not until the last 5 to 8 q's were the q's were so easy that you don't have to think of the answer.I thought I was doing fine until the comp stoppped.Then booom!! I failed,that's all thank you...:bluecry1::crying2::banghead:

hi jemmacute!

im also from the philippines..

and i think we have the same experience!

i took my first nclex last march.. failed it..

and im retaking probably on june or july..

got me up to 265! damn that anxiety attack!


oops, regarding the 3rd or 4th ed, i finished reading the 3rd ed for my first, it was good, but if the u can get the latest editon, it would be better!

Thanks for responding! I am going to buy the 4th edition. I know that the outline of the material won't change, but my question was specifically about the questions. I've ended up memorizing/recongizing almost all of the questions from the 3rd edition.

Thanks again!! :heartbeat

The questions are not the same and you get the new format questions.

Just a cautionary warning: the worst thing that you can do is memorize any of the questions. They will not be exact on your exam, and if one word is changed, they may be looking at a different answer.

Your goal should be to understand what they are looking for in answer.

I'm using the 3rd ed. now. and I'm about to finish the book. Can I just used the 4th ed CD instead of buying another book (4th ed.)? I'm about to take the NCLEX exam on the 20th of JUne, my 2nd attempt.The first one, I was really overconfident after passing my local board exam here in the Philippines.I thought I only need to cram on questions available but when I took my first NCLEX exam, whoah!! I stopped at 98th q and really don't have the idea on how to manage those difficult q's. I almost guessed most of the q's like weighing the choices, not until the last 5 to 8 q's were the q's were so easy that you don't have to think of the answer.I thought I was doing fine until the comp stoppped.Then booom!! I failed,that's all thank you...:bluecry1::crying2::banghead:

Would not recommend it. The CD only comes with the book and is not available on its own legally.

Your choice as to what to do, but I would recommend going thru the 4th edition and then use the CD that comes with that.

Would not recommend it. The CD only comes with the book and is not available on its own legally.

Your choice as to what to do, but I would recommend going thru the 4th edition and then use the CD that comes with that.

Hi! Ma'am suzanne. But does it mean I have to buy the 4th edition and read all over again. But if it does what you suggest, I'm more willing to follow it. My question is, do I have to re schedule my exam so as to finish the book? thanks and more power:)

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