I have become increasingly frustrated during bedside report at change of shift. Ignorant nurses wanting to know ridiculous details or why I didn't do certain things. I'm not telling the Dr. To switch my patient from their current anti-depressant to citalopram because YOU think it's Indictated. There is a reason why PSYCH decided on the particular medication and we need to give it a fair chance. I'm not advocating for an increase dose in flomax because it was started yesterday.....these things take time. I did however ask for an order for a temporary foley until the medication takes effect so the poor patient doesn't need to be straight cath'd q shift (and put it in of course). I'm sorry I didn't change the OD drsg either, my patient in another room passed away and I was comforting her husband. Nursing is a 24 hour job, not everything needs to be done between 7-3. All my patients are clean, comfortable, turned, and all the orders/tasks for my shift have been completed when I pass my patient off to you. I did not read social works last note, but I also didn't take a lunch break or pee. That's because I was helping a more junior nurse with a difficult IV stick and showering my patients because that has not been done for a week and I know you will be too busy texting to bother with it yourself.
You were the last straw- the reason why I accepted a position on another unit. We often work understaffed with high acuity patients that also require complete care. It's not safe. I cannot provide the quality care I would want my loved ones to receive and therefor feel like a crappy, inadequate nurse. I truly hope the staffing and other rough areas on the unit improve for you- surely working there is taking a toll on everybody.
the above vent is NOT the main reason why I left, but was the catalyst for being fed up with years of an unsafe environment and apathetic manager. The finger-pointing and witch-hunting when people make an error needs to stop. Mistakes don't need to be advertised during a staff meeting for everybody to know. I'm getting out before I become the subject of the aforementioned witch hunts.
thanks for reading my vent. Now I must put my game face back on and get back to work.