Rady Children's New Grad RN Residency Summer 2019


Hey all! Just wanted to start a thread for those who are applying for the RN new grad program at Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego for the Summer 2019 cohort so we can update each other about what's going on! Good luck to everyone!

I am! Thank you for starting this thread. Good luck to everyone ?

Which units did everyone apply to? I applied to Hem/Onc as first choice and Surgical as second choice. I graduated in December from a nursing school in San Diego and just passed the NCLEX!

I applied to Hem/Onc as my first choice and medical as my second. I am graduating in April from a nursing school in Indiana but I am originally from socal. I am hoping that I will be able to have my license transferred by the start date if I get accepted.

I applied to CVICU/ACU as my first choice and Surgical as my second. Congrats newgradhopeful on passing your NCLEX!! Sending everyone positive thoughts & good luck ?

Hi all! I applied to NICU as my first choice and ED as my second. I'll be graduating in May this year!

Hello everyone, I applied to General Medicine as my first PICU as my second. Applying all the way from Pittsburgh, good luck to everyone!

Applied to CVICU as my first choice, Hem/Onc as my second. Good luck everyone! Keep us updated :)

Hi ya’ll! Graduated in December and got my license earlier this month. Applied to ED first choice and Urgent Care second!

I applied to NICU as my first choice and Medical as my second. I'm applying from Connecticut and will be graduating in May!

Hey everyone! I'm originally from Boston and graduated in December! I just passed my NCLEX for California earlier this month. I applied to Hem/onc first choice and surgical second! Good luck everyone!!!

Hi everyone! I applied to NICU as my first choice and medical as my second choice. I got my license last month! Good luck all!

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